Essays and Research Papers on Religions Of The World

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A 6 page overview of this novel concerning a late nineteenth century Jewish immigrant to the U.S. The protagonist is inspired to move to the U.S. by the hard circumstances of his childhood and the growing anti-Semitic sentiments in Russia. When he arrives he has four cents in his pocket but successfully assimilates ...

5 pages in length. Understanding the underlying message put forth in Avery Dulles's "Models of the Church" is to realize the significant changes that have occurred in relation to religious landscape. Stating how the Church represents myriad different social and political aspects of society, Dulles clearly illustrates the impact religion continues to have ...

A 2 1/2 page paper which examines Jewish extreme fundamentalists. Bibliography lists 2 sources.

Psalm 137

  • 4 page paper

A 4 page exegetical examination of Psalm 137. The writer offers an overview of the Book of Psalms, a detailed analysis of the psalm that includes different opinions on translation, and conclusions as to meaning. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

A 4 page essay that draws on documents from Gilgamesh to Augustine to argue that the reasons why gods are created and worshiped has to do with humanity's innate fear of death. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

This 12 page paper considers the similarities and differences between the ways in which Franz Kafka and Gershom Scholem interpret the Jewish faith. The bibliography cites 10 sources.

A 6 page essay that answers four specific questions. Topics include: 3 adventures from the Odyssey that address character development for Odysseus; the gods' relationship to humanity in the Iliad; the character of Joseph, and the nature of exile for Joseph, Job and Adam and Eve. No additional sources cited.

A 6 page contention that while Adolf Hitler might have epitomized the anti-Semitic sentiment in pre-war Germany, those sentiments existed well before his birth or the advent of the Nazi party. This paper uses the lives and actions of politically influential men like Heinrich von Treitschke, Daniel Frymann (aka Heinrich Class) and Ernst Hiemer ...

An 8 page paper discussing the religious development of colonial Sierra Leone, created for freed former slaves returned to Africa from other countries. Sierra Leone is unique among African nations in that it was created by outside forces for a highly specific reason. It would provide a missions field holding individuals already acquainted ...

A 5 page research paper that offers an overview of the life of the Apostle Paul. The writer discusses what can be surmised about Paul's life from New Testament scripture. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

The Sovereignty Of God

  • 6 page paper

This 6 page paper discusses the sovereignty of God and how that is illustrated in the first five books of the New Testament, the four Gospels and Acts. The writer begins with a few verses from the Old Testament and from Revelations to set the stage. The essay discusses the presuppositions that are made ...

This 4 page paper discusses the beliefs of Paul versus those of the Corinthian Church. This paper highlights the disparities between the two and details the reasons for their differences. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

This 4 page paper discusses Sebastian de Grazia's "Machiavelli in Hell". This paper presents a summary of the book as well as a discussion of significant subject matter. Bibliography lists 1 source.

4 pages in length. The writer discusses impact of anthropomorphic gods in the Aztec, Hindu, Greek and Egyptian culture. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

Book Of Ruth

  • 2 page paper

This 2.5 page paper discusses the Old Testament Book, Ruth. The writer provides an historical background for the Book and comments on its literary style. The essay also includes a discussion of the lessons learned from this Book that are applicable today, such as true faith, devotion, obedience and commitment. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

A 3 page investigation of the physics behind party levitation whcih is sometimes accomplished in the game “Light as a Feather, Stiff as a Board”. In this game a volunteer is lifted off the ground from either a prone position or while seated in a chair using just the fingers of four assistants. ...

This 8 page paper explains the historical evolution of Orthodox Judaism in contrast to Zionism and begins by explaining that the Orthodox movement is not a unified movement but includes different sects. In fact, the term Orthodox Judaism is a new one, this is no real Orthodoxy. Zionism is new, having been initiated in ...

Vatican II/The Mass

  • 12 page paper

A 12 page research paper that discusses changes in the Catholic Church instituted by the Second Vatican Council. This examination of Vatican II doctrine demonstrates that changes to the Mass are evocative of the way that Vatican II reshaped the Church's understanding of itself and that this made the Church more relevant to the ...

A 4 page paper which examines Dante’s “Inferno” and St. Augustine’s “City of God” as they detail life in the physical world and the after world. No additional sources cited.

A 10 page research paper (including an annotated bibliography) that proposes the framework for a hypothetical research study on the nature role of the family in the spiritual development of children. Bibliography lists 10 sources.

Who Is Jesus?

  • 4 page paper

A 4 page paper that responds to a question that has been debated for more than 2,000 years. The writer comments on who Jesus Himself said He was, on the testimony of the Gospels and the accusations of His enemies. One writer said that Jesus was a humble man. Some of the Gospels trace Jesus' ...

The Book Of Revelation

  • 4 page paper

A 4 page paper. This essay does not attempt to interpret the Book of Revelation, instead, it is a general discussion about the Book. The essay includes the author, approximate date it was written, expert comments on what the Book is about and the overriding message contained in the Book. Bibliography lists 5 sources. ...

A 4 page paper. The anthropological method to Hinduism is one that follows along the premises found in the anthropology of religion. It becomes an ethnographic approach that considers culture. In other words, the anthropological method is one that is interdisciplinary. This essay discusses how some anthropologists have approached the study of India and caste ...

A 4 page paper which summarizes and briefly analyzes the book “When All the Gods Trembled” by Paul K. Conkin. No additional sources cited.

A 6 page paper which examines the beliefs concerning an afterlife in the religions of Buddhism and Christianity. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

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