Essays and Research Papers on Womens' Rights Struggle

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This 12 page paper examines the feminist ideas and philosophy of Beauvoir. Furthermore, these ideas are examined in light of other notable philosophers and their attitudes towards women's issues, such as those of Mill and Aristotle. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

Lucretia Mott

  • 5 page paper

5 pages in length. The quest for antislavery and women's rights was as much a part of Lucretia Mott's very being as was the need to breathe air. The extent to which these two issues served to define Mott's entire existence is both grand and far-reaching; that this Quaker is part of history's ...

An 8 page paper which examines how women’s experiences, in Great Britain, during WWII led to greater opportunities in post WWII. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

Feminist Novels:

  • 4 page paper

This 4 page paper examines feminist literature such as "The Guide", "Maru", "Nervous Conditions", and "The Collector of Treasures" and discusses why these post-colonial stories are such ppowerful examples of feminist issues. This paper provides examples from these stories to illustrate the strength of the female characters and their refusal to be oppressed by ...

Women’s Progress

  • 3 page paper

A 3 page overview of the activities of some of the women active between 1890 and 1990, particularly as they were affected by race, class and gender. Many insist on viewing the “women’s movement” as a phenomenon of the 1960s and early 1970s, as if until that time, no woman had had a thought ...

This 7 page paper presents a hypothetical situation as presented by a student. Karl Marx is brought back to life and attends a banquet in his honor. The paper provides a speech by a professor who supports the feminist movement, but is not enamored with Marx's work. Marx is provided an opportunity to respond. ...

This 5 page paper answers five questions posed by a student regarding feminism. Several subjects are addressed including its relationship with the Enlightenment and with Marxism as well. Radical feminism and liberal feminism are examined. The movement is also looked at from the African American perspective and many unique insights are presented. All questions are ...

This 6 page paper examines the viewpoints of John Kerry and George Bush in terms of their stance on women's issues. Furthermore, by assessing their positions on these issues, this paper illustrates how the view of women has evolved politically. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

Feminism in Henrik Ibsen's 'A Doll's House' A 5 page paper which examines how Henrik Ibsen's social drama, 'A Doll's House' is representative of feminism. Bibliography lists 6 sources. Filename: TGdolls.rtf

A 3 page paper which compares and contrasts two legendary American women, Jane Addams and Annie Oakley. Bibliography lists 2 sources.

A 3 page paper which examines the position of “Jane Roe” today, Simon Blackburn’s perspective on abortin in “Being Good” and the case of Roe v. Wade. Bibliography lists sources.

This 7 page paper discusses the feminist overtones and themes in the characters of Willa Cather and Gertrude Stein. Quotes cited from texts. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

This 5 page paper discusses the ideas and theories of Susan Estrich and Laura Flanders in their feminist writings. Quotes cited from texts. Bibliography lists 2 sources.

A 10 page paper presenting a study and concluding that the gender gap still exists, 40 years after it was being labeled as illegal through legislation. Though not included, a 4-slide PowerPoint presentation is available. Bibliography lists 10 sources.

A 4 page discussion of DuBois involvement in the women's rights movement. DuBois believed in the equality of all peoples. He advocated birth control and the movement of women to higher societal positions. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

Women in Society

  • 3 page paper

This 3 page paper uses a prompt submitted by a student as a springboard for discussion. Views of women from a Muslim perspective are touched on. Simone De Beauvoir's views are highlighted. Bibliography lists 2 sources.


  • 4 page paper

This 4-page paper discusses various statistics as it pertains to violence against women in the U.S. Also touched on are statistics from Los Angeles and Washington, D.C. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

This 6 page paper discusses three significant events in 1966, one political, one social, and one economic. The events explained are: the attempt of the Japanese CP to engage other nations in establishing a united front against the U.S. escalation of the war in Vietnam, the founding of the National Organization for Women and the ...

This 5 page paper examines the three categories in which Lorber breaks down feminism. Feminism in general is defined and explored. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

Woolf and Freud

  • 3 page paper

A 3 page paper which examines how Virginia Woolf's perceptions in "A Room of One's Own" were similar or dissimilar to the views of Freud. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

4 pages in length. There have been myriad movements throughout history that have served to alter the very course upon which humankind bases its progression. However, one might readily surmise how none were quite as consequential as women's rights and labor, given the extent to which each movement set new standards of equity ...

Second Wave Feminism

  • 5 page paper

This 5 page paper discusses second wave feminism and some of the works that speak to the issues involved in it. Bibliography lists 9 sources.

Women and Sweatshops

  • 4 page paper

This 4 page paper argues that the sweatshop problem is a women's issue. How women are abused by this industry is examined. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

This 8 page paper provides a general book review and focuses attention on the idea of sex and gender construction. Some quotes are included from Pratt's work. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

A 4 page paper which examines how women have come a long way in society, but yet they have not come far enough to really be considered equal in a man’s world. Bibliography lists 2 sources.

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