Essays and Research Papers on Religions Of The World

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A 6 page paper which presents a religious belief system. No sources cited.

This 3 page paper discusses Buddhism as it is practiced in the U.S. today. Bibliography lists 3 sources

Pope Gregory I

  • 8 page paper

An 8 page paper on the life and importance of Pope Gregory I, Pope Gregory the Great. Bibliography lists 7 sources.

An 8 page paper which examines the development of Buddhism in China. Bibliography lists 10 sources.

This 3 page paper discusses the advice Krishna gives to Prince Arjuna just before a battle, which is to fight because the immortal soul cannot be killed. The paper also argues that there are better options than Krishna's command to fight. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

An 8 page essay that summarizes and discusses the various ethical arguments that surround the debate over whether or not stem cell research is justifiable. The writer, citing both biological and philosophical arguments, feels that stem cell research is ethically sound and defensible. Bibliography lists 2 sources.

A 3 page paper which compares Thomas Paine’s “Common Sense” with Thomas Jefferson’s “The Virginia Act For Establishing Religious Freedom.” Bibliography lists 3 sources.

Divine Command

  • 4 page paper

A 4 page research paper/essay that explores the Divine Command theory of morality. This examination, first of all, looks at why few contemporary ethicists defend this system of ethics, and then at whether or not DCT can be justified in some modified form. The writer concludes that it cannot. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

This 8 page paper is an expansion of PGholysp.rtf. The essay addresses the question of the personhood of the Holy Spirit. Historically, many groups within the church have adamantly denied the personhood of the Holy Spirit. Yet, as one author said: "for someone who makes an unbiased reading of the Scriptures, references to the ...

A 3 page paper which examines how the novel “The Handmaid’s Tale” by Margaret Atwood could be a religious dictatorship seen in the future of the United States. The paper examines what such a future would be like. Bibliography lists 2 additional sources.

Job's Debate

  • 4 page paper

A 4 page essay that discusses the message of the Book of Job. This Old Testament narrative addresses one of the principal questions that has troubled humanity for millennia when considering the human condition. The question is simple: Why do bad things happen to good people? The answer, within the Judeo/Christian tradition is complicated by ...

Augustine on Peace

  • 4 page paper

A 4 page essay that discusses Augustine's definition of peace, which is "the tranquility of order." The writer discusses this from both a macrocosmic (societal) and microcosmic level (personal). Bibliography lists 2 sources.

A 6 page review of the life and accomplishments of this sixteenth century saint. The Author applies her lessons to our modern world. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

A 6 page paper about Christianity in the Third World with emphasis on India. Using student-provided sources, the essay focuses on the works of George Soares-Prabhu. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

A 3 page paper which discusses whether or not there is actually such a legitimate notion as a righteous war. No additional sources are used.

Psalm 37:19-24

  • 3 page paper

A 3 page essay that offers an overview of this passage. The writer argues, drawing from this passage, that there are times when individuals feel that there is "no justice" in the world. It seems as if the wicked prosper while righteous people suffer. Psalm 37:19-24 eloquently addresses this feeling and reassures the reader that ...

A 9 page research paper that examines the issue of Paul's authority, which he addresses in his Letter to the Galatians. The writer discusses how Paul presents his authority, the issues he was addressing and how this relates to present day Christianity. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

A 3 page overview of the accomplishment of these two religious leaders. Calvin is credited with restructuring Protestantism and Loyola with the founding of the Jesuits. Bibliography lists 2 sources.

Types of Meditation

  • 5 page paper

This 5 page paper discusses two types of meditation: Theravada and Zen. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

Tibetan Buddhism

  • 6 page paper

A 6 page overview of the main concepts of Tibetan Buddhism. The author contends that Buddhism stands distinct from other world religions in several key concepts. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

This 6 page paper addresses the question of the personhood of the Holy Spirit. Historically, many groups within the church have adamantly denied the personhood of the Holy Spirit. Yet, as one author said: "for someone who makes an unbiased reading of the Scriptures, references to the Holy Spirit's Personhood leap off the page." ...

Dalai Lama

  • 12 page paper

This 12 page paper explores the role of the Dalai Lama, and how his "office" fits into the structure of Buddhism as practiced in Tibet. Bibliography lists 7 sources.

10 pages in length. On the surface of Diane L. Eck's Encountering God: A Spiritual Journey from Bozeman to Banaras, one might readily surmise how the author possesses an accurate understanding of religious presence in today's multicultural society; however, upon closer inspection, Eck claims there has been an epiphany where religious pluralism is concerned ...

A 5 page essay that contrasts and compares the gospel accounts of Jesus being anointed with perfume by a woman. All four gospel accounts of the life, ministry and sacrifice of Jesus of Nazareth include a story, which occurs shortly before the crucifixion where he is anointed by a woman using expensive perfume. While all ...

A 9 page discussion of the relationships that exist between moral code and kinship obligation for these two philosophies. This paper addresses four specific questions regarding moral code’s basis of legitimacy, the way that kinship obligations are subordinated to the transcending moral code, the way kinship obligations are incorporated into the transcending moral code, ...

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