Essays and Research Papers on Social Work & Counseling

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This 5 page paper discusses the role gender plays in violence, particularly rape and the abuse of women by men. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

This 5 page paper looks at the different stages of moral development as defined by Carol Gilligan, Piaget and Kohlberg. Gender differences are discussed as are the implications of each of Kohlberg's stages. The bibliography cites 4 sources.

This 6 page paper summarizes articles having to do with various sociological issues including men's health, gender identification and cosmetic surgery.

An 8 page overview of the concept of family and societal gender roles. Presents examples from traditional Mundurucu and Shaker cultures which demonstrate that family structure and gender roles vary both across time and across culture. Bibliography lists 8 sources.

This 14 page paper discusses how gender influences our understanding of desire, and suggests that it is our society that tells us what is acceptable and what’s not with regard to personal relationships, and that it does so by means of narratives and stories. The paper discusses gender roles and societal expectations and norms. Bibliography ...

5 pages. This informative paper deals with certain moments in the lives of men. Considered is their early childhood socialization, their workplace in the construction of gender identity, as well as their relationships with women, other men, and their sexualities and family life. Other topics include examination of violence experienced by the ...

Educational Research

  • 5 page paper

A 5 page paper discussing graphical representation of collected data as part of the descriptive analysis of the research effort. The judicious use of graphical elements in the report and assessment of a research effort can add not only visual appeal to the work, but also become a part of the descriptive analysis of ...

This 6 page paper discusses some of the issues facing transgendered persons. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

This 4 page paper briefly examines some the views that gender, race and class greatly influenced the development of slavery, and argues that racism is still present today. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

10 pages. Perhaps the most important reason that we study gender in sociology and why feminists are wont to work towards change in the gendered order of society is because genders tend to become stratified. This means that not only are men and women viewed as being different, they are also viewed as not ...

A 6 page critical analysis of Joanne Belknap’s The Invisible Woman: Gender, Crime and Justice. Bibliography lists 2 sources.

A 5 page paper discussing our failure to adequately define the influences of these three aspects of society, focusing on the issue of defining poverty in the context of that faced by single mothers. It has been said that in order to attack a problem, it is first necessary to define that problem. ...

This 6 page paper provides an overview and a comparison of the views of Max Weber and Georg Simmel on the issues of class, gender and race. This paper integrates a view of their social perspectives. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

This 5 page paper examines the begining of romantic relationships and investigates whether women or men do more touching at this stage. The conclusion of this paper is that women do more touching, and this is supported with a variety of evidence and studies. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

A 3 page paper. While progress has been made in terms of depicting women as intelligent, self-reliant persons, sufficient stereotyping still exists in the media to send a warped message to youngsters. The same is true of the underrepresentation of women in politics at all levels. This essay discusses these two premises. Bibliography lists ...

This 9 page paper examines a newspaper article which reports the gap between the average female wage and the average male wage has decreased and consider how this may be interpreted, After examining the article and what it means the event it is reported is examined from a functionalist approach, using the work of ...

This 6 page paper examines the texts of Susan Faludi and David Blankenhorn on sociological problems of modern society, especially in the areas of feminism and the role of fathers. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

This 5 page paper compares two articles regarding gender. One is by Fausto-Sterling and contends that there are more than two sexes and so male and female stereotyping is wrong. The second article praises the Promisekeepers program, a male Christian group that endorses defined roles in marriage. Bibliography lists 2 sources. ...

This 5 page paper explores several sociological theories in terms of how society has been ordered to render the male the dominant sex. Feminist ideology is explored as well. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

A 5 page research paper/essay that discusses which factor is more influential on social life, race or gender? The writer argues that excellent arguments can be made for both positions, but that, ultimately, an overall consideration of gender and race tends to favor gender as being predominant, as this aspect of humane experience ...

An 8 page paper. This essay discusses gender differences in development with an emphasis on children. Topics discussed include motor skills, and problem solving in social situations. The writer also comments on the differences in early adolescences. Bibliography lists 7 sources.

This 6 page paper discusses the concept of gender, and argues that it is socially imposed. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

A paper which looks at research into the correlation between gender stereotyping and estimated and actual IQ scores of men and women. Bibliography lists 15 sources

10 pages. An excellent research paper explaining the often-seen gender stereotyping in domestic violence. This paper looks at domestic violence, its causes, effects, and why it is so often a gender-biased issue. Focus is on what causes people to attack each other in what should normally be a family relationship, and actions that are taken ...

A short 2 page analytical essay on Charlotte Perkins Gilman's theories concerning gender stratification and the role of the individual in society. No Bibliography.

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