Essays and Research Papers on Modern Russia / Former USSR

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The paper details for each term paper, essay, book report, dissertations and thesis on Modern Russia / Former USSR that are listed below include a description of the paper. the number of pages, and a sample of text.

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Gorbachev's Leadership

  • 8 page paper

An 8 page paper that provides an overview of Gorbachev's leadership style and considers it in terms of the impacts on the Soviet coup and transformation. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

A 5 page discussion of two views of Mikhail Gorbachev. The paper posits and discusses why Americans view Gorbachev as the hero of world peace and democratization, while Russians view him as the person who destroyed their country and a capitalist stooge. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

This 6 page research paper analyzes the radical changes that the Soviet Union underwent from 1980-1992 with regard to foreign policy and its impact on European Neighbors. These years were crucial as they were the last of the Soviet Empire. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

A 9 page paper covering the years 1972-1991 in US-Soviet relations. Paper is divided into 3 parts: 1972-1979; 1980-1985; 1985-1991. Bibliography lists12 sources.

A 5 page research paper that examines current thinking regarding the ways in which Western style consumerism has become the hallmark of globalization. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

Russia's New Role

  • 12 page paper

This 12 page paper addresses the evolution of Russia's role in the United Nations. Also included is a look at the country's past, present and future. Bibliography lists 12 sources.

This 30 page paper outlines a fictitious story relating the impacts of the Chernobyl fallout on an industrial complex in the Ukraine, and suggests that the way in which the governments of Russia and a number of other countries reacted to the incident at Chernobyl significantly impacted the outcomes for regional industrial sector operations. ...

This 9 page report discusses the reasons behind the dissolution of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics. For years, economists, politicians, sociologists and other theorists have been explaining the collapse of the Soviet Union. Ranging from hypotheses embracing the triumph of the individual human spirit to the economic mismanagement of the Soviet political ...

A 14 page research paper on the role of professional women in Russia. The writer discusses the Soviet era and compares it with the present day as it relates to women' s roles. A number of strong analytical points are made and supported with social, cultural, and political fact. Bibliography lists 10 sources.

Post-Communist Russia

  • 12 page paper

A 12 page research paper that gives an overall look at life in Russia after the collapse of the Soviet Union. Topics included cover the increase in crime, the economy, standards of living and the status of women. Bibliography lists 10 sources.

In 5 pages, the writer discusses whether democracy will survive in Russia. 'Russia has experience momentous revolutions during the twentieth century. There are some that contend that Russia will face a crisis in its governance, but that democracy will prevail. Others view that the democratic tradition in Russia is weakened and that Russia ...

A 10 page research paper that is given in the form of a position paper on the state of housing in Russian as submitted to the Russian Minister of Social Policy, Valentina Matviyenko. The topics covered include the background to the current Russian housing shortage and how this fits into the overall picture ...

A 3 page paper that looks at the inherently pernicious nature of nationlism and the results that this has had in the now defunct Soviet Union as well as in the United States during the U.S. Civil War. In these two examples, warring factions based the development of the premise for war out of ...

This 6 page paper provides information on the newly emerged Russian state and the groups within it. Global politics is stressed in this paper which discusses nationalism and ethnic problems within the new nation state. Bibliography lists 20 sources.

5 pages in length. It is relatively easy to ascertain the underlying meaning behind Milovan Djilas' Conversations With Stalin; when one delves into the depths of what the author is attempting to convey to his audience, one can clearly understand the implications of such a monumental work of historic literature. Indicative of Djilas' ...

Russian Nationalism

  • 15 page paper

A 15 page research paper that examines the topic of Russian nationalism and how this contributed to the fall of the Soviet Union. The writer also examines the emergence of nationalists groups that arose after the Soviet collapse and the role that nationalism has played in Russian politics. Bibliography lists 11 sources.

This 5 page paper discusses the way mass society mentality affects our society as a whole. We are familiar with the effect it had on the Nazi foothold years ago but is it also seeping into modern cultures? A new system is suggested and outlined. Bibliography lists four sources.

The Haunted Wood

  • 10 page paper

A 10 page book review of Allen Weinstein and Alexander Vassiliev’s book, “The Haunted Wood: Soviet Espionage in America--the Stalin Era.” This book details many different incidents and individuals who played an important part in espionage during the first half of this century. Mush of what we have known, or heard about, up until now, has largely involved vague ...

From Stalin to Gorbachev

  • 10 page paper

A 10 page paper which addresses how Gorbachev essentially destroyed everything Stalin had worked for. While gorbachev was successfu lin many changes, many of which included changes that were necessary in relationship to altering Stalin’s creations, Gorbachev did not succeed in doing what he truly wnated to, which was to restructure socialism and enable it to move in a ...

Keynes v. Lenin

  • 5 page paper

A 5 page research paper discussing several of the points laid out in Keynes' 'The Economic Consequences of Peace' and how it benefited Western Europe, while Russia continues to suffer from the consequences of Leninism. The writer basis the argument on the divergent views of nationalism as they are related to either a centrist ...

A 7 page research paper that examines the effects that the Great Patriotic War (WWII) had on the Soviet Union. The writer argues that it was this victory that convinced Stalin that the authoritarian policies of the 1930s were correct and provided him with justification for pursuing this sort of governance until his death. Bibliography ...

This 5 page paper provides an analysis of the break up of the U.S.S.R. including the causes and who is to blame. Gorbachev’s role is discussed. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

This 5 page paper discusses the follower's of these two autocratic leaders, what they did and why they did it. Stalin also executed millions of people whom he suspected of not being loyal but the crimes of Hitler are so atrocious that Stalin's evilness is sometimes forgotten. The executions began under Lenin's reign and continued ...

This 7 page report considers Alesdair MacIntyre's book “Marxism and Christianity”. It considers his thoughts as a philosopher and his representation of those thoughts within the book. The content of the book is discussed focussing of the parallels drawn between Lenin and Emperor Constantine. The end of the paper also considers his following book and ...

This 16 page paper considers Stalin and his policies of collectivism in agriculture and industrialisation in the Soviet Union between 1928 and 1933. The social aspect which led to this era and making it possible are considered, along with the contradictory role of the Red Army, and the famine of 1933. The paper also includes ...

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