Essays and Research Papers on Racism

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13 pages. The Civil Rights Movement was a time of violence and unrest, and many African-Americans had to break the law in order to make themselves heard. This paper contends that all of this was correct and necessary action in order to accomplish what they did. The backlash that was involved in this ...

A 4 page paper which examines how the experience of Mississippi blacks serving in the military during World War II affected their attitudes regarding racism and segregation and made them more determined than ever to challenge Jim Crow laws. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

A 5 page paper which discusses how Martin Luther King Jr.'s approach to civil rights, utilizing non-violence, was an effective weapon in making changes to civil rights involvement. The paper also discusses how Jim Crow laws, Plessy v Ferguson, and Brown v Board of Education also played into this approach. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

A 7 page research paper that examines the philosophical stance behind King's theory of nonviolent protest. The writer particularly emphasizes the influence of the Indian leader Gandhi on King's philosophy. Bibliography lists 7 sources.

9 pages in length. The vicious cycle of social determinism plagues virtually every aspect of life, however, no place is more evident of this than with the relationship among law enforcement, drugs and race. Policing such an overwhelming cause as rampant drug use has brought to light an interwoven component of ethnic inclusion ...

This is a 5 page review of Howard Jones’ “Mutiny on the Amistad”. Howard Jones’ 1987 book “Mutiny on the Amistad: The Saga of a Slave Revolt and its Impact on American Abolition, Law, and Diplomacy” tells of a true story which took place in 1839 and enhanced the cause of the abolitionists in the ...

A 5 page analysis of James Fenimore Cooper's The Last of the Mohicans and Mary White Rowlandson's personal narrative that tells of her capture by Narragansett Indians in a 1675 attack on Lancaster, Mass. The writer argues that both of these accounts are revealing as to how whites viewed Native Americans and how this showed ...

An 8 page research paper, which is a slightly longer version of another paper by the same writer (khmlk&g.wps) that examines the philosophical stance behind King's theory of nonviolent protest. The writer particularly emphasizes the influence of the Indian leader Gandhi on King's philosophy. Bibliography lists 8 sources.

Slavery & Racism

  • 5 page paper

This 5 page paper examines the issue of slavery and its connection to racism. Although many assume that prejudice is an inherent part of slavery, some scholars argue that the institution was simply a vehicle of economic need. Two articles which tackle this issue are summarized and compared. A 1 page outline is also ...

A 6 page paper on slavery in Colonial America in which the writer discusses such concepts as slave societies, slaves as an economic necessity, etc.; Sections also focus on the hardships endured by slaves including physical abuse, mental torture, and more. Social and political issues as they existed are examined in great detail and the ...

This is a 5 page paper discussing Briton Hammon’s narrative and elements which seem to go against the norms of the time. Briton Hammon’s narrative of his thirteen years at sea seems in many ways to go against the norms of society believed to have existed at that time. Hammon, a slave, was released by ...

This 5 page paper discuses the event that acted as a catalyst to end slavery in this state. As one writer commented, because the North was free during the Civil War era, people have forgotten that slavery was practiced in the North early in American history. It was common European practice to enslave those one ...

A 5 page research essay that investigates the reasons Africans came to be exploited as slave labor. Researchers point to the sugar boom in the Mediterranean and then again in Brazil, labor shortages and the reliability of black slaves. Both nations owed their success to black slaves. Their success established the model of labor for ...

A 6 page analysis of Edmund S. Morgan's book American Slavery/American Freedom: The Ordeal of Colonial Virginia. In this book Morgan examines the economic and demographic development of early Virginia. The fact that a love for liberty and equality in the American colonies developed simultaneously with a reliance on the institution of slavery is the ...

An 8 page paper that defines the hottest event leading up to 1876 to be the debate over the abolition of slavery, not only on moral grounds, but also on the political grounds of retaining the union of states. Debate topics include writings and speeches made by Garnet, Douglass, Garrison, Grimske, Lowell and Walker. The ...

A 5 page research paper which looks at how conditions on the slave ships of the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries were impacted by the effect of mortality rates on profitability. The writer demonstrates that while mortality rates remained appallingly high throughout the period of the Atlantic slave trade, economic considerations did improve the rate somewhat. ...

An 8 page research paper that presents an overview of how resistance was often staged by captives abducted into slavery. The writer focuses on the Amistad incident and discusses the effects that this had on the U.S. abolitionist movement and also possible effects in Africa. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

A Slave Trader's Tale

  • 10 page paper

This 10 page paper focuses on the original work of the slave trader Captain Theophilus Conneau. Several issues are addressed including the morality of the institution and its conflict with religion. The life of Conneau is outlined and the book is discussed in general terms. The daily life of the slave is explored through this ...

This 5 page overview on wedding ceremonies held for slaves in nineteenth century America details customs such as 'jumping the broom.' The role of the church is also addressed. The paper ends with marriage statistics from the time period. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

Slavery In New England

  • 5 page paper

A 5 page analysis of slavery in New England explores assumptions made by Piersen in Black Yankees. The destruction of black family ties in the eighteenth century is thought to have caused the failure of blacks to become integrated into the dominant culture. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

A 5 page examination of life in America in regard to slavery as evidenced through the autobiographies of Frederick Douglass and Benjamin Franklin. Bibliography included.

An Overview Of Slavery

  • 7 page paper

A 7 page paper that explores slavery from the Revolution through emancipation. The paper explores the issue through the political processes and impassioned abolitionist statements that occurred during those years, including slave revolts, Dred Scott, compromises, a number of abolitionist statements, and the Lincoln-Douglas debates. Bibliography lists 11 sources.

A 6 page research paper on the Dred Scott case. The writer provides a lengthy overview of the case and posits that it has led to an ongoing legacy of Supreme Court hassles over states' rights and the nonexistent 'majority rule' question. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

A 5 page overview of the issue of slavery and the differing viewpoints surrounding it during and after the Civil War. Includes an overview of the views of Abraham Lincoln, John C. Calhoun, Frederick Douglass, Booker T. Washington, and W.B. Du Bois. Bibliography lists four sources.

A 5 page paper discussing stereotypes of slaves versus the realities of slave life, including methods of resistance. The writer provides an overview of various misconceptions of slave life and reasons for slave behavior as well as various forms of resistance. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

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