Essays and Research Papers on Religions Of The World

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In twelve pages this paper analyzes what German mystic Jacob Boehme meant by ‘true repentance;’ the message of George Whitefield’s ‘The Almost Christian’ sermon; and the value that can be gained in following Jonathan Edwards’ example of listing ‘The Resolutions.’ Three student supplied sources are cited but there was no bibliography information provided.

A 4 page paper which examines the significance of relics, analyzing two reliquaries. The reliquaries are both accessible at the Metropolitan Museum of Art and are Chasse: The Crucifixion and Christ in Majesty and the Reliquary Bust of Saint Yrieix. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

A 5 page discussion of the question of whether women’s rights can be assured in the face of traditional Islam. This paper addresses mechanisms for change. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

Isaiah 1:10-20

  • 8 page paper

An 8 page exegetical examination of Isaiah 1:10-20. The writer offers a discussion historical background and the contemporary debate concerning the authorship of Isaiah and then offers a verse by verse exegesis of this passage. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

God's Perfect Judgment

  • 4 page paper

A 4 page paper that begins with comments about God's love for us. The writer discusses God's judgment of His people and why it is perfect judgment as well as why God will punish His people. The essay ends with brief comments about Dante's Inferno, relating his depiction of hell to the deadly sins. ...

A 2 page paper that presents an outline of the work and a discussion of strengths and weaknesses. No Bibliography.

This 6 page paper discusses Christian-Muslim relations in the Philippines. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

This 3 page paper discusses the basic beliefs of Islam and the Five Pillars of Wisdom, and argues that the First Pillar, belief in God and the prophets, is the most challenging to accomplish. Bibliography lists 2 sources.


  • 5 page paper

A 5 page overview of mummification. This paper concentrates on illuminating what we know regarding Egyptian mummification and credits much of that knowledge to classic scholars such as Herodotus. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

A 10 page research paper that examines the role and importance of the Society of Jesuits in regards to the Counter Reformation shows that this conceptualization of the order is quite apt, and also how the Jesuits addressed achieving their mission goals. Bibliography lists 12 sources.

Genesis 22:1-19

  • 11 page paper

An 11 page exegesis of Genesis 22:1-19. The writer discusses the historical background to Genesis, placing the passage within its cultural context and then discusses the passage, drawing on appropriate biblical commentary. Bibliography lists 10 sources.

A 3 page exploration of how tragedy can be turned into a positive impetus for strength and triumph. The author uses Frankl and Mandela as examples. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

A 4 page paper. The full text of the Gospel of Thomas was found in 1945 in Egypt and it has been the subject of controversy since its finding. This essay reports the dating of the Gospel, describes the nature of the document and discusses why it is not accepted and the source of this ...

A 10 page paper that begins with a report on the Prime Minister's actions to save Westminster Abbey in 1941. The essay discusses the role of the church in society and the attempt of many to push the church further to the edges of society instead of being central to it. The writer discusses the ...

Amos, Chapter 5:4-25

  • 25 page paper

A 25 page exegetical research paper that addresses Amos 5:4-25. The writer discusses the time and setting of the passage; the passage in relation to the rest of the Book of Amos; the passage's structure and the history and manner of its composition and its meaning, with a particular focus on how the message ...

A 3 page exploration of the ancient cultural practices of these indigenous cultures. This paper focuses on the oral tradition of these cultures and notes the common theme of a powerful god or gods who created the earth. Bibliography lists 1 source.

A 20 page research paper that argues for the pro-life position. discussion, which is founded on Catholic theological perspectives, argues, first of all, that there are moral absolutes when it comes to certain issues of morality. Secondly, this discussion will turn to why contemporary society has become so confused on moral issues and how this ...

A 2 page paper that begins with an outline of the entitled work and then responds to this question: Does Bernard's work support the notion that our ideas on prayer must be grounded in our doctrine of God? No Bibliography.

A 4 page paper that reports and discusses the author, date, destination, location of writing, purpose and themes. The essay also comments on the applicability of the message in today's world. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

An 8 page paper that offers a synopsis of this Book as well as comments about it. The Book of Nehemiah is important and significant for a number of reasons, one of which is that Nehemiah was not a priest or prophet and yet, he was responsible for rebuilding Jerusalem. It is also important ...

Elijah's Message

  • 3 page paper

A 3 page paper that reports and discusses Elijah's messages to the kings and using two examples, demonstrates that Elijah was following along in the tradition of the prophets, which was to point out to the people they would be destroyed if they did not return to their one true God. Bibliography lists 4 ...

Galatians 4:1-11

  • 3 page paper

A 3 page paper that discusses these verses. The essay provides background comments and then, discusses what Paul meant when he wrote these verses. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

A 4 page paper. There are 35 separate miracles reported in the four Gospels, 20 are reported in Mark. These are in addition to the many group healings and other acts Christ performed. This essay reports just a few of the miracles, Mark's reports about the Kingdom of God and comments on a personal ...

This 3 page paper begins with a brief report on the preparation prior to the Second Vatican Council, the purpose of it, three changes that affected the way Catholics practice their religion one of the changes in the way the Catholic Church relates to other churches since the Council. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

A 2 page paper that begins with an outline of the entitled work and then responds to this question: Is this a devotional work or a philosophical work? No Bibliography.

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