Essays and Research Papers on Pharmacy

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The paper details for each term paper, essay, book report, dissertations and thesis on Pharmacy that are listed below include a description of the paper. the number of pages, and a sample of text.

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A 15 page review of the incidence and problem of pressure ulcers in the United States, with focus on the PSST and Braden assessment tools, and wound assessment teams. The paper provides only a researched statement of the problem and current literature review. Bibliography lists 20 sources.

A 5 page paper on the relationship between pressure sore healing and physical therapy. The writer explains the causes and treatments of pressure sores-- with particular emphasis on the role that physical therapist can play in the relief of discomfort. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

A 5 page examination of the pain and discomfort being experienced by a fictional middle age bowler and computer programmer. Addresses the factors contributing to the pain, the responsible muscles, the bony landmarks and areas of massage concentration. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

A 10 page paper that evaluates the ideal frequency, intensity, duration and mode of strength training to achieve maximum gains in muscle development. This paper looks at eight major forms of strength training and evaluates their success in promoting muscle development. Bibliography lists 10 sources.

Multiple Sclerosis

  • 10 page paper

10 pages on Multiple Sclerosis. The writer defines the disease, its onset, symptoms, unpredictable course, difficult clinical diagnosis, treatment, etc; FREE pie Chart included in Appendix section to illustrate the frequency of several types of MS. Bibliography lists 8+ comprehensive sources.

This 12 page, comprehensive research paper examines common basketball injuries, preventive techniques, and which groups are more likely to suffer from them. At least 80% of the discussion focuses upon women's injuries and physiological factors causing the gender to suffer more frequently from damages to the anterior cruciate ligament specifically. Numerous studies are cited. Bibliography ...


  • 5 page paper

A 5 page research paper on mammography. The writer details who should receive mammograms, its uses, and how it should be administered. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

Hydatiform Mole

  • 5 page paper

A 5 page overview of the reproductive disease that is a component of Gestational trophoblastic disease (GTD) and is almost always a precursor of choriocarcinoma. It is an abnormal placenta that develops into a tumor, and results either in miscarriage or death of the fetus. The tumor can be malignant, but it almost ...

Gestational Diabetes

  • 8 page paper

An 8 page discussion of gestational diabetes, a condition which is reflected in both insulin dependency and non-insulin dependency diabetes as well as in diabetic ketoacidosis. Includes information on diagnosis and treatment as well as an emphasis on the importance of nutrition. Bibliography lists 10 sources.

A 5 page research paper examining the status and future of radiology with an emphasis on chiropractics. Specific aspects reviewed include: reading today's films and the possibility of error, digitizing, and computerizing. Data regarding the rate of intra-examiner reliability of cervical x-rays and the degree of acceptable error are presented. Bibliography lists 8 sources.

An 8 page paper discussing the diagnosis of sleep apnea and possible treatment through chiropractic. Sleep disorders traditionally have not been addressed by chiropractic unless they have been found to stem from a condition that prevents the sufferer from being able to be comfortable enough to get a good night's sleep, which in itself ...

This 5 page research paper examines the negative impact of high-heel shoes on women's backs and offers suggestions to alleviate such pain. Bibliography lists 10 sources.

Cerebral Palsy

  • 6 page paper

A 6 page paper that provides an overview of cerebral palsy including: etiology, incidence, causes, treatment and prognosis. Emphasizes physical therapy as a treatment program. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

Multiple Sclerosis # 2

  • 5 page paper

A 5 page paper that discusses the origins of the disease, the physiological effects, treatment options and physical therapy for the symptoms of MS. This paper supports the theory that physical therapy benefits the sufferers of MS by promoting increased mobility and physical stamina. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

Multiple Sclerosis # 3

  • 5 page paper

A 5 page exploratory paper about this crippling disease. Topics covered include: incidnce, symptoms, etiology, prognosis, and treatment. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

A 10 page research paper on the medical and psychological effects of persons with hyperhidrosis and current treatments for the condition. The writer focuses on surgery, a proven method of treatment, but presents up to date medicinal treatments currently studied and tested. Bibliography lists 9 sources.

A 7 page paper examining the indications of chronic bronchitis, its main causes, etc; The writer compares it with acute bronchitis and delineates it as a member in the COPD group. The paper also discusses the various research supporting current diagnosis techniques, current treatments, including preventative treatments, and discusses recent treatment research. Treatments for juveniles ...

A 10 page paper that provides an overview of the current literature on ADD and considers the implications for educators. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

Pulmonary Tuberculosis

  • 11 page paper

An 11 page research paper on pulmonary tuberculosis in which the writer focuses upon the disease's causes, frequency, spread, and effects. Cavities, or holes in the lungs can develop in patients with pulmonary tuberculosis when the host response to the infecting organisms unleashes its destructive potential on the host cells as well, leading to liquefaction ...

A 7 page overview of pneumonia and its viral forms. Includes information on the various viruses which cause pneumonia and how they spread from one person to another. Outlines appropriate treatment and control. Bibliography lists five sources.

Tourette's Syndrome

  • 10 page paper

A 10 page research paper on Tourette's Syndrome. The writer examines Tourette's frequency, symptoms, associated behaviors, genetic issues, etc; It is pointed out that children with Tourette's are usually very intelligent-- and some of the social problems they endure are explained. A number of characteristics unique to Tourette's are examined. Bibliography lists 7 sources.

An 8 page research paper investigating the effects of hearing impairment and deafness as an adult. Statistics are provided regarding the percentage of the population that has a hearing loss. The writer discusses the effects hearing loss has on the daily life of individuals and offers ideas for changing the environment to better accommodate the ...

A 6 page paper discussing the cognitive aspects of ADD with little emphasis on the behavioral issues connected with the disorder. While there have been documented cases of abuse of the use of the ADD label on children who were only victims of poor teaching, also documented are cases of children whose disabilities prevented ...

A 5 page paper discussing this childhood condition. Symptoms are often that of lack of attention span, obeying commands, and a general exhibition of hyperactive behavior. Many children today suffer from this disease but still the real cause of this disorder is unknown. There is medication which provides an opportunity for the sufferers of ADD ...


  • 12 page paper

This 12 page paper explores attention deficit disorder and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. The differences between the two conditions are discussed as are the overuse of medication and the needless labeling of children. The writer takes the position that labeling helps teachers and parents, not the child. Labeling also leads to medication, again not always ...

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