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This 5 page paper examines U.S. foreign policy in regards to child labor, and what the United States actually does for children who are forced to work. This paper maintains that this is a very significant problem and reviews treaties and laws in correlation with this issue. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
This is a 6 page paper comparing contemporary realism and liberalism. Contemporary realism and liberalism are basically conflicting political ideals but aspects of each are encountered in the modern day political arena. Realism is based on the understanding that protection and self-interests of the nation state should be the dominant feature in political decisions, justice, ...
This is an 8 page paper discussing whether or not Section 15 of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms has allowed for significant advancement of equality rights in Canada. In 1982, the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms included within it Section 15 on “Equality Rights” which guaranteed all individuals equal protection before and ...
A 9 page analytical argument in which the writer outlines various problems with the U.S. Congress and proposes the importance of limiting terms. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
A 4 page review of William A. Clark’s “The California Cauldron”, a book which explores the impacts of recent immigration on California. Clark explores the changes in laws and other factors which have led California to become one of the most demographically evolving regions in the United States. While many of the changes ...
12 pages in length. The chaotic aspect of seventeenth century politics led to two completely disparate approaches to political order: natural laws and divine rights. As humanity's natural rights evolved up to the time of Hugo Grotius, two equally adamant opinions continued to linger. It was through Grotius' enlightened philosophies that the ...
A 5 page research paper that looks at how governmental policy towards tobacco use is created and implemented and its possible effects. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
A 7 page paper discussing the origins of racism and its effects in politics. Despite federal laws disallowing it, the realities of today’s living arrangements is that, in cities, Blacks and whites still are separated by political boundaries, as surely as they were separated in the years surrounding the Civil War. The overrepresentation ...
An 8 page paper discussing the dichotomy between campaign promises relating to crime and actual observed results. We expect political candidates to lay out for us the reasons we should vote for them rather than for their opponents, and candidates oblige this expectation by making promises during their campaigns outlining the things they will ...
A 16 page paper examining the evolution of the ballot initiative from a method by which grass root opinion could be translated into law to a tool of wealthy special interest groups with little concern for any outcome aside from supporting their own agendas. Budget by initiative is likely to continue since the Supreme Court ...
6 pages in length. New Jersey's black Democratic Senator Wayne Bryant was instrumental in implementing the family cap legislation that removed a woman's ability to receive welfare benefits for her illegitimate children. It has been called groundbreaking in the way in which it attacked what lawmakers labeled a significant source of poverty within ...
A 7 page paper discussing the factors underlying Detroit's urban decline and the spread of urban sprawl, beginning with the decline of the non-auto industry. There were many steps Detroit area planners could have undertaken to halt the mass exodus from the city. The poor still would have been poor, but there could have been businesses ...
A 20 page paper discussing the effects of urban sprawl in a region considered to be suburban to Detroit. The paper views the issue from the perspective of residents, large developers, government officials and local environmental groups, all of which appear to agree on basic principles including that stating that laws need to be changed now to help ...
10 pages in length. When the Supreme Court of the United States initially placed restrictions upon the issue of campaign finances, the country cried foul with regard to constitutional rights. Imposing monetary limits on what political candidates could spend, said some, was going against the very grain of American freedom. Political contributions ...
5 pages in length. Gambling on the Indian Reservation has come under some concern of late with last election's Proposition 5 in California, which sought to attain state approval for casino operation. In effect, it has pit tribes against commercial casino interests. A yes vote on Proposition 5 was structured so that ...
A 3 pages research paper that discusses American foreign policy during this century. The early foreign policy of the United States was shaped by the feeling of the Founding Fathers that the young country should stand apart from the bloody wars and conflicts that frequently tore apart the European continent. The writer discusses the French ...
The political and economic structure of Haiti has been in turmoil since the first democratic elections were held in the eighties. This 20 page paper explores the role of United States foreign policy on the political, economic, and social structure of the West Indian nation. Bibliography lists 12 sources.
Both sides of the controversy are explored in this 10 page paper. Personal and social needs are highlighted as well as economic issues. Things such as road rage, stressful commutation and accidents are portrayed as lowering the quality of life which may be alleviated by allowing the private sector to manage America's roadways. Bibliography lists ...
The origins of the right and left wing are explained in this 4 page paper that explores the revolutionary qualities each group possesses. Each forges ahead with their revolution, each faction slightly different from the other. Contemporary illustrations are provided and the school is considered to be a battleground. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
The rising cost of health care ushered in the health management organization (HMO) or 'managed care' concept of the past two decades. In managed care the patient chooses a primary care physician (PCP) that oversees their medical interactions, often being the point of contact as well as providing diagnosis and referral. Most managed ...
It would be expected that heavy drinking and alcohol abuse and, or, dependence among primary care patients would be reflective of or greater than the general population. A screening tool that would be of great benefit if included as part of the primary care process would be a questionnaire geared to detect abuse and, ...
A 5 page paper discussing the inevitable decline in health care and the cost of that reduction. Opinions vary from consumer to HMO provider to physician to hospital. There is perhaps no one solution to the problem but rather it is compromise in many instances which appears to offer the best solution to the problems ...
This 18 page report discusses health maintenance organizations (HMO) and Preferred Provider Organizations (PPO) from the viewpoint of their difference, what the published literature has said about the two, and the development of an informational experiment evaluating a certain factor related to the two. Bibliography lists 12 sources.
An 8 page paper on the introduction and reasons behind the development of HMOs. The paper discusses how the HMO has developed into the managed health care system of today, the costs and ethics surrounding profit-driven health care systems. In addition, the paper looks at controversies, public desire and the variances between desire ...
This 12 page research paper provides a detailed analysis of the "downside" of health maintenance organizations, or HMOs. Specifically addressed is an overview of the problem, along with individual case studies which demonstrate HMO ineffectiveness. Bibliography lists 9 sources.
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