Essays and Research Papers on Presidential Studies (U.S.)

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A 6 page overview of the economic philosophies of George W. Bush. Notes that Bush economic policy will encompass not only corrections of the economy but also such issues as big business, agriculture, national debt, and even retirement and health care issues. Focuses on heath care and the privatization of previously governmental run ...

In five pages and three parts, this paper examines the government findings of the Warren Commission and the subsequent government investigation into the assassination of President John F. Kennedy, assesses the evidence along with mistakes made, inconsistencies, and cover-up attempts, and argues that there was indeed a conspiracy with supporting information provided. Three sources ...

3 pages in length. Despite what critics may have said about Roosevelt's New Deal program teaching Americans to depend upon the government for their social and economic stability, there were other aspects of the president's grandiose approach to jumpstarting the economy in post-Depression America, not the least of which was the pursuit of preserving ...

(6 pp) The United States government agency with the name Secret Service has a very open mission - protect the President. He has continued to do that duty with dedication since before the Civil War. Globilization and current politics have presented new and difficult areas for this agency. Bibliography lists ...

FDR and Change

  • 6 page paper

A 6 page paper which examines the changes Franklin D. Roosevelt brought to government. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

This is an 8 page paper which discusses the useful web sites found and the relevancy to the issue of the correlation between the Presidents of the United States and the U.S. Economy. While many sites are good for historical and economic details, others are government based and perhaps too factual and open to bias. ...

This 5 page paper evaluates the George W. Bush presidential cabinet. Each of the fifteen members are discussed in addition to the role they play in government. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

A 15 page discussion of the circumstances surrounding the 1963 assassination of President John F. Kennedy. The author reviews the various conspiracies and concludes that only one thing is clear, the events surrounding the assassination could not have occurred as our government tells us they did. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

The Health Care Issue

  • 5 page paper

This 5 page paper evaluates the health care issue, Medicare and so forth in respect to the 2004 presidential election. The Kerry plan is favored. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

This 4 page paper contends that making all illegals citizens (as is alluded to in this presidential address) would cost Americans greatly in terms of health care in particular. Bibliography lists 2 sources.

This 4 page paper examines how different nations see the U.S. health care dilemma. Different newspapers are the focus of this investigation. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

This 4-page paper is a discussion about the proposed health care policies of presidents Bill Clinton and Harry Truman, and why neither passed muster with the public or Congress. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

A 5 page paper which examines and reviews Robert F. Kennedy’s “Thirteen Days” which chronicles one of the most important events in the history of the United States. No additional sources cited.

A 21 page overview of twelve candidates for U.S. and Georgia offices. This overview includes details on the campaigns and political history of George W. Bush, John Kerry, Ralph Nader, Johnny Isakson, Denise Majette, Phil Gingrey, Rick Crawford, Johnny Grant, Faye Smith, Harry Geisinger and Jan Hackney. Includes information facts gleaned from campaign ...

A 10 page overview of the history of “Operation Restore Hope”, the U.S. humanitarian mission implemented in 1992 by the George Bush administration. This paper contends that while Clinton endorsed Operation Restore Hope he did so only in recognition of how a resistance to such a humanitarian effort would reflect on his chances of ...

An 8 page consideration of the reasons behind the US’s entry into World War I. This paper presents Wilson as one of history’s tragic heroes. Bibliography lists 7 sources.

A 7 page overview of this critical period in American history. This paper analyzes the annexation of Texas and the U.S. war with Mexico in accordance with the expansionist views of then President James K. Polk. The contention is presented that this annexation would prove to be a critical element in the ultimate ...

This 14 page paper provides an overview of this president's stint in the White House as well as an evaluation on how well he did. The policies of this president are discussed as well as the impact they made on history. Bibliography lists 7 sources.

3 pages in length. Titling his speech "A More Perfect Union," President-elect Barack Obama inspired listeners with the ideals of a nation that is written in constitutional purpose but as of today has yet to be realized. The primary focus of Obama's speech was to revisit this major discrepancy of American culture by ...

7 pages in length. Historic documents hold an importance to this country's foundation like no other significant record of value; that each one represents a piece of history in the ongoing development of the United States speaks to the tremendous weight each one carries. Richard Nixon's Silent Majority speech from November, 1969 most ...

Critical Elections

  • 4 page paper

There have been critical presidential elections in U.S. history; this 4 page paper examines three: 1860, 1932 and 1980. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

This 5 page paper discusses the George Washington Statue, which resides in Virginia, which was crafted by the famed French sculptor Houdon. This paper examines the detail and history of the statue, as well as exploring the life of Houdon. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

This eight page paper explores how revolutionary thought fueled our early history as a nation. The settling of Jamestown, the American Revolution itself, and the so-called revolution of 1800 when Thomas Jefferson assumed the presidency are all discussed. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

A 4 page book review. US politicians who are associated with American involvement in Southeast Asia, that is, Richard Nixon and Lyndon Johnson, are, in general, denigrated both by the public and by historical scholarship. In Lyndon Johnson and Europe, In the Shadow of Vietnam (2003), historian Thomas Alan Schwartz offers a reasoned and ...

Executive Privilege

  • 11 page paper

An 11 page paper discussing the claims of the Clinton administration that it should be immune from prosecution in the investigations that ultimately uncovered the Monica Lewinsky sex scandal. Executive privilege is a concept that gives the chief executive – i.e., the president – of the country the right to act outside of normal ...

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