Essays and Research Papers on Religions Of The World

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A 3 page paper that provides a general discussion of the title topic. The writer discusses the similarities between pastoral counseling and preaching sermons and explains how pastoral counseling is needed following certain kinds of events. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

This 3 page paper discusses Taoist beliefs and how the difference between those tenets and western thinking are relevant today. Bibliography lists 2 sources.

God Vs. Evil

  • 4 page paper

A 4 page examination of the contention that the concept of an all-powerful God presents a problem when that concept is paired with the fact that there is evil in the world. This paper first presents this argument, then objects to it. The final section is a secondary objection. Bibliography lists 4 ...

A 2 page paper that begins with an outline of the entitled work and then responds to the question of whether or not Athanasius offered a feasible argument for the Incarnation. No Bibliography.

A 4 page essay that addresses Pope John Paul II's eleventh encyclical, Evangelium vitae. The writer describes its principal framework as contrasting ideas of a "culture of life" versus concept that the pope associates with a "culture of death" (EV 87). This examination of the closing sections of the pope's encyclical looks specifically at ...

A 5 page paper that compares Jesus and Mohammed, beginning with their birth, what is known about their youth and discussing their ministries. The writer also discusses the impact of the death of each Jesus and Mohammed. The writer also includes some quotes from each to demonstrate the vast differences. Bibliography lists 8 sources. ...

The Red Sea Crossing

  • 10 page paper

A 10 page research paper that addresses 2 principal questions regarding the Book of Exodus: the location of the Red Sea crossing and the date when this occurred. The writer explores the debate on these questions, as well as evidence that the crossing occurred. Bibliography lists 7 sources.

A 7 page paper that identifies some of the many titles ascribed to Jesus by Matthew and Jesus' major functions Jesus fulfills. The writer chooses the one believed to be the most encompassing or important: Jesus is the Messiah promised in Scripture. This is demonstrated through discussion as well as by citing Old Testament ...

A 5 page paper that compares and contrasts Moses and Jesus. The paper identifies the ways in which they were similar, for example, both were considered the wisest person of their time, each was a unique leader with multiple qualities and played different roles. The writer also discusses how they were different and discusses ...

A 5 page assertion that Christian therapist can be a stabilizing influence in the lives of their clients. This paper contends that the Word of Christ provides the direction that is needed to intervene in crisis situations. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

35 pages in length. Rebuilding Kosovo's integrity in the face of ongoing ethnic conflict will mean infusing her with social infrastructure, political confidence and economic solvency, a reality of her future that exists only because of the military intervention bestowed upon her beleaguered people whose human and religious rights have been battered by fanaticism. ...

A 10 page research paper that investigates Christianity's Judaic origins and how early Christianity diverged from Judaism to become a separate religion. Bibliography lists 15 sources.

An 18 page address of the problem that is emerging in the Catholic Church. This paper explores the various theories that are being promoted to explain this abuse. Bibliography lists 10 sources.

A 15 page paper. Jesus has two natures, that of the divine and that of the human. He is truly human and truly divine, a very hard tenet to understand. This essay discusses the human nature of Christ and the Divine nature of Him with references to support each. The writer also reports some of ...

A 2 page paper that begins with an outline of the entitled work and then responds to this question: Does the Rule of St. Benedict provide a Biblical model for living? No Bibliography.

A 4 page paper which examines how suffering and conflict are perceived in cultures. The cultures examined are the Aztecs, the Mayans, and the culture found in the epic story of Beowulf. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

This 6 page paper discusses two books: Let the Nations Be Glad! The Supremacy of GOD in Missions, 2nd ed. By John Piper and Paradigms in Conflict: 10 Key Questions in Christian Missions Today (Chapters 1,2,3 and 6) By David J. Hesselgrave. The writer discusses Piper's purpose and primary messages as well as highlighting ...

A 4 page review of this critical question. The author examines Ronald Nash's book "Is Jesus the Only Savior" to define the concepts of inclusivism and exclusivism and to reject the first and accept the second. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

A 5 page research paper that discusses the pastoral formation within the general framework of becoming a priest. This discussion encompasses the other priestly formation processes but focuses on the pastoral aspect. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

A 4 page paper which examines the religious studies of Hebrew and the culture and customs of the Greeks. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

A 7 page research paper that analyzes the Gospel of Matthew in references to the theme of Jesus as King. The writer discusses how Matthew relates Jesus' life, ministry and sacrifice to Old Testament prophecy and ideas of kingship. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

A 4 page paper. In this essay, the writer identifies the names of God in both sections. The chart continues to compare the names of the characters in each account and how God was manifested. The comparison is made in chart-format. The chart also includes comments about the ethical approach in each story. The ...

A 3 page critique of the online article. This article discusses the timing of the rapture and the second coming of Christ. No additional sources are listed.

King David

  • 7 page paper

A 7 page research paper that summarizes and discusses the life of King David as related in the Old Testament. Bibliography lists 7 sources.

Philippians 2:1-11

  • 10 page paper

A 10 page exegetical paper that examines Philippians 2:1-11. The modern world is generally considered to be in a state of turmoil. Constantly, the news is filled with the details of war, the clash of cultures in regions such as the Middle East, as well as violence within the heart of the nation's cities. Paul's ...

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