Essays and Research Papers on Political Science Issues

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A 5 page discussion of the issues facing women in the United States and India. This paper outlines the patriarchal system which has kept women in subservience in both countries, noting the progress which is being made in each. The author contends that these same issues confront women on an international level but ...

An 8 page review of the historic and contemporary issues surfacing in the Palestinian/Israeli conflict. The author points out that while it could be contended that the Jews who insist on the creation of Israel really have no more standing in the region than immigrants, there are certain observations which must be accepted. ...

An 8 page contention that there is an integral relationship between weaponry and tactics. It is a relationship which is evidenced, in fact, time and time again in history and one which impacts both the nature and conduct of war. Some of the greatest tacticians of all time would have been solely ineffective ...

A 6 page assertion that the media has had, and currently has, a tremendous impact on political function in America. This paper contends that technololgy itself can be identified as the root cause of media irresponsibility. While we tend to view the impact of the media as having occurred only in contemporary times, ...

This 5 page paper discusses, compares and contrasts the views and philosophies of conflict theorists versus Functionalists and how these differing views affect policy making in government. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

Hamburger Hill

  • 5 page paper

5 pages in length. From May 10-20, 1969, US and South Vietnamese troops collided for control of Ap Bia Mountain; in these ten days, fifty-six soldiers lost their lives and four hundred twenty more were wounded from the 101st Airborne. The United States ultimately captured "Hamburger Hill" by killing five hundred ninety-seven enemy ...

5 pages in length. Freedom represents many things, not the least of which is the envy and hatred of those who do not have – or want others to have – the precious commodity for which Americans live and die. The terrorist attacks upon the World Trade Center and Pentagon reflect the loathing ...

This 5 page paper evaluates the role that culture plays in the lives of women in politics. How women fare in politics, in general, is also discussed. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

5 pages in length. Discusses the statement "in dealing with the issue of slavery, when writing and adopting the U. S. Constitution during the summer of 1787, the founders arrived at several necessary compromises that were inconsistent with the ideals and principles of the Declaration of Independence." At the time of the convention ...

Women in Politics

  • 5 page paper

This 5 page paper outlines how women have participated in politics historically. Theories as to why women are usually found in lower levels of the political machine are provided. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

This 5 page paper argues that women have a particular political view because they share similar life paths and ideals. How women act politically, and why, is discussed in depth. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

This paper examines the question of why more women aren't in higher political positions. Topics under discussion include fund-raising for women's political campaigns, the perception of women in politics and how the media contributes to the dearth of women in politics through biased coverage. Bibliography lists 2 sources.

This 5 page paper discusses the type of foreign policy and international relations in the United States as we entered the 21st century. For example, many experts believe that foreign policy and international relations were characterized as indecisiveness and intellectual laziness in the late 1990s and in the first year of the new century. The ...

A 5 page discussion of the historic and contemporary relationship between Mexico and the U.S. Emerson’s prediction that Mexico would prove to be a “poison” to the U.S. was made in response to the certainty that vast western lands would be taken from Mexico by the United States during the Mexican American War (1846 ...

This 5 page paper discusses the realist theory of international realtions in regards to the terrorist events of 9/11/02. Specifically, this paper attempts to reveal the mindset of the terrorists who abide by such a theory in order to explain how such a tragedy was possible. Bibliogaphy lists 4 sources.

This is a 15 page paper discussing the impact of the Internet on democratization. The impact of the Internet in today’s society is evident in the way it has become one of the major engines of modern day democracy and is also seen as one of the major tools for expansion of future democracy in ...

A 5 page paper discussing Marines' softening stance on recruit training. Long criticized for using boot camp tactics that translate to success when it's needed, the Marine Corps has been yielding to pressures to be "nicer" to recruits. It also has been under pressure to increase the number of recruits it attracts. ...

This 9 page paper dicusses the life of John F. Kennedy with a focus on his political achievements. This paper contains a timeline of his life as well as a graphic of Kennedy from his college days. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

A 5 page paper discussing some of the legislative issues regarding the prospective payment system (PPS) Medicare reform system. Few legislators disagree that "something" must be done with Medicare. One attempt at reform has been implementation of PPS designed to replace the fee-for-service approach to payment under Medicare coverage. PPS addresses cost ...

A 5 page paper discussing Medicare’s attempts to find and halt abuses. The regulatory environment is such that many facilities employ workers for the sole purpose of reporting and filing claims, decreasing the facility’s ability to operate efficiently. The Health and Human Services Department instituted Operation Restore Trust in 1995, and the program ...

This 5 page paper looks at the possible attack on Iraq. George W. Bush's personal agenda is explored as the war on terrorism is waged. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

A 5 page overview of the Reagan administrations partial responsibility for the 1986 space shuttle explosion and the loss of the lives of its seven crew members. This paper elucidates on then-President Ronald Reagan’s use of rhetoric to console the American public while at the same time avoiding direct responsibility for the disaster. ...

A 5 page paper discussing the types of jobs that the US Department of State (DOS) offers in computer security, followed by a discussion of the advantages and disadvantages of working for the department. Advantages include opportunity for international travel, job security and attractive retirement benefits unavailable to the private sector. Disadvantages include ...

A 6 page paper discussing the nature and origin of the complaints of the island’s residents that U.S. Navy training exercises are damaging their health and the environment of the tropical island off the coast of Puerto Rico. The U.S. Navy has had a base on Vieques for sixty years, most of which it ...

A 5 page paper which examines the reasons why the buddy system, when at port, is an important concept for sailors in the military. Bibliography lists 1 source.

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