Essays and Research Papers on Psychology Mixed

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A 5 page paper which examines how anger, pride, and lust, three of the seven deadly sins, are still alive today. No sources cited.

This 12 page paper discusses the utilization of anger therapy for adult women survivors of childhood abuse. Topics covered include how anger is manifested, characteristics of survivors, as well as use of anger in the healing process. Bibliography lists 10 sources.

An 8 page discussion of these theories as they apply to what is known about the background and psychological deviance of Jeffrey Dahmer. The author presents evidence from Dahmer’s background and criminal behavior which supports both Reckless’ theories on inner and external containments and Gottredson and Hirschi’s theory of self control. Bibliography lists ...

This 5 page paper considers the evidence for and against the role of phonological skills helping children to learn to read and spell. The paper includes work by Bradley and Bryant as well as studies that consider those comparisons between those learning alphabetical and logographic languages. The bibliography cites 5 sources.

This 8 page paper provides an overview of arachnophobia or a fear of spiders. Animal phobias are discussed in depth as is treatment in the form of desensitization. Forms of desensitization are discussed and some case studies provided. Bibliography lists 12 sources.

A 7 page paper providing a literature review and methods section of a study seeking to gain both parents’ and children’s perspectives on the effects of parents’ work. The design of this study is intended to be relevant, reliable and valid, free of both researcher and respondent bias. The purpose is to discover ...

This 5 page paper provides an evaluation of an article continuing statistics. The purpose of the review is to question the validity of statistics and how easily statistics can be erroneously interpreted. No additional sources cited.

This 6 page paper discusses the moral and ethical dilemmas faced by Seymour, Mr. Mushnick and Audrey in the Alan Menken version of The Little Shop of Horrors. Examples are given from the musical which substantiate claims. Each character is evaluated utilizing the Ten core values of ethical conduct. Bibliography lists 1 source.

A 5 page paper which examines the working relationship that Babe Secoli describes in Studs Terkel’s “Working.” The paper also incorporates the Phenomenological Model Of Work and Culture provided in a fax from the student. Source for this unknown. No additional sources cited.

A 5 page overview of Kohn’s view that the utilization of a reward system in education and other social arenas results is more deleterious than positive results. Kohn contends that rewards-systems lead to extrinsic motivation, behavior in which the reward is obtained by any means possible even if that means is counterproductive in either ...

This 6 page paper critically evaluates a research paper by Llewelyn and Hume, that considers the role of relationships and non specific factors in therapy treatments. The paper focuses on the appropriateness of the design, sample and method and then consider other similar studies. The bibliography cites 4 souerces.

This 5 page paper summarizes what is known about anxiety disorders and depression. The disorders are compared and contrasted in terms of control, schemas and self-discreptantcies.Bibliography lists 8 sources.


  • 5 page paper

This 5 page paper discusses the social cognition transference model as presented by Susan Anderson. Also discussed is the way in which memory is stored, and accessed and interpreted depending on culture, gender, and experience. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

The Want-Ad Killer

  • 5 page paper

A five page paper which looks at the crimes of the serial killer Carignan, known as the 'want-ad killer' with reference to Loni Athens' theories of brutalisation. Bibliography lists 2 sources

A 21 page paper containing all of the information of its 16-page counterpart of the same name, with the addition of another section specific to treatment of women. Women tend to become addicted more quickly than men and so may be more strongly addicted by the time they seek treatment. Women also are ...

Ths 5-page paper discusses the concept of countertransference and overidentification in a counselor or therapist. The paper discusses what the concept is, how it can manifest itself, and what some counselers are doing to try to counteract it. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

6 pages in length. The extent to which birth through three years old is a critical period with regard to individual development is both grand and far-reaching. Myriad theorists have charted this time frame by means of cognitive and emotional development, with the common denominator among them all being that what is learned ...

This 7 page paper discusses the philosophies of Sigmund Freud and his concept of the ego and Id and Henri Bergson and his philosophy of Creative Evolution. This paper asks and answers the question, "Were the irrationalists all that irrational?" Bibliography lists 4 sources.

This 8 page paper provides an annotated bibliography of 6 of Sigmund Freud's works and one of Anna Freud's. Various theories are explored within the context of these volumes. Bibliography lists 7 sources.

This 7 page paper dicusses the character of Macon and his obsessive compulsive disorder. This paper asserts that Macon is this way because he is hiding his grief and despair. Bibliography lists 1 source.

This 8 page report discusses one person and looks at her personality under the ideas presented by three separate personality theories -- Erik Erikson’s stage of development, Car Rogers’ theories of actualization, and the Five Factor Model of personality. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

This 5 page paper discusses why psychologists think memory research is important. The writer addresses the question by reporting some of the knowledge gained from memory research, such as the Atkinson-Shriffin model that identifies different types of memory. A brief explanation of the brain and memory is also included. bibliography lists 9 sources.


  • 5 page paper

This 5 page paper discusses the disorder of Narcissism as it is portrayed in Edgar Alan Poe's tale: Cast of Amontillado. Texts also utilized in this paper include The Freud Reader and The Transformations by Kohut. Examples are given from the text and cited. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

A 10 page paper which examines and summarizes Stephen R. Covey’s book “The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People.” No additional sources cited.

This 5 page paper discusses the persona of Osama Bin Laden based on the tapes which were aired shortly after 9/11/02. Analysis is based on the theories of Goffman to determine front stage, back stage, group dynamics, and overall identity of the leader of the Taliban. Quotes cited from text. Examples given. Bibliography lists 3 ...

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