Essays and Research Papers on Sociological Theorists

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An analytical 6 page essay in which the writer discusses this classic feminist work from a personal point of view. In the book, Gilman describes a Utopian society successfully created and inhabited by 100% women. 'Her Land' was originally published in 1915 as a magazine article and did not become a book until 1979. *The ...

A 6 page essay similar to the one described above (Herland.wps) except the writer debates Gilman's ideology and asserts that she fails to give men enough of a fair chance in the story. C.P. Gilman is criticized in this essay for having been too 'one-sided.'

A 6 page paper in which the short story 'The Yellow Wallpaper' is discussed. The writer explains the symbolism of the wallpaper to the main character, and analyzes the meaning of the story. No additional sources cited.

A 6 page essay on Gilman's 'Yellow Wallpaper' in which the writer describes how the narrator is pushed gradually into a state of madness by her husband, John. Her room is described as a prison and her eventual independence is remarked to have been traded in for her sanity. Quotes from the story are used ...

A 7 page paper giving a critical assessment of Marx's works. The writer examines Marx's theories, including his contributions to economics and social philosophy. Bibliography cites 5 sources.

Doris Lessing's story 'To Room Nineteen' is a story about the repression of the human spirit and seeming unending emptiness and personal alienation that come as a result of social, cultural and even ethnic divisions. Susan Rawling, Lessing's main character, vacillates between sanity and insanity, and her struggle to escape the accompanying alienation comes ...

A 5 page paper looking at this compelling story by Doris Lessing. The paper discusses the protagonist's difficulty in separating her emotional needs from her culture's expectations of women's roles. No additional sources.

A 12 page paper on Doris Lessing's 1973 novel, using it as a point of departure to discuss women's cultural roles in contemporary Western society. Insights from Turner's British Cultural Studies, An Introduction; Adam and Allan's Theorizing Culture: An Interdisciplinary Critique After Postmodernism; and John Storey's What is Cultural Studies: A Reader as well as ...

6 pages in length. To say that women have had to fight for their existence within the literary world would be a gross understatement. Indeed, the road to self-expression through the written word has been paved with patriarchal intolerance and characteristic skepticism. That women have been forced to prove their worthiness within ...

The theory is discussed as exemplified by the lead characters in the movie When Harry Met Sally. The stages of development that Harry and Sally go through in their relationship are illustrated in this 7 page paper. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

Bush's 1994 release "Machinehead" is analyzed in its relationship to conflict theory. Conflict theory is discussed as seen by sociologists Marx and Weber as well as later contributors such as Mead and Goffman. The focus of the 5 page paper is on the song itself and its exemplification of sociological theory. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

Social and political theories attempt to explain motivations behind executive decision making in this 10 page paper. Highlighted are the decisions reached by President John F. Kennedy during the 1960's in the midst of the Cuban Missile Crisis and the Vietnam War. Bibliography lists 8 sources.

A very well-written 5 page essay arguing in favor of the positive aspects of Liberalism. A number of advanced arguments from studies are evaluatively critiqued in order for the writer to arrive at the conclusion that liberalism has had to become more social, open to schemes of redistribution which preserve the price system but which ...

A 15 page paper in which the writer explores this phenomenon in light of Robert Putnam's work 'Bowling Alone' with some relevance to his 'Making Democracy Work.' Criticism of the work is addressed and solutions to the problem are also explored. Bibliography lists 7 sources.

A 7 page paper that discusses David Harvey's perspectives on postmodernity. This paper demonstrates Harvey's concern for the poltical and economic impacts of postmodernity, and suggests that his concern for Marxist principles impact his perceptions of the status of economics and politics in the United States. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

Class Consciousness

  • 6 page paper

The concepts of class consciousness and social stratification are employed in this 6 page personal essay. Using real life examples, one man's self-analysis delves into the use of sociological theories in preference to psychological concepts as tools for the understanding of one's inner being. Weber and Marx are referenced in this piece as integral to ...

A 30 page research paper which takes a unique perspective on examining the work of Karl Marx. This paper addresses the question as to whether or not Marx departed from his humanistic leanings evident in his early work by the time his more mature work was published. The writer argues that Marx's views evolved, but ...

A 9 page paper examining Marx's statement that morality is a form of ideology. The paper uses Marx's own writings as well as secondary sources, and concludes that Marx was not advocating behavioral anarchy, simply a recognition that we, not God, make the rules that govern our behavior, and that we need to do so ...

Theories of Karl Marx

  • 3 page paper

A 3 page research paper which details the political, economic, social and political theories of Marx. A reaction to his view of capitalism sums up the paper. Bibliography listing three sources is included.

Marxist Theories

  • 5 page paper

Capitalism is viewed through Karl Marx's eyes in this 5 page analysis. Various theories, particularly those that relate to historical materialism, are discussed in light of Marx's predictions. Current events are also provided in order to effectively analyze Marx's utopian promise. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

Marxism and Modernity

  • 4 page paper

Marxism and its place in the postmodern era is examined in this 4 page essay. The paper concludes that although many have thrown the concept out since the advent of modernity, Marxism is still a viable philosophy. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

A 5 page paper showing how Marx's letters written in 1843 foreshadowed the political and economic theories he would eventually publish in the Communist Manifesto and Das Kapital. These letters are analyzed together with some brief background about the political times in which Marx lived to paint a fuller picture of the development of this ...

This 8 page paper looks at the document published by Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels about 150 years ago in light of capitalist society today. No additional sources are cited.

An 8 page explication of Marx & Engels' infamous 'Communist Manifesto' in which the writer defines the classes discussed, elaborates key terminology, and then presents examples of how true Marx & Engels' predictions have become in the modern U.S. (i.e., low-income housing projects as an example of 'the abolition of property in land and application ...

An 8 page paper discussing the theory of dialecic determinism of Karl Marx as expressed in the Communist Manifesto and other works Bibliography lists 7 sources.

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