Essays and Research Papers on Nursing

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The paper details for each term paper, essay, book report, dissertations and thesis on that are listed below include a description of the paper. the number of pages, and a sample of text.

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This 3 page essay discusses the factors relevant to a needs assessment that should be done on an institution prior to selection and implementation of an Electronic Health Records (EHR) system. Bibliography lists 2 sources.

This 3 page research paper discusses frailty in regards to older adults. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

A 6 page paper. This essay discusses the traditional organizational structure and different issues related to it, such as information system, communication lines, decision-making, power and control, cultural influences, and patient-centered care. Bibliography lists 7 sources.

This 11 page research paper pertains to the use of Jean Watson's theory of human caring and its implementation within nursing practice. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

This 3 page paper discusses an older male patient's complaint of having his sleep disturbed by the need to avoid his bladder. Possible causes are discussed, as well as management. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

This 6 page research paper discusses the lack of diversity within the nursing workforce, its impact on nursing practice and strategies to correct this deficit. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

A 9 page paper that has four parts. The first reports the major components of Leininger’s transcultural nursing theory; the second discusses a real case with the application of Leininger’s theory; the third part discusses ethical, social, political, and economic factors related to the theory; and the last second discuss benefits and limitations. Bibliography ...

This 3 page paper looks at the feedback which may have been received concerning a presentation made to introduce a fall intervention program. The presentation was designed for healthcare professionals and consisted of 21 PowerPoint slide outlining a new fall prevention program. The feedback is presented as if it were given by a mentor.

This 4 page paper addresses a PICO question, which compares hourly rounding to video monitoring of patient at-risk for falls. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

A 4 page paper. There has been a trend in many fields, including health care, to use evidence-based practices. There are many complexities involved in adopting the practices shown to be effective in the literature. There are a multitude of obstacles and barriers. Further, there is a great deal of conflict about adopting this practice. ...

This 5 page research paper discusses various aspects of the expanding of advanced practice nurses (APNs), both domestically and globally. Bibliography lists 10 sources.

IOM Recommendation #4

  • 4 page paper

A 4 page paper. The Institute of Medicine recommended a number of changes for nursing. This paper considers Recommendation #4, which has to do with improving information infrastructure. The essay discusses how complex the job is and complexity theory. The next section deals with the changing roles of nurses and nurse leaders. The first ...

This paper is associated with a Power Point presentation, khhfselfcare.ppt, and provides the text of the spreader notes for this 5 slide Power Point project. The project addresses the critical nature of self-care management in regards to heart failure patients. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

This 3 page paper is a followup to khimmreg.doc and offers more information on creating an immunization registry. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

This 3 page paper reports on an a quantitive study pertains to the rate of device-acquired nosocomial infections in a Polish ICU. The writer describes this study and discusses its implications for health care practice. Bibliography lists 1 source.

This 8 page paper analyzes 4 articles that pertain to student nursing instruction in clinical skills. Bibliography lists 6 sources

A 3 page paper that applies social exchange theory to a current event. Social exchange theory is explained, a brief introduction to nurse Kaci Hickox is provided. The paper then explains how social exchange theory applies to this case. Bibliography lists 7 sources.

This 8 page research paper offers summaries of 3 research studies pertaining to this topic. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

This 8 page research paper discusses the theories of Patricia Benner and Malcolm Knowles and applies their theoretical perspective to a undergraduate class of nursing students. Bibliography cites 7 sources.

This 4 page paper consists of an annotated bibliography that describes empirical research on opioid dependence. Bibliography lists 10 sources.

This 3 page paper considers and discusses the importance of context in the development of nursing theory. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

A 6 page paper. The Magnet® recognition program was first established in the early 1980s; it has been updated since then. This essay discusses the benefits of having this recognition in terms of revenue and patient outcomes as well as nurse satisfaction. The value of both Interprofessional and intraprofessional collaboration are also discussed. The ...

Succeeding Under MACRA

  • 5 page paper

This 5 page paper discusses the MACRA program, which was recently instituted by the US Centers for Medicare Medicaid Services (CMS) with a particular focus on how it impacts nurse practitioners. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

This 3 page paper discusses appropriate actions that a health provider should take in regards to a 20-year-old woman who presents for a gynecological physical exam. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

A 5 page paper that discusses prescriptive authority for NPs. They have been struggling for years to work up to their knowledge and skills levels and that includes prescribing medicines for which they have training. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

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