Essays and Research Papers on Social Research

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A 9 page comparison of these sometimes diverse yet sometimes astonishingly similar cultures. The author of this paper defines the geographic range encompassed by the Appalachians and the unique peoples who presently live there. The author notes that this range was once the homelands of the Cherokee Indians. Specific details are provided ...

A 5 page paper discussing women's rights and abortion. Bibliography lists 9 sources.

A 7 page paper that favorably debates the issue of lowering the drinking age. The paper shows why it would be in the government's best interest to let states decide their own policies on drinking ages, and why states should lower drinking ages to 18. Bibliography included 5 sources.

This 15 page paper takes the position that those who kill while driving drunk should be charged with murder. Many solutions to the drunk driving challenge have been explored including raising taxes on liquor, police efforts, raising the drinking age, using special license plates to designate repeat offenders and more. The paper concludes that despite ...

A 5 page overview of the issues surrounding the legalization of gambling. Evaluates potential social impacts like the increase in crime and the creation of jobs and weighs positives against negatives to conclude that legalized gambling has an overall positive social impact. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

Poverty is blamed for child labor and prostitution in this 10 page paper that focuses on the Philippines. The culture is examined in an attempt to explain the disturbing phenomenon of child abuse which exists in the country. Bibliography lists 9 sources.

A 5 page essay on how today's youth, particularly black males, are demonstrating nihilistic principles in their ‘‘street culture.'' Bibliography lists 4 sources.

A 7 page research paper discussing the severely mentally ill person who is also homeless. The specific question posed was: what services are most needed and how best to provide those services? The paper is divided into these sections: introduction, including statistics on homeless population; who is homeless; and reaching out to the homeless mentally ...

The concept of the dying family farm is illustrated in this 15 page paper. Several aspects of the concept are included such as economic, social and environmental variables. Sustainable farming is also discussed. The takeover of small farms by large conglomerates is a major theme of the paper. Bibliography lists 17 sources.

This 7 page paper explores the historical development and varieties of the feminist perspective in sociology by examining the feminist theories (or lack thereof ) of Herbert Spencer, Karl Marx, Talcott Parsons and Dorothy Smith. Specifically discussed is the contribution of the feminist perspective in the understanding of society, and does it deserve a ...

7 page discussing the causal factors of high crime rates among Black adolescents in the inner-city. Also examines possibilities for change and control. Based upon three pertinent journal articles- each of which are listed in bibliography.

This well-developed 4 page essay argues that the burning of Black Baptists churches in the South is a clear sign that racism & bigotry are alive and well in the United States today. Specific cases are cited as is the Ku Klux Klan's involvement in some of the fires.

A 10 page research paper employing statistical analysis of, and trends in, black/white employment figures based on 1970 and 1980 census data. The thesis is that while labor discrimination on the surface seems to aid the majority group, it can in fact be detrimental to the entire work force. Bibliography includes six cited references.

A 5 page paper discussing minimizing the potential destructiveness of conflict through awareness of conflict styles as delineated in Hall's Conflict Management Survey. Conflict truly can be found in any situation involving more than one person and one set of ideas. An awareness of Hall's conflict styles can aid in resolving that conflict more quickly, ...

7 pages in length. The plight of the homeless is one that can be witnessed every day of every year in just about every city in the world. They have already been dealt a challenging hand that has landed them without homes, income or a way to meet the very basic necessities of ...

A 9 page paper that presents the impact of the mass media on the individual through the perspectives of a number of significant theorists, including Lasch and Freud. This paper demonstrates the negative impacts of the mass media on individual self-identification, while also demonstrating the societal impacts as well. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

TV and Children

  • 4 page paper

A 4 page essay addressing the negative effects of TV viewing on children. The writer discusses alternatives to TV for children. No Bibliography.

Internet Addiction

  • 8 page paper

This 8 page paper describes and explores the subject of Internet addiction. Several areas are discussed including cases concerning child neglect and infidelity. Bibliography lists 12 sources.

A 7 page essay on the problem of what to do about sexually explicit material on the Internet. The writer examines the issue from the perspective of what to do to limit access by minors as well as the overall question of censorship of pornographic materials for adults. Bibliography lists 7 sources.

A 6 page paper discussing courage and how it is used by people to support causes, and in their everyday lives. An argument is made that capitalism -- is not truly courageous and that social concerns should take precedence, if we are to avoid 'courageous' wars and revolutions caused by oppression and greed. No Bibliography.

Prison Violence

  • 14 page paper

A 14 page paper discussing the problem of violence in American prisons. Obviously violence exists within our prison systems, for if it didn't there would perhaps, be no prison system. But the issues involved may differ greatly in some areas. For example, this paper addresses the issues which involve the actual problems, which are in ...

A 25 page paper that discusses the origins and status of gangs in the United States. This paper provides a working definition of gangs, discusses the sociological implications of gangs and relates perceptions from both internal and external positions. This paper presents the concept that though gangs do horrific things, they also meet ...

9 pages in length. A sociological examination of Sanyika Shakur's (1992) book entitled, "Monster: The Autobiography of An L.A. Gang Member." In the book, the author tells in graphic detail of his years as an inner-city gang member and the violent escapades in which he was involved. This research paper attempts to examine the author's ...

A 12 page research paper in which the writer discusses the failure of most women to report rape due to the unfortunate reality that society fails to accept their definition of rape in many cases and is not always sympathetic towards their plea for justice. Comparisons are made between male and female views of rape ...

5 pages in length. Applying this well-documented crime theory, the writer attempts to analyze rape as a crime whose actors can be motivated by such things as an egocentric need for self-fulfillment and a lack of concern or respect for others. Various sides of the issue are discussed from a theoretical perspective and a ...

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