Essays and Research Papers on Social Research

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Deviant Behavior

  • 7 page paper

7 pages worth of textbook-based essays on criminology & deviant behavior. Theories and ideas touched upon include labeling, learning, class, socialization, economic & political criminality, etc; No Bibliography.

A 4 page research paper that examines the use of labeling and how it relates to what is considered to be deviant behavior. For instance, the writer points out that if a woman grows herbs, blends them into creams and potions, and sells them on the open market today, she is considered an astute businesswoman ...

A 20 page research study that looks at the issue of substance abuse and correlating social problems, like teen pregnancy, crime, increased welfare costs and the cost not only to the individual and family, but cost to society as well. Bibliography lists 21 sources.

A 17 page paper on teenage drug abuse that pays particular attention to the extent of the problem in the United States, and particularly Alaska, why the 1980s programs are no longer working, what other U.S. communities are doing to make changes, and what Alaskan communities are doing to make changes. Bibliography lists 14 ...

This 7 page paper explores the topic of adolescent use of alcohol sociologically. A variety of theories are discussed including functionalism and differential association. Bibliography lists 7 sources.

Binge Drinking

  • 7 page paper

A 7 page essay which looks at the prevalence of binge drinking, especially as it occurs on college campuses. Listing 5 sources, the paper argues against the hazards of alcohol listing the emotional and physical effects.

A 9 page research paper on the problems associated with teenage drinking in today's society. The writer goes into considerable detail about who is most at risk, why teenagers start drinking in the first place, and some of the things we could be doing to reduce the growing number of teenagers turning to alcohol. ...

The American Drug War

  • 8 page paper

8 pages based upon findings in five journal articles which maintain that the social programs and ideas such as "The War on Drugs" are overreaching political ploys to distract our attention from the real issues at-hand. It is argued based upon statistical data and scholarly example that the "drug problem" in the U.S. is not ...

5 pages in length. Campus violence is not a new occurrence; one only has to recall the incident at Kent State University to realize that violent acts on school grounds have been an issue that has been dealt with for some time now. However, these days finds the frequency of such violence has ...

In 5 pages the author discusses the population explosion and its effect on a sustainable future. The population explosion that has occurred in the 20th century is astounding. If the population continues to increase at the present rate as projected, something will have to be done about the number of people on the planet in ...

A 5 page essay comparing two articles on the Nile Delta, one from the National Geographic and one from The Economist. Each article focuses on the overpopulation and water shortage in the region, one from a humanistic viewpoint, the other from a data-orientation. The two sources are cited.

A 7 page research paper on issues concerning the threat of overpopulation. The writer discusses some of the health & nutrition problems posed by there being too many people in the world etc; Also examined are the ethical & moral concerns of certain measures such as mandated abortions vs. women's rights... Both sides of the ...

An 8 page paper that provides an overview of a number of articles on these three fundamentally connected issues, and then determines the impact of different perspectives on these issues. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

In 8 pages the author discusses the social, political, technological, envrironmental, and economic circumstances of the global human population. The author concludes that "the global human population is fast growing as a crux for a multitude of possible problems. Along with people there always comes problems. Those problems can be social, political, technological, ...

In 5 pages the author discusses the population explosion that has become rampant in the world, and the possible outcome of the population explosion. Bibliography lists 7 sources.

A 10 page paper on how the world in light of shared technology and new democracies has caused alarm for peoples in third world countries, whose natural and human resources have been utilized in the past by first world countries to maintain economic superiority. This has special significance to countries with widely dispersed forms ...

Smoking Cessation

  • 10 page paper

A 10 page medical paper on smoking cessation program development for nurses using Dorothea E. Orem's conceptual model. Paper includes discussion of the model, comparison to Dorothy E. Johnson and Steenbarger's model, plus an example process record for a smoking cessation program for a college student. Includes intervention and evaluation. Bibliography lists 8 ...

A 7 page paper on this national tragedy. The writer explores quality care, residents' rights and nursing home costs, as well as suggesting that lack of adequate standards is the reason for most abuse. Bibliography cites 7 sources.

A 3 page essay on problems associated with teen pregnancy including emotional, financial, and social considerations. The writer focuses upon some of the reasons teen pregnancies occur so frequently with mention of which measures may or may not be effective in curtailing the problem.

A 5 page paper on the problem of teen pregnancy, its prevalence, relevant demographics, etc; The writer is particularly concerned with socioeconomic reasons why the problem occurs so frequently in the African-American community. Implications of the problem for children, parents, schools, etc; are discussed. Bibliography lists 7 sources.

The implications of teen pregnancy are explored in this 5 page report. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

An 8 page paper about teen pregnancy in the U.S. It discusses the various causes of teen pregnancy; how it effects parents, children, and society in general; and offers statistics and possible solutions on how to bring about change. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

A 5 page paper on the rising incidence of pregnancy among Hispanic adolescents. The writer examines the possible reasons behind this growth and gives a suggested solution. Bibliography lists 7 sources.

An 8 page paper that provides an overview of the essential elements that can be related in a sample intervention model for the problem of teen pregnancy. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

A 6 page paper that provides an overview of the social and educational programs proposed as prevention models for teen pregnancy and then evaluates them in terms of outcomes. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

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