Essays and Research Papers on The Bible

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This 3 page essay discusses 3 writings from early Roman history and their implications in regards to how Christianity was perceived and how this perception led to persecution against Christians. Bibliography lists 3 sources, however, it lists only the names of the writings and the citations are, therefore, incomplete.

Did Paul Write Ephesians

  • 11 page paper

An 11 page research paper that discusses whether or not Paul wrote Ephesians. The writer outlines the parameters of this debate and offers discussion that argues that Paul did write this epistle. Bibliography lists 10 sources.

1 Corinthians 11:23-29

  • 5 page paper

A 5 page paper. Using three different commentaries, the writer provides an exposition of these verses in 1 Corinthians. The intent of St. Paul when he wrote this letter is discussed. The letter was written in response to moral irregularities St. Paul heard about concerning the church in Corinth. This letter was intended to re-emphasize ...

A 5 page analysis of Romans 12:1-8 written by Paul in about AD 57. The Exegesis offers a brief overview of when and why this letter was written to the Romans and then provides an interpretation of the text. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

This 5 page paper provides an overview of the work of a number of philosophers, with views of existentialism, postmodernism and ideological perspectives. Friedrich Nietzche, Jean-Paul Sartre and Vladimir Dostoevsky all related elements of the existentialism in their writings, while Michel Foucault provided an interesting postmodernist perspective. In fact, it has readily been ...

A 6 page paper that introduces the city of Thessalonica, a bustling seaboard city that was the center of Macedonia. St. Paul had to leave this city abruptly leaving the new converts without a strong leader. He wrote this letter to encourage them in their faith. The paper provides the background for this letter. A ...

A 3 page review of the entitled book by Kathleen R. Fischer and Thomas N. Hart. The essay lists some the other books the authors have written. The writer then reports some of the examples the authors use to illustrate their message. The writing style is identified as is the purpose of the book. Bibliography ...

A 5 page paper, Many books have been written on preaching, some of which have short lifespans while a few have very long lives. The books written by Haadden W. Robinson have lasted about two decades. This essay provides the major ideas found in three of the chapters in the entitled book. Bibliography lists 3 ...

A 10 page paper examining how the Christian needs to perceive euthanasia. King David, the man after God’s own heart, wrote in Psalm 139: “All the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be” (v. 16). This is a comforting verse when lamenting the ...

A 3 page overview of the writings of St. Thomas Aquinas, which offer philosophical proof for Thomas’ arguments. The great benefit of Thomas’ writings and particularly the Summa is that they do not require initial agreement with Thomas’ position on any subject. Thomas assumed that individuals would question those values and beliefs that ...

A 9 page research paper that examines the Eucharist and how the ritual of communion originated in early church practice. The writer examines pertinent scripture and historical writing. Bibliography lists 7 sources.

Christian Education

  • 6 page paper

A 6 page paper discussing the philosophy of Christian education. For a large part of Christian education the essential elements are the same as they are for public schools. They desire to educate the individual and to support the child through their years. But the techniques and the essential support system is very different as the Christian school ...

A 3 page paper that discusses this Psalm. The author writes an expostion, citing other verses to support the meanings. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

A 5 page research paper that addresses the topic of salvation as it is addressed in the Old Testament. The write particularly focuses on the "prophetic" model of salvation in OT scripture. The writer also considers this aspect of religious faith from within the context of this time in history, while relating it to ...

A 7 page paper that begins with the probable dates when each of the Gospels was written and how that relates to canonization. The paper reports the movements and people who influenced the canonization process and reports and explains the criteria used to determine which Books would be included as canon. Bibliography lists 9 ...

A Whiff of Sulfur

  • 5 page paper

A five-page creative writing assignment dealing with a pact with the Devil; special attention is paid to dialogue and its role in developing plot and characterization. No sources.

A 5 page paper discussing a Catholic theologist’s views of the source of Christian ethics. In The Sources of Christian Ethics, Pinckaers consistently points to scripture and the Holy Spirit as filling the ultimate role of influence in building and maintaining strong moral and ethical foundations among individual believers. The author argues that ...

This 4 page paper is written in first person and provides a personal view on the film The Ten Commandments. Information from the movie is discussed. No bibliography.

A 6 page essay discussing the meaning, purpose, themes and uniqueness of the Gospel of John, in general, and these verses, in particular. The parable cited is found only in John's gospel. The writer concludes that the message is as relevant today as it was when it was written. Bibliography lists 1 source.

A 15 page paper that looks specifically at how the Synoptic Gospels relate to each other in the telling of the Passion of Christ, i.e., the days leading up to His crucifixion and Resurrection and then on to Pentecost. Numerous examples from the Gospels are cited to demonstrate their similarities and differences. The paper begins ...

This 4 page paper provides an overview of the basic elements of John Wesley's Sermon 43 entitled The Scripture Way of Salvation. This paper considers the central themes and purpose of Wesley's writing.

This 6 page paper discusses the effect of the printing press on the spread of the Reformation movement and Martin Luther's writings. Evidence given from various resources. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

A 7 page paper. Challenges include having a comprehensive curriculum for all ages, eliminating the distractions, enticing people to attend Christian education classes at church, and changing lifestyles to follow Scripture. Each challenge provides an opportunity and these are discussed. Bibliography lists 8 sources.

This 13 page paper looks at the role of prayer and religious education. The paper starts with a general literature review concerning adolescents and prayer, looking at the impact prayer has on their lives, how it manifests and the results of social reseach that has investigated the presence of prayer in teenagers lives. Reseach comes ...

A 6 page research paper/essay that profiles 2 books on this topic: Augustine of Hippo's On Christian Teaching and Harro Van Brummelen's Steppingstones to Curriculum, A Biblical Path, Second Edition. No additional sources cited.

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