Essays and Research Papers on U.S. International Relations

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This paper provides an in-depth examination of the evolution of submarine warfare between the years of 1776 and 1918. This analysis illustrates just how powerful submarine warfare became as a military tool and how much technology has changed the impact of submarine warfare in comparison to its humble beginings. Bibliography lists 7 sources.

The Iraq War

  • 8 page paper

An 8 page paper which examines some of the timeline of the Iraq War from 1990 to the present. The paper discusses some of the causes and affects, and the continuation of a historical involvement with Iraq. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

In 2002, after stating that the United States had received “invaluable assistance” from “close friends” like New Zealand, President George W. Bush stated how the global war against terrorism has proven how the U.S.’s alliances in Asia “not only underpin regional peace and stability, but are flexible and ready to deal with new challenges.” (Bush, ...

A 10 page overview of this segment of the Korean War. The author provides a timeline detailing American involvement in the war. Although most major encounters are covered, emphasis is placed on the involvement of the United States Army’s 7th Division, and even more specifically the 57th Field Artillery Unit. Bibliography lists ...

The New World Order

  • 5 page paper

This 5 page paper examines the concept of the New World Order and how it relates to the fall of communism and globalization. The cold war is discussed as it preceded the emergence of the paradigm. Bibliography lists 5 sources

10 pages in length. The writer discusses Kuwait's long-time problems and challenges with terrorism, focusing primarily upon the Gulf War and American intervention. Bibliography lists 7 sources.

A 10 page discussion of the motives behind our actions in Iraq. The U.S. invasion of Iraq has had the halls of academia astir with questions such as: Was the invasion of Iraq a disguised form of Imperialism? Or was the invasion of Iraq a justified form of national interest? Or maybe both? ...

A 4 page overview of the bipolarization that occurred between the U.S. and the U.S.S.R. starting at the end of World War II. While the Russians were our allies during this war, its culmination left much to be desired from the Russian perspective. The result was the Cold War, a period of low ...

Turkey and the EU

  • 7 page paper

A paper which considers the progress of Turkey's application to join the European Union, with particular reference to the implications for international business, and the importance of the country as a link between the Muslim world and the West. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

This 4 page paper discusses the hampering of humanitarian issues due to global interdependence being roadblocked by various nations. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

This 4 page paper examines the changing environment since the Cold War. Attention is paid to the effects of 9/11. Bibliography lists 2 sources.

A 4 page exploration of U.S. strengths and weaknesses as they relate to national and world security. The author contends that the U.S. can fight more than one war at a time and, in fact, that we are currently exerting the equivalent military effort that would be required of two simultaneous wars in our ...

A 5 page overview of the factors affecting military involvement in third world countries' internal politics. The author discusses this involvement in respect to the concept of new military professionalism, a trend towards interrelated political and military skills. Examples of regimes include China, the U.S., and countries such as North Korea, Iraq, Iran, ...

This 23 page paper discusses the new generation of American protesters as they engage in a debate over the war with Iraq. Comparisons and contrasts made with the protesters of the sixties and seventies and the new century protesters. Methods, tactics, predictions made. Bibliography lists 17 sources.

The CIA in Latin America

  • 12 page paper

The U.S. Central Intelligence Agency's involvement in Latin America has been long-lived and complex. The author uses examples from Guatemala when the CIA sided with the United Fruit Company in their contentions that Guatemala was becoming Communist and examples from Chile where the CIA once again justified its actions as necessary for the fight ...

A 4 page review of Michael A. Ledeen’s work “The War Against the Terror Masters.” Bibliography lists one additional source.

A 4 page contention that not only do infectious diseases present a national security threat, the United States has no real provisions for making a concerted response to biological terrorism. The author emphasizes that provisions to address this threat should be a priority. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

A 4 page emphasis on the importance of constantly revamping our security technology. Of the various shortcomings we have in terms of U.S. Homeland Security, technological obsolescence is one of the most glaring. Technology forms the basis of our national security. Technology, however, is an ever-evolving phenomena. We often find ourselves ...

Human Rights in Sudan

  • 7 page paper

A 7 page paper which discusses aspects of human rights in Sudan and focuses on child issues regarding human rights. The paper offers suggestions for issues relating to children and human rights in Sudan. Bibliography lists 8 sources.

An 8 page essay that discusses the major points from General Wesley Clark's autobiographical account of the Kosovo war, Waging Modern War. While Clark agrees with the political objectives of the Kosovo campaign and successfully used military force to obtain these objectives, his description of his Kosovo experience paints a scenario in which this successful ...

Realism and Neorealism

  • 4 page paper

This 4 page paper examines the concept of traditional realism and looks at how neo-realism has changed it. The two theories are compared and contrasted. Bibliography lists 2 sources.

A 14 page discussion on the impacts of globalization. While it is not valid to categorize all of the impacts of globalization as negative, it must be admitted that many are. With an objective analysis of the issues, in fact, it is easy to see that numerous factors come into play with globalization and the ...

Islamic extremist hatred is responsible for planning and executing the attacks against the United States on September 11, 2001. The result was been the implementation of strong security measures bringing with them religious undertones to politics. Recent politics are preemptive and they are largely directed against Muslims resulting in overt discrimination. It also has resulted ...

A 6 page research paper that address 3 questions on the formulation of US foreign policy. The writer addresses Cold War issues and discusses the various models used in foreign policy formulation. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

If the U.S. were to lose control of the world’s resources, the country would come to a very quick stop and lose all rights to the world supremacy it currently enjoys. To prevent the end of God’s country, the George W. Bush Administration has proclaimed war against an “axis of evil” that has to do ...

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