Essays and Research Papers on The Courtroom

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The paper details for each term paper, essay, book report, dissertations and thesis on The Courtroom that are listed below include a description of the paper. the number of pages, and a sample of text.

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This 14-page paper focuses on the topic of malpractice costs, insurance, and its impact on physicians and patients. The paper discusses two issues: first, if there is a malpractice crisis and second, if tort reform will fix it. Bibliography lists 7 sources.

3 pages in length. The writer briefly discusses the following: How much inquiry is enough; how do you evaluate evidence; and how do you express judgments effectively? Bibliography lists 4 sources.

This 5-page paper attempts to examine how courts handle union and employer complaints that don't go through the arbitration process. Bibliography lists 2 sources.

A paper which considers the Frye Rule, and its application in the modern judicial system, with particular reference to the battered women syndrome formulated by Walker. Bibliography lists 4 sources

19 pages in length. The arguments on both sides of the courtroom camera issue are compelling representations of how an issue can be so hotly divided. By allowing cameras to record the courtroom proceedings, critics say it is nothing more than voyeuristic television; defenders, however, say it is the right of every UK ...

Criminal Mischief

  • 8 page paper

This 8 page paper examines the concept of criminal mischief and how it plays out around the world and in various states. New York is highlighted and other states and nations are mentioned. Bibliography lists 10 sources.

A 3 page research paper/essay that examines the rationale behind punishment within the legal system and how this rationale applies to the mentally ill. In the United States system of jurisprudence, a person may not be held accountable for illegal actions that the individual commits if it can be determined that this person is mentally ...

A 4 page discussion of the role the Phoenix DA's office plays in combating hate crimes. The author notes the provision of special prosecutorial teams which Phoenix has created to more effectively deal with these crimes. Community outreach is an important component of this address as well. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

This 3 page paper provides the facts of this case and a look at the reasoning for the judge's decision. The case involves evidence rules. Bibliography lists 2 sources.

A 5 page research paper that defends two aspects of the American legal systems, lawyers and judges, as providing value to the system in their current form. To substantiate this argument, the writer cites a case made famous by the movie "A Civil Action," Brown vs. Board of Education, and other examples. Bibliography lists 9 ...

The Insanity Defense

  • 5 page paper

This 5 page paper explores the merits of this defense. When it is used, whether it is successful, and things of that nature, are discussed. The idea of irresistible impulse is duly noted. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

A 3 page paper discussing the issue of trespass to personal property. The court found that Bidder’s Edge had interfered with and “damaged” eBay’s site - and therefore its place of business. Bidder’s Edge was forced to cease gaining information about eBay’s site in that manner, but it was free to pursue another ...

Valid Contracts

  • 3 page paper

A 3 page paper discussing the four elements of a valid contract (mutual assent, consideration, capacity and legality) and the objective theory of contracts in answer to four questions. The example case used is John D.R. Leonard v. PEPSICO, Inc. 88 F.Supp.2d 116 (S.D.N.Y. 1999), in which the viewer of a Pepsi commercial ...

This 5 page tutorial takes a look at this case. Information about the case is relayed and alternatives for the union are recommended. This Supreme Court case involves disparate impact. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

A 10 page paper which examines the alarming precedent of cases involving judges and judicial misconduct, considering two recent cases involving such state judges as Maria I. Lopez in Massachusetts and D. Ronald Hyde of California. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

This 4 page paper evaluates why there are few minorities represented in the legal profession. Some statistics are provided. The peremptory challenge as a way to promote white juries is also discussed. Bibliography lists 2 sources.

A 6 page research paper that presents a scenario involving a 12-year-old offender and then presents possible sentencing options. The writer argues in favor of keeping the boy in the juvenile justice system, rather than trying him as an adult. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

A 4 page research paper that discusses whether or not juvenile defendants should have the right to trial by jury. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

Tort Reform

  • 3 page paper

A 3 page research paper that argues that proposed tort reform, which would place a cap on medical malpractice awards, would not significantly reduce physicians' insurance payments, aid the public, or reduce health costs. It would, however, greatly benefit the insurance industry. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

A 3 page paper discussing the adversarial style of the American justice system and musing under which judicial decision-making system the writer would prefer to be judged if charged – but innocent of – a serious felony crime. The accused should prefer rule utilitarianism if innocent, probably a teleological or deontological perspective if guilty. ...

This 5 page paper examines four cases where jury decisions were overturned by the court. The reasons are numerous but involve either misconduct or the incompetence of the jury. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

This 8 page paper cpnsiders how the case of Barber v Somerset County Council(2004) the House of Lords may have failed to take adequate account of the realities of modern work and of the changes in the typical workplace over the last thirty years. The bibliography cites 6 sources.

This 4-page paper discusses the case of Sima Rabinovicz when, riding on a Monsey Trail Bus, she was asked to move her seat by Hasidic Jews who wanted to wall off part of the bus for prayer. The paper discusses the specifics of the case, the role of Jewish women (Orthodox) and whether the case ...

This 5-page paper, using Werth's "Damages" book as a jumping-off point, studies the tort system as it pertains to medical malpractice and other litigation. The questions answered include what it would take to try to reduce the liability of the system. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

This 5-page paper discusses the path of a work-based discrimination complaint, focusing on a fictitious employee named John. Through this paper, we see John file through the EEOC, then through the court system. Bibliography lists 2 sources.

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