Essays and Research Papers on Modern Russia / Former USSR

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The paper details for each term paper, essay, book report, dissertations and thesis on Modern Russia / Former USSR that are listed below include a description of the paper. the number of pages, and a sample of text.

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This five-page-paper discusses the role Leon Trotsky played in the Russian Revolution and the Bolshevik Party. It opens with a discussion about Trotsky's life accomplishments and then moves into a brief biography of his entire life. It finishes with the reason he did not win the bid to succeed Lenin when he died. Bibliography lists five sources.

Josef Stalin 1879-1953

  • 24 page paper

A 24 page paper. Josef Stalin was born Ioseb Dzhugashvili in 1879. He died under vague circumstance in 1953. He ruled the Soviet Union for almost a quarter of a century. Tens of millions died under his rule. This essay presents a biography of Stalin and includes an introduction, his early years, including his education, ...

A 5 page paper examining the lack of information management infrastructure as a factor contributing to the vastly uneven growth of the economy before its financial collapse in 1998. Many individual businesses were well equipped with the technological standards of business today, but they were concentrated in only a few major industries. All ...

A 5 page analysis of the actions by the Russian president, Boris Yeltzin, who dismissed his entire Cabinet in March of 1998. The writer demonstrates that Yeltzin's use of power can be described as Machiavellian in nature and demonstrated many of the principles of the 16th-century political philosopher. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

A 10 page paper that analyzes the economic politics behind Stalin and the Bolsheviks, in power during World War II, and how the war affected them. This paper discusses the party ideals, providing statistical information of its success and the resultant devastation of the war based on the West's, including the U.S. sanctions against ...

A 7 page paper that explores this issue from Gail W. Lapidus' anthology and Vladimir Andrle's historiography. The writer posits that despite the fact that Lapidus seems to approach the resolution of the ethnic conflicts and economic issues from a centrist top-down view, in fact her research and conclusions are in line with Andrle's ...

An 8 page overview of the past and current political situation in Russia. Examines the factors which must be addressed in order for Russia to reestablish herself as a 'normal' power in the international system. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

This 9 page paper supports the view that the U.S. had always been more powerful than the U.S.S.R. Thus, the arms race was just an illusion as the U.S. really held all the power. Still, concerns about former Soviet weaponry remain. The cold war and its legacy is also discussed. Bibliography lists 8 ...

A 5 page discussion of the current state of world affairs and order in world power has declined, not improved, since the collapse of the Soviet Union. Describes the disintegration of the balance which existed with the threat of mutual destruction and the current world situation of small and potentially volatile nations and terrorist ...


  • 5 page paper

This 5 page paper explores the social ramifications of the Great Purges that were initiated during the time Josef Stalin was in power. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

A 3 page research paper that first gives a 1 paragraph description of the role of Paul in the early Christian Church. The remainder of the paper examines the Russian Primary Chronicle, an early twelfth century document, and can be deduced about early Russian society based on this medieval account. Bibliography lists 2 sources. ...

Russian Border Guards

  • 18 page paper

An 18 page research paper that examines the past and present of the Russian border guard. The writer details the history of the guard and how they maintained the 'Iron curtain' for the former Soviet Union and then details how the guard has changed with the demise of the USSR. Bibliography lists 15 sources.

Karl Marx predicted that capitalism was bound to fail and would give way to communism. This 10 page paper looks at the way that Marx used historical analysis in order to examine political models with the emphasis he placed on the modes of production. The paper argues that while his historical facts may have been ...

A 5 page book review that summarizes the first five chapters of Natasha's Dance by Orlando Figes. No additional sources cited.

This is an 8 page paper that provides an overview of Russian history. It takes the format of a dramatic dialogue between Russian leaders past and present. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

This 10 page report discusses the concept of the nation-state as it has existed throughout history and as it currently exists. The concept of the nation state is one that has been existence in human history for, literally, millennia. At the dawn of the 21st century, there are historians, social scientists, and political theorists who would argue that the concept of ...

This 10 page paper provides an overview of the region as well as a bit of Russian history. Information on communications, industry, ethnic groups and the environment is also provided. Bibliography lists 9 sources.

A 16 page paper that describes the history and persepectives around the February Revolution that led to the abdication of Nicholas II. This paper considers the impact of the two major political groups of the time, the Mensheviks and the Bolsheviks during the First World War, and the reflections of their membership on the ...

In 6 pages the author discusses Vladimir Ilyich Lenin and his influence on the Russian Revolution. Lenin led the first great socialist revolution in world history. He was a political leader of genius, and a martyr. Bibliography lists 5 sources.


  • 8 page paper

An 8 page paper describing the restructuring of the Soviet Union. Special attention is paid to Gorbachev who was the instigator of this movement towards change in Russia. A brief history of the movement and the areas it impacted are mentioned. The KGB, Twelve Year Plan, agriculture, industry, and work conditions are some of the ...

A 5 page paper discussing the book 'Peter the Great,' by Klyuchevsky. The author, while at times vague and stinted in his writings, is able to illustrate one of the most influential men in history. Without Peter the Great Russia would not have been what it was, or was to become. Klyuchevsky's book illustrates this ...

A 10 page overview of the events and policies leading up to the December 1979 invasion of Afghanistan by the Soviet Union. Traces the history of the country and its international relations since World War II. Discusses the importance of the relationship between the United States and the Soviet Union and the Brezhnev Doctrine in the ultimate ...

This 10 page paper looks at the relative success of Poland as a former communist country when compared to other countries such as Russia and Czechoslovakia. This paper argues that the accomplishment is due to the success of the economy and can be seen as a result of the way in which economic and political ...

A six page paper looking at Arthur Koestler's novel set during the period of Russia's Great Terror in the late 1930s. The paper shows that the most long-lasting legacy of Stalin's purges was the loss of the idealism that characterized early Communism. Bibliography lists two sources.

A 4 page paper. Former Russian spy Alexander Litvinenko died from radioactive poisoning on November 23, 2006. Specially, he died from polonium-210. This essay outlines the event leading up to his death, what British officials found, and what they did. The essay also provides an explanation of what polonium-210 is. Bibliography lists 7 sources. ...

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