Essays and Research Papers on U.S. History (1900s)

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The paper details for each term paper, essay, book report, dissertations and thesis on U.S. History (1900s) that are listed below include a description of the paper. the number of pages, and a sample of text.

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This 8 page paper provides an overview of the basic strategies utilized by both the United States and Iraq and focuses specifically on two elements of the military strategy in each situation. This paper considers specific national security issues related to the strategies and the outcomes of the decisions. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

A 23 page research paper that provides an overview of the political, social and military makeup of Gulf War strategy. Concentrating on the military end of this equation and an analysis of the outcome of that war, the writer posits that because of the temporary success of that strategy in the view of ...

A 7 page paper discussing President Bush's statement that Desert Storm would not turn into another Vietnam and what he meant by that statement. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

A 6 page summary of the book edited by Micah L. Sifry and Christopher Cerf. No other sources listed.

A 40 page paper that provides an overview of the basic elements that impacted the Clinton candidacy in 1992 and provided a win for Clinton even in light of controversy, questions of ethics, and the presence of Ross Perot. Bibliography lists 35 sources.

6 pages in length. Within the three hundred and 8 pages of Robert M. Citino's book entitled 'Armored Forces' exists the proof necessary to ascertain just how positive an impact the tanks played during Desert Storm. It can be argued that by incorporating the latest in military technological advancements, the soldiers of this ...

Operation Earnest Will

  • 5 page paper

A 5 page research paper that analyzes the success of Operation Earnest Will. Three years before Operation Desert Shield and Operation Desert Storm, the U.S. Navy was involved in Operation Earnest Will, which was part of a conflict that has been referred to as the 'tanker war' of 1987-88. Operation Earnest Will foreshadowed Operations Desert ...

A 3 page paper discussing 'Bananas, Beaches, and Bases' by Cynthia Enloe and how the Persian Gulf War would be described from Enloe's feminist perspective. No additional sources cited.

A 3 page paper summarizing U.S. President Bill Clinton's 1997 state of the union address. The writer discusses Clinton's 'call to action' and his aspirations for the United States over the four years that would follow. No bibliography.

A 5 page research paper investigating how President John F. Kennedy approached his vigorous defense of liberty at home and abroad compared to how President Bill Clinton approached the same goal. Reasons for the differences between the two include the fact that this is an entirely different world and the fact that President Clinton also ...

A 9 page research paper on social conditions which caused the eruption of the 1992 Los Angeles Riots. The writer posits that the Rodney King verdict was merely a final stimulus ('the straw that broke the camel's back') for the ensuing violence but that various other social, economic, cultural, and demographic factors contributed to it ...

An 8 page paper exploring some of the issues before the 105th Congress, which convened January 7, 1997. For the first time in 68 years, the Congress was controlled by the Republicans for the second consecutive year, though not by the margin they enjoyed before the 1996 November elections. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

A 4 page paper discussing the similarities and differences between Clinton's Jan. 1998 State of the Union Address and Reagan's Jan. 1982 State of the Union Address. Bibliography lists 2 sources.

This 5 page report discusses the positive aspects of President Bill Clinton's Administration and outlines some of the many accomplishments he and his administration have made in the past six years. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

Clinton's Red Herrings

  • 5 page paper

A 5 page review of the tactics employed by Bill Clinton to distract the American public from the details of the ongoing presidential sex scandal. Offers the US bombing of the Sudanese pharmaceuticals plant as one example of a red herring being thrown out by the Clinton administration. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

The Iraq Crisis

  • 5 page paper

A 5 page opinion essay that expresses Clinton's potentially doomed idea of getting public support for invasion of Iraq. The writer provides a factual background for the reasons that Clinton would want to pursue military action vs. his adversaries—the U.N., Saddam, and U.S. citizens. Bibliography included.

(The) Americorps Program

  • 12 page paper

12 pages of text plus 15 sources listed in a bibliography, many end notes, and 2 appendices. Paper discusses and analyzes the controversial issues surrounding Clinton's dying Americorps program during the mid-1990's.

A 5 page overview of the AmeriCorps program initiated by the Clinton administration. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

A 6 page paper describing the events following the fatal accident. Details of the search which ensued are covered. The fact that there were two sperate conclusions as to the cause of the crash is descrbed. There are also details given as to the changes in regulations ,and rules that occurred as a result ...

This 10 page paper compares social services today to the same programs as they existed in the 1930's. The evolution of the programs from that time period until present is examined in this paper that touches on the unemployment situation, welfare reform, problems with social security and the need for a national health insurance plan. ...

A 5 page paper that considers the political theories and sociological impacts supported in Morris' book Behind the Oval Office. This paper demonstrates the way in which Morris used his understanding of major political and socioligical theories to assist in the re-election of Clinton in 1996. No additional sources cited.

A 5 page paper evaluating areas of nationwide Congressional and gubernatorial races in terms of debates, polls and the final results including the resulting state of balance of power in both the House and Senate. Elections held in years when there is no presidential election as well typically generate only mild interest on the ...

A 5 page discussion of the Progressive Movement and its accomplishments in the first two decades of the twentieth century. Discusses the deplorable working conditions and the many reforms which were implemented as a result of the Progressive Movement. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

10 pages in length. The writer discusses various events that occurred during the 20th century that will continue to have an effect upon the 21st century. Bibliography lists 11 sources. TLC20-21.wps

F.D.R.'s 'New Deal'

  • 12 page paper

A comprehensive 12 page overview of Franklin D. Roosevelt's 'New Deal.' The writer explains the President's program and discusses the various measures that FDR took including those concerning labor, agriculture, restoring public confidence in banking, and more. Statistical information concerning government funding and its ultimate effectiveness is provided. Several sources footnoted.

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