Essays and Research Papers on Social Work

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Should children who are taken from their parents be placed with a grandparent or in foster care. Most believe a grandparent provides a better home; some argue for foster homes. The issue is discussed in this 4 page essay.

A 12 page research paper. The writer asserts there is a new epidemic in the U.S. -- grandparents raising their grandchildren at a time in their lives when they thought their minute-to-minute parenting responsibilities were behind them and they were planning or already in retirement. Various issues are explored in this essay including the changes ...

Transracial Adoption

  • 14 page paper

A 14 page research paper on Transracial Adoption. Stresses how the concept can "work" in our contemporary society. Includes 1 appendix and 8 references.

6 pages of research on Transracial Adoption; presents both sides of the issues. Contains 20+ references in a suggested bibliography.

This 5 page report discusses Anthony Trollope’s book and examines the consequences of a laissez faire society, especially as it applies to the relationships between men and women. No additional sources cited.

A 6 page paper discussing American perceptions toward Latinos. Hispanics represent the fastest-growing ethnic group in America. Their numbers are expected to exceed that of African-Americans by 2005, and it is expected that by the year 2050 they will represent fully 25 percent of the total American population. Marketers have discovered the purchasing ...

5 pages in length. The concept that men are entitled to inherent privileges in marriage, while women have to earn their place in the same state of matrimony, is the clear implication in Mary Astell's "Some Reflections Upon Marriage." Asserting feminist views about the vast differences between the roles men and women play in ...

A 5 page paper presenting a hypothetical research involving child care. Evidence shows that child care, in large doses, is very unhealthy. Child care, if used, should be in limited doses. The hypothetical research includes going to a day care center and offering a questionnaire to the teachers and the parents as well as observation. ...

In 5 pages, the writer discusses the disadvantages of teen marriage. Teenagers should not be allowed to marry. It is ridiculous for anyone under the age of 21 to even consider marriage. There is a high divorce rate for couples in that age group. They are just not mature enough to get married ...

In 5 pages, the writer discusses interracial relationships. Much has been said concerning interracial relationships. Children of interracial marriages have been given slur names, as have those in the relationships. In the 1990s interracial relationships are more and more common. Surprisingly, interracial relationships are becoming more readily accepted. People are discovering that people ...

A 20 page paper which addresses the issue of homelessness in Los Angeles, with specific reference to the Latino population. Issues, other than dire situations, addressed include positive contributions such as recent small businesses. Also included is some economical information which is directly related to the Latino population and medical insurance. While these subjects are not ...

Reduced mortality rates, increased life span, changing religious perspectives and the focus on the American marriage in the early 1900s have all impacted divorce rates, and have demonstrated the link between demographic components and social problems, including those that have arisen for public safety providers and other social services as a result of the break-up ...

A 3 page analysis of Anndee Hochman’s essay on the enduring bond of family relationships. Hochman’s decision to reveal that she is a lesbian tests the strength of these bonds. Bibliography lists 1 source.

A 5 page research paper that examines the requirements of what is needed to open a child care center. The writer demonstrates that this is complicated business that requires an administrator who has to be an educator, a negotiator, and a good public relations expert. It requires someone who has empathy and compassion, who loves children ...

In 5 pages the author discusses childcare in the workplace. " In order to offer the family what it needs, companies of the 21st century will have to develop childcare facilities within the workplace. It is vitally important for the employee to have her or his day care needs met. The company's ...

As an increasing number of women with children seek services from providers in the social services community, understanding the major issues facing these women has become a significant task. Social service providers have noted three prevalent problems in female populations seeking services: domestic and interpersonal violence, substance abuse and the presence of children or ...

Boys & Absent Fathers

  • 6 page paper

A 6 page paper on single-parent homes in regards to sons and the fathers who are absent from the home. There are many reasons why the family of today is filled with households where the father is not present. These various reasons are addressed as well as the effects these absences have on the male children of ...

A 10 page discussion of the quality of traditional rural child care verses that provided in an urban centralized group care facility. Concludes that while rural children face many economic related problems, the care that they receive outside the home is not necessarily inferior to that provided in centralized child care facilities and, in ...

This 8 page paper explores sociological concepts as it pertains to the family. Families of the nineties are compared to earlier family structures. Definitions are explored. All discussion involves both systems theory and the symbolic interactionist approach. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

Interracial Marriage

  • 8 page paper

This 8 page paper takes a look at interracial marriage from a sociological perspective. David Popenoe’s ideas are highlighted throughout and statistics on changes over the past few decades on intermarriage are reported. Bibliography lists 10 sources.

The populations that influence the cultural make-up of the social work profession are threefold: Those who are members of the profession, those who are served by the profession and those who are not included in the first two. There are education and training requirements to enter the field of Social Work. This sets a barrier ...

Family Integrity

  • 7 page paper

This 7 page paper discusses the concept of family integrity. The concept is defined and illustrated as is the concept of the family itself. Privacy issues are addressed. Bibliography lists 8 sources.

A 7 page paper that discusses Marxist and Christian views of divorce and the family. Specifically, the essay addresses the question of which of these two theories should be used to resolve the conflict surrounding divorce. The writer concludes that the Christian theory will resolve the conflict more effectively and offers support for this conclusion. ...

A 10 page paper which analyzes the interpersonal relationships that characterize courtship, early marriage, and parenting. As an additional subject we also discuss step-parenting which is an important issue in regards to all of the commitments previously mentioned. In discussing these subjects we implement Kolb’s model of learning as a tool for assessment. Bibliography lists 7 sources.

Child Custody

  • 30 page paper

This 30 page paper provides an overview of child custody issues in the United States, highlighting examples from today’s headlines. The O.J. Simpson case is looked at as are a few other notable ones such as the situation where a mother who put her child in day care lost custody because of it. Sections focus ...

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