Essays and Research Papers on Mixed Issues in Science

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Gender Roles

  • 17 page paper

A 17 page paper which examines various aspects of gender roles. Some of the topics discussed in the paper are how women are still the nurturers and homemakers despite their working roles, how mothers and fathers differ in child rearing practices, and how children are taught gender roles through toys. Bibliography lists 14 sources.

A 4 page discussion of how our gender can be affected by both genetics and our environment. This paper specifically considers the problems presented by infants with ambiguous genitalia and adults who seek surgical intervention to change their sex. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

Avian Flu 2

  • 10 page paper

This 10 page paper examines the occurrence and reporting of bird flu cases. The paper starts by looking at the different reports from the World Health Organization and what data is contained in the reports, how it is collected and the barriers to effective collection. The paper then looks at the spread and mortality rate ...

Miniature Rose Culture

  • 5 page paper

A 5 page paper discussing the commercial culture of the miniature roses that have become so much easier to find at retail outlets. The paper provides some information on the history of the miniature rose, its propagation, culture and susceptibility to disease and insect pests. Bibliography lists 5 sources.


  • 3 page paper

A 3 page review of the history and use of benezene. This paper describes how benezene is produced and used and emphasizes the health impacts associated with exposure. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

15 pages. Because of the uncertainty in the agricultural markets there is a definite impact on the lending institutions that service them. There are so many variables in the farming industry that there is no guarantee from year to year that agribusinesses will be able to keep up with loan payments if they have one or more years ...

5 pages in length. Goes over the argument as to why the government needs to regulate human genome research. This excellent paper gives a great overview of the entire research and earning potential of the research on human genetic mapping and why the industry has lost its focus and needs to be regulated. Bibliography lists 15 sources.


  • 5 page paper

A 5 page overview of photosynthesis. This paper provides a brief history of the early discoveries that were relevant to photosynthesis, an overview of the limiting factors affecting it, an outline of the light and dark processes, modern representations of photosynthesis, and a recap of the value of photosynthesis in nature. Bibliography lists ...

12 pages in length. This paper describes the attitude of the government towards science following the Scientific Revolution. It was generally a positive one. The widespread interest in science after the revolution lead political leaders in Europe to support the sciences and saw the advent of Scientific Societies such as the Royal ...

9 pages in length. The extent to which dust storms impact the world's health is both grand and far-reaching; that dry, desert and semi-arid rangelands represent the most significant regions where dust storms occur speaks to a tremendous number of people detrimentally affected by the natural occurrence. Bibliography lists 8 sources.

Cavity Wall Tie Failure

  • 20 page paper

This 20 page paper looks at this specific engineering problem. A history of the problem is included. Various companies providing solutions are discussed as well as the specific resolutions. Bibliography lists 12 sources.

A 7 page paper exploring the topic of biological warfare. Emphasizes the vulnerability of the United States, noting that with the collapse of the Cold War we now have many small enemies in place of the one large enemy. Describes biological warfare as being widely available, as a poor man’s weapon. Stresses the ...

A 5 page analysis of Aaron Antonovsky's book Unraveling the Mystery of Health: how people manage stress and stay well. In this book, Antonovsky presents an alternative way of looking at health, which instead of emphasizing the origins of disease, takes a different stance, and focuses on how health can be maintained. No additional sources ...

This 9 page paper provides an overview of civil engineering, inclusive of its history. The past, present and future are examined, and there is attention paid to the influence of CAD on the development of this important field. Bibliography lists 7 sources.

A 5 page overview of the pharmacological manner in which roses have been use throughout the history of mankind. While many are skeptical, roses have a value beyond their beauty. This value lies in their ability to heal and calm. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

This 5 page paper is a PowerPoint presentation on the discovery and history development of radiation oncology. The presentation outlines the major developments and events that led to today’s more sophisticated treatments such as IMRT. The bibliography cites 4 sources.


  • 5 page paper

A 5 page paper discussing the history of cloning and the untimely death of Millie, the first cow to be cloned in the US. Cloning has reached the point at which protocol is set and there is no anticipated reason that researchers could not produce a human clone. We have reached the brink of ...

An Analysis of Reverb

  • 7 page paper

This is a 7 page paper that provides an overview of reverb. History, and the contemporary application of acoustic science are explored. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

This 10 page paper discusses the exciting history of the spectroscope and the discoveries uncovered by this instrument. Quotes are given from experts stating that the spectroscope helped find planets which exist outside of our known solar system. Quotes cited from texts. Bibliography lists 7 sources.

Chaos Theory

  • 8 page paper

This 8 page report discusses the fact that, at its core, chaos theory and its direct relationship to physics, since it is the science of physics which determined that all movement can be defined as being determined, random, or chaotic. The concepts as well as the history of how those concepts were reached are presented. ...

A 5 page paper which discusses the future of space exploration. The paper also briefly discusses the history of space exploration. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

A 3 page overview of the history of the CfA and some of its more spectacular discoveries. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

This 5 page paper compares and contrasts ingredients and amount of carbonation in each drink. Some history of each soft drink is provided. Bibliography lists 10 sources.


  • 10 page paper

This 10 page paper deals with the history, development and applications for cerebral angiography. Technical procedures are exampled and quotes given from leading medical sources. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

A 5 page paper reviewing the human component of the natural history of California’s Mono Lake, and the restoration requirements that have been in place since 1998. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

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