Essays and Research Papers on U.S. International Relations

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A 6 page paper which examines and analyzes Daniel Pipe’s work “Militant Islam Reaches America.” Bibliography lists 3 sources.

A 5 page letter to the president discussing the state of international adoption and making recommendations for US policy. International adoption descended into child trafficking in Romania and Russia, among others, to the point that the EU placed a moratorium on Romanian adoptions to foreign countries. The number of “available” children drastically declined ...

4 pages in length. The myriad global and national issues that will serve to shape the fundamental progress of the United States in the twenty-first century are both grand and far-reaching; that the quest to establish global peace continues to reside at the forefront of all other efforts speaks to the overreaching goals and ...

A 3 page overview of the concerns George Washington had for the ongoing welfare of the U.S., concerns detailed in his 1796 "Farewell Address". The threats of the political party and European allegiances were a particular worry for Washington. No additional sources are listed.

A 3 page paper that argues the war in Iraq is unjustified. The writer discusses reasons to support the argument and offers alternatives. Bibliography lists 2 sources.

A 3 page consideration of the different views that are in play regarding third world sweat shops. There is considerable contrast between the view that the establishment of these types of businesses benefit those that are ultimately employed in them and the view that sweat shops amount to no more than American businesses taking ...

A 5 page overview of U.S. foreign policy as it has been applied to South Korea since the end of the Korean War. The author clarifies that much of this policy was implemented in response not just to South Korean concerns but to North Korean and Soviet Union concerns. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

A 3 page persuasive paper which discusses why the United States should continue to support Israel through money, military, and diplomacy. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

5 pages in length. Exploring two ethical theories – categorical imperativism and ethical egoism – helps one to gain a significantly better understanding as to why the Bush Administration should immediately transfer all detainees captured in the "War on Terror" to civilian detention centers and afford them with all of the due process rights ...

4 pages in length. The extent to which a comprehensive approach toward the ever-present threat of terrorist activity is necessary is both grand and far-reaching; that the UN Security Council's actions against terrorism have proven legally questionable, however, speaks to the application of Resolution 1441 to justify 'all necessary means' and the notion of ...

A 20 page review of the economic problems that have confronted the Middle East since the mid-twentieth century. Concentrating on Jordan, United Arab Emirates, and Oman, the author analyzes the importance of trade agreements and economic diversification. Numerous statistics are provided. Bibliography lists 12 sources.

A 20 page contention that our military actions in Iraq have been justified by the threat that Saddam Hussein presented not just to his own country but to the world. This paper substantiates just cause. Bibliography lists 15 sources.

This 10 page paper examines the new world order. How things have changed and where they are headed is discussed. The world order is defined and major wars and small scale conflicts are part of the equation. Globalization is a large part of the discussion as is isolationism. All issues are ...


  • 6 page paper

This 6-page paper attempts to tie the banana trade wars together with political maneuvering, even to the point where it has helped elect presidents of the U.S. Bibliography lists 9 sources.

This 4 page persuasive essay examines political realism and compares it with others such as liberalism, Marxism and nationalism. The paper argues that realism is most realistic based on man's essential nature. Bibliography lists 2 sources.

A 6 page (4 pp. + 2 pp. Annotated Bibliography) paper that evaluates the Communist hysteria that gripped America during the late 1940s and early 1950s and evaluates the allegations that led to the arrest and trial of the New York couple on espionage charges. Specifically considered are whether they received a fair trial ...

This 5 page paper evaluates the Euro's influence on security issues and foreign policy matters. Relations between the the two continents are discussed. Hobbes and Machiavelli are mentioned. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

Telhami: The Stakes

  • 6 page paper

This 6 page paper discusses Telhami's book on U.S. policy in the Middle East. Bibliography lists 2 sources.

This 7-page paper discusses the current, and tense, relationships between the People's Republic of China, the U.S. and Taiwan. The paper also discusses how destabilized China would be if Taiwan were to declare independence. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

This 3 page reaction paper provides a response to the agreement, and the meeting in 2005, regarding this deal between Canada, Mexico and the U.S. A Canadian perspective is taken. No bibliography.

This 3 page paper looks at the U.S. involvement in the Vietnam War and claims it was not justified. Communism is discussed. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

This 6 page paper examines the war in Iraq, its cause and the role of the UN. Did the US use the UN for its own purposes? This paper suggests that this is the case. Bibliography lists 10 sources.

This 16 page paper evaluates a variety of issues such as war and the economy. Everything is looked at through the IR lens. While realism is the focus of this paper, other paradigms are discussed. Many examples are provided in this thoughtful look at the state of the world. Bibliography lists 13 sources. ...

A 4 page discussion of the manner greed has influenced U.S. international policy in terms of the environment. Our failure to ratify the 1992 Earth Summit treaty is emphasized. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

Democracy in Iraq

  • 3 page paper

This 3 page paper evaluates the transition in Iraq with the help of Rustow's theories. The paper argues that democracy takes time and it will be successful in Iraq. Bibliography lists 1 source.

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