Essays and Research Papers on Psychology Mixed

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A 6 page investigation into the reasons behind the actions of one of the most disturbed serial killers of all time. The author discusses Dahmer's actions as they relate to the personality theories of Carl Rogers and Kevin Evan Moyers. Bibliography lists 7 sources.

This 6 page paper looks at how and why such controversy arose regarding phrenology; the study of the shape of the skull. Then paper explains the underlying assumption made by Gall and Spurzheim and looks at the arguments that were put forward to discredit the new science at the beginning of the nineteenth century. ...

This 5 page paper provides an overview of a lifestyle assessment, with a specific focus on the issue of stress. This paper outlines the short and long term goals for reducing stress.

7 pages in length. The writer discusses several Freudian theories as they have beneficially infused psychologists with the ability to help patients afflicted with traumas related to sexuality. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

This 10 page paper presents a review of the literature on Critical Incident Stress Management (CISM) and Critical Incident Stress Debriefing (CISD). CISM was initially designed for emergency workers as a way to mitigate post-traumatic stress disorder and other symptoms. In recent years, the debriefing component (CISD) has been attacked as not effective and even ...

Erikson and Freud

  • 4 page paper

A 4 page paper which compares and contrasts the theories of Erik Erikson and Sigmund Freud. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

This 4 page paper discuss the extent to which depression is a state of doing rather than a state of being; is it something we are or something we do? The paper looks at how this may be discussed by looking at literature and studies which indicate different sources of depression. The bibliography cites ...

Invisible Theater

  • 7 page paper

A 7 page tutorial which presents possible experiences with invisible theater. No sources cited.

This 6 page paper supports the notion that while environment does play a role in aggression, it cannot be separated from the effect that hormones have. The subject is explored with the use of a variety of journal articles. Bibliography lists 10 sources.

5 pages in length. There is no longer any question – clinical, scientific or anecdotal - as to whether children can be diagnosed with bipolar disorder, a mental imbalance typically attributed to adults. What is especially difficult about making this diagnosis, however, is the manner by which bipolar symptoms closely mimic those of ...

This 5 page paper provides an overview of Multiple Personality Disorder, also known as Dissociative Identity Disorder. This paper gives case study informaton on Mary Reynolds, the first woman every diagnosed with MPD (DID). Bibliography lists 3 sources.

This 5 page paper examines the behaviorist model and Thorndike's contribution. How his theories can be applied to the classroom is discussed. Intelligence testing is a concept included as well. Bibliography lists 7 sources.

This 3 page paper provides basic information about each of these theorists. Some background information is provided. This paper is in Q&A format. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

A 7 page overview of the numerous coping problems being experienced by a fictional sixteen year old black juvenile. This paper outlines the juvenile's case in relation to the familial problems he is experiencing and diagnoses his problems. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

A 6 page paper reporting the results of a survey of individuals regarding their knowledge of personal finance. The study surveyed three groups of 28 individuals each, in age groups ranging from 30 to over 50. The hypothesis, that financial IQ increases with age, was not supported by the results of statistical analyses ...

Aging and Senility

  • 5 page paper

A 5 page overview of the myths and misperceptions regarding senility. Senility is not an unavoidable result of aging. Through education we can overcome these myths and live a better quality of life. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

This 9-page paper deals with Simon Baron-Cohen's theories of autism and "male-wired brain." The paper discusses the theories, defines autism and then points out what the critics are saying. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

A 12 page overview of incest, its causes and impacts. The author defines incest, explores the underlying motivations, and assesses its long term psychological impact on children. Considerable attention is paid to the link between incestual sexual abuse, post traumatic stress disorder, and eating disorders such as anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa. ...

This 5-page paper attempts to prove a hypothesis that avoidant attachment is linked to depression. The paper argues that while insecure attachment in infancy can be linked to depressive behavior later on in life, there are likely other things at play as well that could lead to such behavior. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

A 10 page review of the issues surrounding these maladaptive conditions. The author of this paper reviews the suspected causes and treatments but contends that the fact that there is not specific etiology for these conditions makes diagnosis and treatment exceptionally difficult. Bibliography lists 12 sources.

A 4 page emphasis on the importance of volunteering to help the most needy member of our communities. Written from the personal perspective of one volunteer, this paper encourages others to look around them for individuals in need and to step forward to help those individuals. Bibliography lists 2 sources.

This 7 page paper examines the humanistic philosophies of psychological theorist Sidney Jourard. This paper provides many examples of his theories as well as commenting upon their impact. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

This 6-page paper involves a discussion of art therapy as an alternative therapy. Some of the uses for this therapy include catharsis, memory recall and expression. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

A 9 page discussion of the many diverse roles the cerebral cortex plays in psychological function. The author describes this portion of our brain and the mechanisms through which it works. Bibliography lists 7 sources.

This 12 page paper examines narrative therapy and delves into its uses in the context of immigrant populations. Narrative therapy is discussed in depth. Bibliography lists 10 sources.

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