Essays and Research Papers on Religions Of The World

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  • 7 page paper

A 7 page research paper/essay that examines this topic. The term "christology" refers to the "inquiry and reflection that are concerned with Jesus in his messianic character" (Norris 2). This discussion of christology examines the ramifications of this doctrine on Christian belief and practice. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

A 4 page paper which examines the role Eastern religious traditions play in modern medicine, focusing upon how societal views of spirituality and religion have been influenced. Bibliography lists 2 sources.

A 4 page consideration of the question of whether conspicuous consumption is morally wrong. The author includes numerous Biblical quotes demonstrating that while wealth is not necessarily evil, when it leads to the idolatry of things it is not conducive to a Christian lifestyle. We should be truthful in all things and not ...

A 5 page paper comparing and contrasting these two myths. While there are distinct differences, there are often many similarities between the creation myths of even widely diverse cultures. Such is the case for the Yoruba of Nigeria and the Hindu people of India. Bibliography lists 1 source.

A 7 page research paper that considers the questions of why Tibetan Lamas are considered to be divine. The writer first gives background to Tibetan Lamaism and its principal tenets and then explores the subject of Lamaic divinity. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

Evil and Suffering

  • 8 page paper

This 8 page paper examines the concepts of evil and suffering in the Christian, Islamic, Judaic, Buddhist and Hindu traditions. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

Philippians 2:1-11

  • 8 page paper

An 8 page exegetical examination of this passage. The main idea behind Philippians 2:1-11 is that true followers of Jesus will strive to emulate him, who being God, nevertheless humbled himself, became human and sacrificed himself for others. Therefore, Christians, likewise, should live not just for themselves, but for others. The writer discusses the ...

A 4 page paper. The stimulus statement suggested that the "myth of Christian uniqueness and absolutism affects the rest of the world…." The writer argues against this and the continuing statement and states it is no myth that Western civilization was founded on the tenets of Christianity. The writer discusses Christian values found in democracy ...

This 5 page paper addresses two topics: What would Socrates say about Freud's Civilization and its Discontents; and What would Freud say about the Sermon on the Mount/The Beatitudes? Bibliography lists 6 sources.

A 7 page paper which examines this ethical problem by considering biblical passages as well as philosophical observations from Aristotle, Plato, and Thomas Aquinas. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

War and Buddhism

  • 6 page paper

This 6 page paper considers the way in which war has impacted Buddhism; it also looks at the actions of Buddhists during the Vietnam conflict. Bibliography lists 12 sources.

4 pages in length. The importance of marriage and family in the Catholic social teaching reflects a growing concern for movement away from traditional – and long-unchallenged – principles. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

This 3 page paper discusses the Book of Amos and what it says about greed, and how that relates to us today. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

This 3 page paper examines the book Mysticism: Holiness East and West by Denise and John Carmody. Bibliography lists 1 source.

Mark 1:14-16

  • 8 page paper

An 8 page examination of this of the construction of this passage from Mark. The writer argues that detailed examination of this passage demonstrates that this narrative is constructed to convey the import of that change and to generate in readers something of the excitement of that time. This passage shows that this was an ...

This 4 page paper takes the form of a letter, and argues that Plato's thinking had a strong influence on Christianity. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

This 5 page paper is an exegesis of Ezekiel 23, with a focus on the metaphor of the two sisters. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

This 4 page paper examines the thinking of Teilhard and how he justified placing God/Christ within the boundaries of evolutionary science. Bibliography lists 2 sources.

A 3 page essay that discusses issues involved with affordable housing from a Christian ministry perspective. The writer defends the concept of a housing ministry as a basic Christian goal. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

A 7 page paper that takes an exegetical look at this passage. Matthew 24:43-51 relates the parable of the unfaithful servant, in which Jesus warned his disciples concerning the nature of their behavior while waiting for his return. The following examination, first of all, relates biblical scholarship on this passage. Then, it discusses the ...

A 7 page example sermon that draws on Matthew 24:42-51 for its scriptural base. The writer, first of all, outlines this passage and then discusses its implications for Christians. The themes of the sermon are "Are you ready?" and what characteristics constitute being considered a "faithful servant." Bibliography lists 1 sources.

A 3 page review of the article by author Bruce Stokes. This paper examines Stoke' views on the Muslim world's attitudes towards the U.S. and suggests what can be done to change those views.

This 4 page paper provides a book review as this anthology is examined. How Muslim women are viewed by the world is the focus of this paper. No additional sources cited.

A 6 page paper which examines how this sacrament was conceived and performed in the early Church. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

A 4 page essay that examines Swinburne's text and argument, which the writer argues is basically the cosmological argument for the existence of God. However, while Swinburne's argument is impressive in its detail and overall logic structure, it still suffers from the classic flaws that can be found in all standard cosmological arguments. This examination ...

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