Essays and Research Papers on Social Psychology

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3 pages in length. It is by no mistake that fidelity is one of the most challenging of all matrimonial vows to uphold, inasmuch as Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe's Elective Affinities asserts the fact that humankind is but another animal who is bound by the call of nature. The writer discusses a most ...

A 6 page paper discussing the theories of self-concept and psychosocial development. Bibliography lists 9 sources.

The relationship between body image and self-esteem is explored in this 6 page paper. Age, sex and culture are considered. Bibliography lists 9 sources.

A 5 page paper which discusses the various aspects of men and women, illustrating that, as hard as we might wish it to be otherwise, women are still traditionally more nurturing and capable as parents then men are. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

A 10 page paper that provides an overview of the social stage model of emotional response to trauma outlined by James Pennebaker, and then supports the use of a verbal model for expressivity represented in studies by Pennebaker and colleagues. Bibliography lists 8 sources.

An 8 page literature review of research on long distance relationships. Different types of relationships are examined such as prisoners and their wives or girlfriends.College students and commuters and their experiences are discussed. Children are discussed as well as the implications a long distance relationship between their parents may have. Techniques that make for successful ...

Antisocial Behavior

  • 6 page paper

A 6 page research paper examining different aspects of antisocial behavior. Discussion includes a description of antisocial acts, personality traits, interventions and the dangers of technology creating an antisocial society. Bibliography lists 7 sources.

This 7 page paper provides an overview of the personality trait of creativity and considers why this trait is important as well as how personality theory can be applied to an assessment of creativity. This paper considers current research into the characteristics of creativity as a personality trait and then addresses the scope of ...

Life Span Humor

  • 4 page paper

A 4 page essay on the development of 'applied' humor over the course of an individual's life. Very young children make forays into attempts at humor that make perfect sense to them, but very often is completely missed by their caretaking adults. Studies of groups of college students show that students of either sex ...

Stress And Aggression

  • 8 page paper

This 8 page paper offers general comments about stress and aggression and reviews two articles, one emphasizing stress, and the other focusing on aggression. The writer then offers 20 questions about stress, aggression and the relationship between the two and provides answers to the questions. Bibliography lists 2 sources.

This 3 page paper considers the methods that can be used by supervisors to investigate stress in the workplace, and then assesses both internal and external factors that determine both stress and the relieving of stress. Bibliography lists 20 sources.

An 8 page paper on how men and women handle both the relationship and the loss of a relationship. Research and several real-life scenarios are used to portray these differences. An APA Bibliography is included which lists 7 sources.

A 5 page essay which shows how role differentiation in the upbringing of girls and boys creates a disadvantage for women in the psychological area of individualism. Focusing on both a funneled view of separation events and a global perspective, the writer argues that role differentiation has created a problematic world for women in ...

A 6 page research paper on fear. The writer postulates, in agreement with theorist Mark Edmunson, that America is in the grip of a gothic period shaped through fear and dealt with through collectivism, gossip and sensationalism, and religious conversion. Two psychological studies are cited, expressing the collectivism and religious conversion experiences. The Oklahoma City ...

A 3 page essay discussing the emotion of hate: is it a learned response? Using Bill Moyers' series Beyond Hate as a base, the writer suggests that hate is indeed a learned emotion. No additional sources cited.

Road Rage

  • 9 page paper

A 9 page research paper which examines the increasing phenomenon of drivers becoming so enraged at often minor traffic incidents that it results in violence and even death. While discussing specific incidents, the writer gives an overview of what the experts think, the scope of the problem, and solutions which have been proposed thus far. ...

This 5 page report discusses whether or not research can be free of the values imposed upon it by society, individual researchers, or those interpreting the research. Human beings conducting research, no matter how objective, still have certain belief systems, standards, and criteria that are directly related to their personal value systems. Those values ...

A 14 page paper that provides an overview of both sides of the issue of conflicts between feminism and exotic dancing. This paper looks at the social and psychological arguments surrounding the responses to exotic dancing, unionization of strippers, and the impact on society. Bibliography lists 7 sources.

A 5 page paper discussing the problems that can arise from living together without marriage. Living together has caused far more controversy than just the value of maintaining laws that are no longer enforced. The focus here is its effects on traditional marriage and social issues. Though the most common opinion is that ...

The effects of cohabitation on an impending marriage are discussed in this 5 page paper. Also examined, more briefly, is the current trend for couples to marry but live apart. The paper concludes that it is more beneficial for relationships if the couple lives together than if they live apart, whether or not they are ...

In this 7 page research paper, the writer argues that staying single is actually more economically feasible than getting married in modern American society. First citing a number of statistics which demonstrate that fewer people are even marrying at all, the writer moves on to show materialistic reasons why men in particular are better off ...

Romantic Relationships

  • 5 page paper

This 5 page paper examines romantic love, taking the stance that consummate love is not its greatest form. Analysis is based primarily on Robert Sternberg's 'Triangle of Love.' Examples of the different types of romantic love are shown referencing both film and literature. Bibliography lists 11 sources.

10 pages in length. John Gray, author of Men Are from Mars, Women Are from Venus, has perennially been resident on the best-seller list since the debut of his original Mars-Venus theme book in 1992. Though the literature investigating the differences in which men and women view relationships is nearly ubiquitous, there is very ...

This 8 page research paper investigates the licensing requirements for psychologists and then discusses the process for monitoring the conduct of psychologists. Specific examples are given regarding licensing and actual disciplinary actions that were taken against psychologists for unethical conduct are reported. Bibliography lists 9 sources.


  • 4 page paper

A 4 page research essay on the benefits of doing things as they come, rather than procrastinating projects' completion. Psychologists have long said that the worst procrastinators are also perfectionists, and that they put off projects until the last minute because when time is the limiting factor, then perfectionism is not. Bibliography lists 4 ...

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