Essays and Research Papers on Personality Psychology

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A paper which looks at the Chinese Room Experiment and its relevance to the development of artifical intelligence and the relationship between AI and human cognitive processes. Bibliography lists 5 sources

An 11 page paper. The acquisition of language in humans has been a topic of debate for more than a century. Until the late 1950s, it was traditionally believed that an infant acquired language by imitating the parent or caregiver. In the 1950s, however, Noam Chomsky proposed that humans have an innate capacity for acquiring ...

A 5 page paper. Machiavellian intelligence is based on the "proposition that the advanced cognitive processes of primates are primarily adaptations to the special complexities of their social lives, rather than to nonsocial environmental problems such as finding food, which were traditionally thought to be the province of intelligence. This paper explains this theory as ...

A 15 page paper discussing this psychological testing tool, its relevance and uses. Based on the philosophies of Carl Jung and in use now for more than 50 years, the MBTI remains in great demand. The bottom line on the MBTI is that it remains the most reliable inventory of personality type that ...

Cognitive Development

  • 8 page paper

This 8 page paper considers the process of cognitive development. Starting with a table that outlines the development of the cognitive processes such as memory and the use of language. The writer then considers how a child's perception differs from that of an adult and the institutional influences on that development of perception. The writer ...

A 5 page paper which discusses how people are often unmindful in reference to Ellen J. Langer's book "Mindfulness." bibliography lists 1 additional source.

A 15 page research paper that examines the model of personality development formulated by British psychologist Hans Eysenck, who posited that certain behavioral characteristics have a biological base. Bibliography lists 3 sources.


  • 6 page paper

This paper answers two questions pertaining to childhood development: "What are the advantages and disadvantages of cross-educational and longitudnal research in researching the impact of early childhood sexual abuse on later childhood, adolescence and adulthood?" and "In terms of physical, cognitive and psychosocial development durig the first two years of life, how is Erikson's assertion ...

This six page report discusses the work and models created by Hans Eysenck (1916-1997) and Raymond Cattell (1905-1998). Each developed specific theories regarding human personality. Eysenck’s is best expressed in the Eysenck Personality Inventory (EPI) while Cattell’s 16PF or Sixteen Personality Factor Questionnaire serves as the best representation of his work on personality. Bibliography ...

This 5 page paper looks at the differences between needs based theories and process based theories, including the theories or Maslow, Vroom and Adams, discussing whether the processes and needs are substantially different or complimentary to each other. The bibliography cites 8 sources.

A 5 page examination of the factors influencing criminal behavior. Determining the cause of human behavior can be a difficult task. This is particularly true when we are considering criminal behavior. A thorough review of the various factors influencing behavior, however, often reveals that it is nature verses nurture that is most ...

CBT and panic attacks

  • 7 page paper

A seven page paper which looks at the effectiveness of cognitive behavioural therapy in the treatment of panic attacks, in comparison to other forms of treatment. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

This 6 page paper considers how useful attribution research is when predicting human behaviour. This is undertaken by outlining the theory and then examining how, and in what ways, the theory may be useful and add value to research. The bibliography cites 5 sources.

A 7 page contention that the applicability of theory and research in group behavior is never more apparent than in the workplace. The workplace forms a social system. Social systems, of course, sometimes differ radically from culture but at the same time there are numerous similarities in these two classifications. One, in ...

6 pages. Even in these enlightened times it seems there are many people who do not understand the implications of major depression. Mistaking someone as being weak or lazy is a common misconception when in fact they are suffering from a disorder known as major depression. This paper will examine the symptoms, treatment ...

A 5 page discussion of the motivational theory behind dental hygiene. The author stresses that dental hygiene is a necessary component of good health. The observation is made, however, that in the homeless environment dental hygiene often falls by the wayside. A necessary focus of the homeless shelter, therefore, should be to ...

This 5 page paper evaluates some studies on cognition as they respect alcohol or personality. The theories are discussed and it is asserted that there is no proof of a significant effect, but there are some valid connections. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

A 5 page paper which compares and contrasts the leadership styles of Fidel Castro and Robert F. Kennedy. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

This is a 10 page paper which examines the different factors involved in influencing levels of motivation. The expectation theory combines various components in an individual’s environment and goal attainability. Similar factors influence professionals and non-professionals but the direction of their motivation in relation to career development and selection may vary. Examples of motivation processes ...

A 5 page paper. The first relationship an infant has is with his or her mother or other primary caregiver. It is this relationship that will be the foundation for relationships the individual is able to develop throughout life. This is the foundation because it leads to attachment. Without it, children will develop attachment disorder. ...

A 5 page research paper that examines two forms of psychotherapy, cognitive-behavioral and narrative therapy, as to how they pertain to the treatment of low self-esteem. The writer contrasts and compares the basic stance of each discipline. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

Does Punishment Work?

  • 8 page paper

This 8 page paper asks the question and answers it in the affirmative. A psychological perspective is utilized. Several aspects of punishment are explored and punishment is viewed in terms of family life, education and criminal justice. Bibliography lists 11 sources.

This is a 6 page paper discussing the recent developments in the causes, diagnosis and treatment of mood disorders which include the six types of depression. Most treatments involve a combination of pharmacological and psychological factors but recent studies are investigating the possibility of one day regeneration the destroyed neurons in the brain lost during ...

A 7 page paper that provides a general overview of Erikson's stages of personality development from birth to old age. Erikson was the only personality theorist who discussed the importance of the transitions in later life to maintaining an integrated personality. Also discussed: the basis for Erikson calling this a "psychosocial" theory and the ...

This 5 page paper looks at psychological testing as it relates primarily to counseling situations. Its usefulness is highlighted. Problems with testing are duly noted as are problems with computerized testing. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

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