Essays and Research Papers on Money & Banking

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Economics Questions

  • 16 page paper

This 16 page paper considers three cases provided by the student and looks at different economic situations and answers a range of questions. The first case looks at supply and demand as well as social or commercial targeted investment, using the coffee growers of South Vietnam as an example. The second looks at long ...

This 4-page paper discusses costs of franchising by examining various financial statements of parent companies. Topics included are costs of franchising, how franchising impacts financial statements, and how franchising is a better investment than a wholly owned subsidiary. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

Time Value of Money

  • 5 page paper

This 5 page paper considers what is meant by the time value of money. The paper explains the concept and then shows the concept has been used by companies in decision-making processes. The bibliography cites 5 sources.

This 3-page paper discusses analysis of Shell Oil's cost of capital report. Topics discussed include weighted average cost of capital and capital asset pricing model, then describes advantages and disadvantages to each method. Bibliograpy lists 2 sources.

This 6 page paper considers what cost drivers may be seen in healthcare, how they may manifest in a hospital environment and explains how they may be understood and used. The paper then uses past figures to project costs forward using regression analysis. The bibliography cites 7 sources.

A 3 page paper reviewing the growing trend of increased attention to corporate governance, particularly as it applies to auditor independence. The paper uses Enron as an example, of course, concluding that tighter governance controls lead to better reporting and ultimately to greater shareholder confidence. This is a positive effect for well-managed companies; ...

This 4 page paper examines the capital structure of Colgate Palmolive, looking at the debt and equity levels and the debt equity ratio as well as the efficiency with which the assets and equity are used as well as the company’s short term liquidity within the company. The bibliography cites 2 sources.

This 4 page paper examined discounted cash flow as an investment tool and looks at it advantages and disadvantages compared to other tools. The bibliography cites 5 sources.

This 5 page paper examines the use of value at risk as a assessment and management tool by investment banks. The paper beings by explaining what VAR is and then looks at the different ways it may be used and the different models that can be chosen. The bibliography cites 6 sources.

This 5-page paper undertakes various cost analysis regression of Lincoln Community Hospital in New York to determine its financial problems. The regressions are also analyzed here.

A 14 page paper assessing the monetary implications of proposed expansion of an automotive body shop. The owner intends to retire after ten years and will sell the business at the end of that term. For the present, she needs to determine: (1) whether the expansion can be profitable; and (2) how she ...

This 4 page paper outlined the value of forecasting to a business, including the different forms of forecasting and the way the results can be used by a business to plan for the future and to help in making decisions. The bibliography cites 2 sources.

This 6 page paper outlines the characteristics and tax treatment of whole of life assurance policies, unit trust, ISA’s, endowment policies, management bonds, term assurance, annuities and pension schemes. The paper is written with reference to the UK. The bibliography cites 3 sources.

This 5 page paper considers the use of the Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM) to assess risk, the paper demonstrates how it may be used and compares with an alternate tool of Net Present Vale (NPV). The bibliography cites 5 sources

This is an 8 page paper discussing the zinc industry in New Brunswick, Canada. Tutorial language is inserted throughout in square brackets to aid in writing process for customer. The zinc industry in New Brunswick, Canada is the largest in the world by volume and is part of the larger mining and mineral production industry ...

This 3 page paper calculates the weighted average cost of capital at Colgate Palmolive., The paper looks at both the cost of equity and the cost of debt before brining the figures together for the WACC calculation. The bibliography cites 1 source.

This 3 page paper considers different risk assessment tools that can be used by commercial banks. Those considered are maturity gap, scenario analysis, simulation analysis and value at risk. Each model is described with the value at risk model in the most detail. The bibliography cites 5 sources.

This 6 page paper is written in two parts. The first part discusses the arbitrary nature of overhead recovery, arguing that it is merely a way in which to get back indirect expense incurred by business and can never be regarded as correct or equitable. The second part of the paper looks at activity based ...

This 8 page paper considerers the argument that all methods of appraising capital investments are unreliable due to the level of subjectivity that is present in their use. The paper looks at a range of tools, including net present value (NPV), internal rate of return (IRR), payback period and also the cot of equity. The ...

This 10 page paper considers the way that a department within an organisation may manage its budget. In the case supplied by the student there were only short term considerations, The paper then goes on to consider how the department may use different accounting tools to improve the management decisions. Tools such as cost effectiveness ...

This 10 page paper traces the performance of the FTSE 100 and the FTSE 250 between April 2001 and April 2003 and seeks to explain why the different movements took place. The bibliography cites 10 sources.

This 16 page paper discusses three questions. First, what happened at Enron and WorldCom? What went wrong? Data are included in this section. The second issue has to do with the accounting standards and discusses the SEC, FASB, GAAP and auditing committees. The last section in the paper talks about the changes in international accounting ...

This 10 page paper shows the student how to answer questions regarding acquisition, considering what price acquisitions should go ahead at and the way it may effect shareholders. The second part of the paper then looks at the proposed takeover of Safeway by different supermarket chain, considering it from an accounting perspective. The bibliography cites ...

This 8 page paper looks at the risks that may be faced by a company when considering an international investment. Based in a case study supplied by the student, issues such as increased taxes, disposable income, interest rates and exchange rates are all considered, along with the potential for the country to join a single ...

This 6 page paper provides an overview of the industry at the time and recommendations regarding what banks could have done to draw customer are made. The Four Ps are discussed. Bibliography lists 2 sources.

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