Essays and Research Papers on Public Health Issues

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Scarlet Fever

  • 5 page paper

5 pages in length. The fundamental composition of scarlet fever is that of a highly contagious, infectious disease. Caused by an infection with Group A streptococcal bacteria, the scarlet colored cheek rash is the direct result of a toxin released by this particular bacteria. While not all people develop a rash – ...

(7 pp). The plague in India, cholera in Rwanda and Zaire, tuberculosis in the US - diseases we thought we had conquered, are returning with a vengeance throughout the world, claims Laurie Garrett, Health and Science Writer for Newsday. Rising population densities, the advent of jet travel, environmental destruction, and changing ...

Migrant Health Issues

  • 5 page paper

In the United States, migrant workers are utilized for seasonal employment in rural, agricultural areas. This 5 page paper explores the health issues of the Hispanic migrant worker in a rural area and suggests that the 'community' be responsible for providing opportunity for health care and education. Bibliography lists 10 sources.

(8pp) Have you ever wondered how we as humans have managed to make any progress at all? With any major development there are nay-sayers, or those who know that latest invention will not only derail the future of the world, but also the children of that future. Fear is a major propaganda tool. ...

P. McCabe A 5 page paper that discusses ionising radiation. The writer offers an explanation of the different kinds of ionising radiation, how doses are measured, and the health risks at different dose levels. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

A 14 page paper. This research paper discusses the following topics: the types and incidence of leukemia; the symptoms, diagnosis and etiology of leukemia; what ionizing radiation is and what levels are believed to be safe; and comprehensive studies of workers in nuclear facilities and their children. Bibliography lists 11 sources.

A five page paper which looks at the problems faced by police officers in dealing with mentally ill suspects, and the ways in which training programmes designed to redress the problem might be managed and assessed. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

A 15 page paper discussing Britain's efforts to devise effective rules for increased safety while maintaining common sense. Narrow and immediate issues of workplace safety rest with individual workers and their employers' management of active safety issues, but they also extend to greater levels as evidenced by rules applying to consultants and designers. Mandatory certifications can work to ...

This 10 page report discusses asthma in terms of its impact on the human body as well as its impact on the patient and their family. Asthma has the potential to be a terrifying experience for children and their families. When a young child has this chronic disease, a parent understands that it will not necessarily kill their child, ...

Domestic Abuse

  • 6 page paper

A 6 page discussion of domestic violence. Relates the astounding statistics on spouse and child abuse emphasizing that millions of women and children fall victim to domestic abuse each year. Suggests that effective intervention in domestic abuse revolves around dispelling themisperceptions involving domestic abuse. Bibliography lists 9sources.

Children in Poverty.

  • 10 page paper

(10pp) Supposedly during the Regan years, a story circulated that Regan told on himself. "We declared war on poverty", the President said. "And poverty won!" A funny story perhaps, if it wasn't so true. Politicians will tell us that due to a strong economy, we are doing just fine. The statistics ...

(5 pp) Not smoking is one of the best gifts you can give your unborn child. Studies show that women who do not smoke are more likely to deliver healthy babies of normal birth weight than women who do smoke. In fact, smoking cigarettes, or second hand smoke, during pregnancy has been proven ...

Occupational Asthma

  • 10 page paper

10 pages in length. One of the most important discoveries of late is that of workplace influence when it comes to asthma attacks. Experts address the reasons why the office may be one of the most hazardous places to be for an asthmatic, inasmuch as two to fifteen percent of all new asthma ...

(4 pp). Pregnancy in the teenage years is of particular high risk to the mom, to the baby and to the family unit. This discussion will add even more data to that already high risk area. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

A sixteen-page paper which assesses the genetic, physiological and cultural factors which pre-dispose Hispanic American children to type 2 diabetes, and looks at the ways in which social and health education programmes may be initiated to alleviate the behavioural patterns which have contributed to the rapid rise of the condition in young people over the ...

A seven page paper which looks at Dorothea Orem’s theories of nursing care regarding the interaction of patients and health care professionals and the way in which care procedures may be structured to facilitate self-management and increase patient involvement in decision-making. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

(5 pp) Sen. Tim Hutchinson (R-Ark.), chairman of the Subcommittee on Aging of the Health, Education, Labor and Pensions Committee, said the report, "2000 National Sample Survey of RNs," -- being released by the Health and Human Services Health Resources and Services Administration - confirms "nursing demands will exceed supply by 20% in year ...

This 16 page paper considers the way in which health care in the United States has changed. By reviewing three separate articles the role of integration and the models developed to examine integration of health services are discussed and summarised and compared to note their similarities and differences in terms of findings an opinions. ...

5 pages in length. The writer discusses EMS system operations according to the Connecticut Report. Bibliography lists 2 sources.

9 pages in length. Chiropractic treatment has been the focus of much debate as to its medical claims, particular with its assertion to help asthma. Inasmuch as chiropractic is classified as an alternative approach to medical treatment, it does not subscribe to conventional therapy; rather, the very foundation of chiropractic is body manipulation ...

( 10pp). Nursing preventative care involves reducing the spread of infection in medical settings through appropriate and through hand washing, selection of appropriate gloves, and adherence to safety conditions regarding sharps. This discussion will examine those techniques and procedures. Bibliography lists 30 sources.

This 5 page paper provides a tutorial counter-argument to a number of points made in a prevalent myth concerning the origin and purpose of HIV. Bibliography lists 8 sources.

A 9 page paper that investigates substance abuse and its impact on families. The writer reports data comparing the rate of substance abuse in the U.S. between the 1960s and the 1990s, the impact on children when a parent is a substance abuser, the concept of screening by the primary care physician and the ...

This 6 page paper explores many aspects of AIDS. The impact of the disease on communities is discussed with a focus on Miami and its Hispanic population. AIDS is also discussed in a general sense. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

A 6 page paper that presents the advantages of breastfeeding for infant, mother, and nation. The writer also discusses the disadvantages and when it is not in the best interest of the infant for the mother to breastfeed. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

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