Essays and Research Papers on Theology

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This 9 page paper discusses prayer in the Catholic Church. The paper begins with a definition of prayer from the Catholic Encyclopedia and then moves on to include comments from others. The Catechism of the Catholic Church is also referenced. The Gospels instruct us about the necessity of prayer and how to pray. The last ...

A 6 page essay that offers an overview of Haddon Robinson's text Biblical Preaching, the development and delivery of expository messages, which has been considered a classic text, aiding seminary students in learning the art of expository sermon preparation and delivery for decades. The writer discusses Robinson's definition of expository preaching. No additional sources cited.

This 8 page paper takes a look at possible ways to expand a church. A hypothetical example is provided. Ways to improve donations and tithes are explored and a look at other ideas, such as financing projects, are also discussed. Bibliography lists 15 sources.

This 5 page paper compares and contrasts the Gospels of Mark and John relative to the passion, death and resurrection of Jesus. The writer begins by providing a list of the events that are most similar in the two Gospels. The essay then moves into the differences between the two. Two of the major differences, ...

A 10 page research paper that argues that while the gospels tell, essentially, the same story, there are distinct difference in their style and emphasis. In particular, the write stresses the differences between the synoptic gospels and John. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

A 5 page paper which discusses why Joan of Arc was seen as a savior of sorts, then seen as a threat and killed, and lastly canonized. No sources cited.

This 9 page paper addresses the fact that Buddhism spread in Asia much more quickly than did Islam. Why Buddhism is more popular in Asia is explored. Relevant historical facts are duly noted. Bibliography lists 13 sources.

The Spread of Buddhism

  • 9 page paper

A 9 page paper which examines why Buddhism spread throughout the whole of East and Southeast Asia when Islam did not. Bibliography lists 7 sources.

This is a 5 page paper describing the impact of the September 11th, 2001 had on the Islamic community of San Diego. The Islamic community in San Diego was hard hit after the terrorists’ attacks of September 11, 2001 for many reasons: firstly, two of the terrorists were found to have been living in their ...

This 15 page paper discusses the age old questions of: What is evil? Why does evil exist? Why does God allow it to exist? What is original sin? What is the relationship between original sin and evil? Opinions are explored from the various writings and philosophies of John Hicks, St. Augustine, John Hume, St. Aquinas, ...

A 5 page review of this classic theological analysis. The author rates Mann’s book as superior in its field. Mann offers, in fact, extraordinary insight into both the origin of the Torah and God’s relationship with man as it is revealed in the Torah. This paper is largely devoted to delineating the ...

A five page paper which looks at T.E. Fretheim's interpretation of the Pentateuch, particularly with regard to its historical and theological significance and the interaction of the potential audience with the text. Bibliography lists 1 source

This 6 page paper provides an overview of this book that addresses the question of wisdom emanating from the Old Testament. Other issues are addressed as well and there is a focus on how the author treats poverty and wealth in society. Bibliography lists 2 sources.

A 5 page paper which examines the historical significance of Anita Diamant’s novel “The Red Tent.” No additional sources cited.

This 7 page paper discusses what was required for salvation in the Old Testament. The writer cites Scripture to illustrate how one could gain righteousness, which is needed for redemption and salvation. The conclusion is that while the means are somewhat different the substance of what one must do for salvation is the same in ...

A 5 page book report that focuses on the many virtues of Anthony R. Ceresko's book, Introduction to the Old Testament: A Liberation Perspective. The writer discusses Ceresko's approach to Old Testament scripture, explaining how it is based on the theoretical model of Norman Gottwald, and also mentions the areas in which the book ...

A paper which considers Proudfoot's definition of religious reductionism, especially with reference to the difference between explanatory and descriptive reduction, and the reasons why the latter is not appropriate to an analysis of religious experience. Bibliography lists 3 sources

An 11 page character sketch of Joseph, son of Jacob, and how he matures from a brash, young boy to a remarkable leader. The writer argues that by examining Joseph's story in Genesis, one learns a great deal not only about Joseph's character, but also how his character develops due to his experiences in Egypt. ...

This 18 page paper delivers an in-depth analysis of Charles Colson and Nancy Pearcey's books, How Now Shall We Live. Numerous quotes from the text are cited to support each analysis of the various sections of the book. The idea of worldview and its application are explored, and the influence of other evangelical writers is ...

This 5 page paper answers four questions asked by the student, including, what is meant by printed material being an “amplification and reinforcement” of existing messages, how printed media influenced the concept of knowledge ilm in the Muslim world, the influences and role of the overlaps between printed media and the historical and cultural significance ...

This 10 page paper discusses the findings in Neusner's definitive work on the Torah and the Jewish faith. The topics of God's nature, Jewish daily living, beliefs, changes over the years, and the relationship between believer and non-believer are covered. A general and basic overview is also provided. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

This 6 page paper provides an overview of Christology. The concept is defined and dilemmas within the study are explored. How Judaism relates to the concept is also discussed. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

A 6 page bibliographic essay that evaluates the various interpretations offered by contemporary historical writers on the subject. Bibliography lists 8 sources.

This 5 page paper discusses the similarities and differences between Judaism and Christianity in relation to belief in: God; Jesus; the Trinity; evil; free will; original sin; afterlife, Heaven and Hell. Christianity is based on the belief that Jesus is the Son of God and that He came to earth to redeem man. The beliefs ...

A 6 page analysis of the spread of Islam in Africa. This paper connects that spread to the Islamic quest for gold and the sub-Saharan gold trade which resulted. Observations are made to support the contention that that cross cultural contact greatly increased as a result of the Islamic and African participation in ...

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