Essays and Research Papers on Presidential Studies (U.S.)

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This 5 page paper compares and contrasts these two leaders. Biographical information is provided. Research is provided to support the assumptions. Bibliography lists 8 sources.

This 10-page paper discusses racism in the White House throughout the history of the Presidency. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

In 5 pages the author discusses Thomas Jefferson and his presidency. When looking back over the history of the United States, one person truly stands out as a leader among men. That person is Thomas Jefferson. Thomas Jefferson stands as the immortal symbol for freedom and equality throughout history. Real democracy ...

An 11 page discussion of the many similarities which existed between Lincoln and Roosevelt in their handling of two of the most turbulent times in American history. The author asserts that while the presidencies of these two men were separated by some seventy years of history, Lincoln stood as an inspiration to Roosevelt. ...

A 12 page overview of Johnson's accomplishments and failures. The author contends that although he is remembered bitterly for his role in the Vietnam War, Johnson had a lengthy political history thatrests outside the issues surrounding Vietnam. That history is not only positive, it isexemplary and testifies to his work ethic and his ...

A 5 page paper supporting Al Gore for the National Presidential Election. Contends that this election could quite possibly be the most important election in the history of the Nation. This is true in regard to a number of issues, the most obvious of which are the environment, gun control, the rights of ...

A 3 page paper examining this seminal document in American history in terms of its historical ties to some of the predominant political ideas of the Enlightenment, particularly those of Locke. The paper shows how the Declaration of Independence took ideas that had been current in theory only and put them into practice. Bibliography lists ...

A 5-page paper that examines the many accomplishments and victories that mark the U.S. Presidency of Ronald Reagan and justify the statement that he was possibly the greatest president in the nation's history. Discussed is the economic prosperity spawned by a decade of "Reaganomics" as well as the key role President Reagan played in ...

An 11 page discussion of the material presented in this book regarding the alleged political corruption and possible links with organized crime among the John F. Kennedy camp which resulted in one of the closest presidential elections in history. Suggests that the long range implications of the outcome of this race were substantial, possibly ...

Ulysses S. Grant – Does He Measure Up?: This 9-page analytical essay examines a number of weakness and strengths in this historical figure. Credited as the man virtually responsible for ending the Civil War, Grant went on to be elected president. History hounds him as a drunk, while other reports cite his numerous contributions ...

A 10 page discussion of the importance of political parties. examines the two party system of the United States and traces the formation of the Bull Moose Progressive Party in the presidential elections of 1912. This split of the Republican party ensured the success of Woodrow Wilson in the presidential race. Bibliography lists ...

A 4 page essay that discusses the view of Abraham Lincoln on the role of government and problems facing the nation during his presidency, with a particular focus on Lincoln's beliefs about the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution. Bibliography lists 1 source.

3 pages in length. The basis of "The Reagan Revolution and the New Capitalism" as found in Major Problems in American History, volume 2 is to provide a better understanding of how Reagan - as well as Goldwater and Nixon before him - were placed in their political leadership roles at precisely the right ...

A 15 page paper that begins with a brief introduction to Ronald Reagan. The writer then discusses the communication of each election campaign, demonstrating how messages were conveyed to the public. Reagan always spoke simply and clearly. He was a master at sending a simple message that had profound implications, like "Mr. Gorbachev, tear down ...

This 15 page report discusses integrated marketing communication and Al Gore’s campaign for the presidency. In the final weeks of the race, campaign strategists must calculate ways to win enough states to amass the 270 Electoral College votes needed to win the White House. As a result, their strategies depend on reaching the greatest number of voters to assure ...

5 pages in length. Architecturally adept at utilizing the concept behind rhetorical theory, Nixon was quite accomplished as presenting both an image of a president, as well as the actions of a president. Public relations and human resources were his primary considerations when he established the Office of Communications, which served to perpetuate ...

A 6 page contention that our communication styles have evolved from the critical to the functinalist over the past four decades. The author uses the examples of Lyndon B. Johnson and Bill Clinton to illustrate this evolution. While the credibility our nation’s most prominent individuals is sure to become even more laced with ...

A 5 page overview of "Reagan, In His Own Hand: The Writings of Ronald Reagan That Reveal His Revolutionary Vision for America", a book containing numerous original essays of Ronald Reagan compiled by Kiron K. Skinner. The documents included in "Reagan, In His Own Hand" were written largely prior to his attaining the office ...

This 8 page paper pretends to be an article from the late President Abraham Lincoln, but written in the present time. Assuming that Lincoln has miraculously come back to life in 2001, he writes for the front page of the New York Times primarily about his political ideas. He critiques the current president, as well ...


  • 5 page paper

A 5 page paper that discusses the book “Reagan,” by Lou Cannon. Cannon has written two books about former President Reagan, this being the first, written while Reagan was still in office. We examine how Cannon portrays Reagan, which is in a manner that illustrates a unique character that somehow existed in a fantasy world in many ways. ...

A 5 page review of the book "First in His Class" written by Pulitzer prize winning journalist David Mariniss. Summarizes the material presented by Mariniss which gives insight into the many factors which shaped Bill Clinton and assured his journey to the Presidency of the United States. Emphasizes the many character flaws detailed ...

8 pages in length. Jefferson's belief in a natural aristocracy served to influence his views on public education, elections and government in general in a tremendous way. Not only did he champion the cause against simulated aristocracy whereby the wealthy and powerful sought to rule the masses with unyielding restraint, but he earnestly ...

A 3 page research paper that considers the political opinions and positions of Thomas Jefferson. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

This 3 page paper provides a basic overview of the system of checks and balances. A chart is included. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

This 8 page paper considers the writings of John Adams, the second president of the United States. Adams believed human behavior necessitated specific governmental structure. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

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