Essays and Research Papers on Religions Of The World

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A 5 page paper which examines the morals of the Puritan community in Nathaniel Hawthorne’s “The Scarlet Letter” as they existed then and also now, as it relates to men of the cloth and sexual affairs. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

This 5 page paper looks at the biblical issue of child sacrifice. Both sides of the controversy are discussed. The paper supports the idea that child sacrifice was not truly engaged in. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

A 15 page paper. What is the true church? How can one distinguish between a true church and a false church? These are two of the questions that have been debated for almost 2,000 years and these are the questions this essay addresses. To help the average citizen with this question, the Roman Church ...

A 5 page research paper that investigates the ecclesiology of the church in regards to elders. The writer concentrates on the systematic ecclesiology of theologian Henry C. Thiessen, who drew his interpretation of topic directly from what scripture tells us about the early organization of the Christian church, under the rule of the Apostles. By ...

This 5 page paper looks at Christianity but takes a phenomenological view. Phenomenology is defined and explored. The phenomenological view is compared and contrasted with a historical view. Various parts of scripture are analyzed such as the virgin birth and the Bethlehem Star. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

This 5 page paper discusses the question of authorship of the epistles of CorinthiansI, Ephesians, Romans and Colossians by Paul. The discussion of the Body of Christ is examined for truth to these allegations. Examples are given and analysis made of various passages. Quotes cited from text. Bibliography lists 2 sources.

This 5 page paper presents a literary analysis of this very famous sermon by Jonathan Edwards delivered in July 1741. Edwards used a number of literary strategies in his sermon, including theme, imagery, metaphors, repetition and similes. These was also a pace of pulse associated with the sermon. This essay provides examples of each ...

Analysis of Eve

  • 10 page paper

A 10 page research paper that examines the story of Adam and Eve in Genesis. Modern scholars have examined the original Greek text of Genesis, exploring the validity of the traditional interpretation, and, for the most part, they generally differ from the traditional stance in the way they perceive the role of Eve. This analysis ...


  • 5 page paper

5 pages in length. The writer provides a detailed description of Buddhism, as well as touches upon Confucianism, Taoism, Falun Gong and Shintoism. Bibliography lists 9 sources.

This 3-page paper focuses on the religious aspect of Magdalena and Balthasar as explained in Steven Ozmet's study (through letters) about this 16th-century Nuremberg merchant's family.

Moses as Hero

  • 5 page paper

A 5 page paper discussing Moses as fitting into Campbell’s characterization of hero in “The Hero with a Thousand Faces.” Joseph Campbell holds that fact and fiction are two tools to use in furthering the same truth. Myth is not the product of idleness combined with a vivid imagination, but rather provides a ...

A 6 page paper which reviews the book “Birthing the Sermon” edited by Jana Childers. No additional sources cited.

Romans 1:24-27

  • 3 page paper

A 3 page explication of these verses, in which the writer that Paul created a sense of tension in his writing that both conveyed a message of God's involvement with the affairs of humanity, as well as a dire need for the message of salvation. No additional sources cited.

This 6 page report discusses Larue’s 2002 book that brings together twelve of the great Christian, and African American orators of the United States. Each of the contributors in Larue’s compilation addresses some aspect of the concerns related to establishing a truly meaningful preaching ministry such as how to keep fresh ideas in sermons that reiterate fundamental concepts, ...

A 5 page paper that discusses the story of Adam and Eve found in Genesis 2:4-3.24. The essay discusses the author and estimated dates during which the text was written. The writer then discusses the themes found in this story and the historical background. This is followed by a literary analysis the ends by listing ...

A 5 page paper reviewing the 2001 revised edition of this book by Eugene Lowry. The book’s author notes that preachers come away from some sermons with a sense of satisfaction in knowing that a specific sermon was “good,” but without means to define how it was good or what made it that way. ...

This 20 page paper gives an in-depth analysis of the theories and ideas of William Yount in his book, Created to Learn. A chapter by chapter examination of the material is presented with substantiating quotes from the text. Bibliography lists 1 source.

John and Matthew

  • 8 page paper

An 8 page paper which examines the Gospel of John 3: 1-21. The paper compares it to the presentation of similar material in the synoptic Gospel of Matthew 5. Bibliography lists 3 additional sources.

Ezra 9:6-15

  • 14 page paper

A 14 page exegetical examination of Ezra 9:6-15. The writer argues that an examination of scholarship on this passage reveals why the issue of separateness was crucial to the Hebrew faith, at this time and throughout the Old Testament. Also, parallels can be drawn between this passage and the present, which show that remaining ...

A 5 page paper which examines the structure of the Al-Qaida terrorist group. Bibliography lists 8 sources.

An 8 page essay/research paper that investigates the major argument presented by Donal Dorr in his text Integral Spirituality (1990), which presents a perspective on spirituality that demonstrates how this aspect of life should be interwoven with the fabric of every day existence, providing a foundation upon which all other interactions are based. ...

A 15 page discussion of how the practice of veiling has varied over time and culture. The author contends that the Islamic custom of veiling is irrelevant to the central issue of women’s rights. To concentrate on this practice only results in a distraction from the real problems of women’s access to education ...

A 4 page research paper that offers an exegetical look at the Book of Job. The writer discusses the origins of this ancient epic, controversy over the authorship and possible interpretations. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

A 5 page examination of the changes we experienced in our view of the world and our place in that world between 1196 and 1795. The author utilizes five historic documents to illustrate the evolution of ideology which we experienced in this time period. These documents are Pope Innocent III’s 1196 pronouncement of ...

Neo-Buddhism in India

  • 9 page paper

This 9 page paper provides an overview of buddhism as well as its place in India today. How it has been viewed as better than Hinduism and how it has affected the caste system are some things explored. The caste system and its detrimental nature is also discussed. Bibliography lists 7 ...

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