Essays and Research Papers on Mixed Issues in Film Television Theater Music & Dance

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The paper details for each term paper, essay, book report, dissertations and thesis on Mixed Issues in Film Television Theater Music & Dance that are listed below include a description of the paper. the number of pages, and a sample of text.

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A paper which compares and contrasts Hitchcock's Rope and North by Northwest, looking in particular at the differences in structure, theme and genre between the two, and the extent to which they demonstrate the director's "vision of evil". Bibliography lists two sources.

Postmodern Art:

  • 13 page paper

This 13 page paper compares and contrasts the postmodern work of dancer Pina Bausch and theatre practitioner Ariane Mnouschkine. This paper discusses the similarities and differences in their approach to postmodernism. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

A 6 page paper which examines how the plays “Waiting for Godot” and “Twelfth Night” present the viewer with the condition of man. Bibliography lists 2 sources.

A 4 page tutorial look at how the character of Tzeitel may look at her world, her father, and her sisters. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

A 4 page paper which examines the film’s story and how the stylistic devices assist in telling the complex tale of a brilliant mathematician’s struggles with schizophrenia. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

A paper which considers the film Saving Private Ryan from various ethical perspectives, including utilitarianism and Kantian deontology, with specific reference to military propaganda and the use of human beings as a "means to an end".

A 4 page paper which examines the condition of marriage in the main characters from Henrik Ibsen’s “A Doll’s House.” No additional sources cited.

A 3 page paper which summarizes an article to the Times (which Times is unknown) which comments on the work and apparent previous letter from Greene to the Times. No sources cited.

A 4 page essay that, first of all, presents lyrics from the song "My Name is Luka" by Suzanne Vega, which deals with the issue of child abuse. Then the writer offers a 3-page explication of the lyrics that describes the perspective presented by the song. No additional sources cited.

A paper which considers the phenomenon of mass culture, its impact on society and the extent to which it reflects current social trends, with specific reference to the TV series Will & Grace, and Scrubs. Bibliography lists 4 sources

A 4 page essay/research paper that analyzes the Coen Brothers' film O Brother, Where Art Thou? In terms of Marxist ideology. The writer argues that the characters, uniformly, express an overwhelming concern with capitalism, money and in placing themselves within the boundaries of bourgeois society and divorcing themselves from their proletariat roots. By formulating the ...

A paper which looks at the way in which the Theatre of the Absurd does away with traditional dramatic conventions in order to explore the instability and irrationality of the human condition. Examples from the works of Ionesco and Beckett are included. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

A 6 page research paper that, first of all, focuses on one of these girls, Anna, and then introduces the principles of therapy developed by Carl Rogers, and how this particular method of counseling would have facilitated Anna's task of developing from adolescent to adult, which is documented within the course of this film. Bibliography ...

This 3 page paper evaluates the film in the context of concepts to come from a textbook. Many details are relayed and explored. Bibliography lists 2 sources.

A 3 page paper which examines whether or not the play “The Women” by Clare Boothe Luce is a feminist play or not. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

A 6 page discussion of the criticism that has been waged by some authors against "National Geographic". Analyzing those criticisms and evaluating them against one specific article in particular this paper concludes that "National Geographic" is not a political publication and it is not intended to be. The publication's "images are formed, selected ...

A 4 page analysis of the play “Trifles” by Susan Glaspell. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

Jack Nicholson

  • 4 page paper

This 4 page paper examines the persona of Jack Nicholson and how he exemplifies American values and culture. Jack Nicholson's personal life and roles are explored. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

A 5 page paper which compares and contrasts the plays and characters in terms of hamartia (or tragic flaw of the hero), revenge, incest, pursuit of justice, and irony. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

A 10 page production plan for a new television show, “Tomorrow’s Radio Fare,” which will highlight neglected musicians and their music. The paper includes a description of the show; a plan for when it will air and against what shows it will be scheduled; and a script for a mock presentation and interview with ...

This 3 page paper examines this article by Norris that appeared in Political Science and Politics in 1996. The article is summarized and critiqued. Putnam's views are compared and contrasted with Norris'. No additional sources cited.

Death of a Salesman

  • 6 page paper

A paper which looks at various aspects of Miller's play, including Willy as the antithesis of the tragic hero, the role of flashback in the narrative, and the socio-political comment which Miller makes on the "American dream".

A 6 page paper reviewing articles by Weber (1977) and Burkholder (1983) discussing the development of the classics and the inability of living composers to eclipse their popularity. The dichotomy had its origins in the mid-19th century, toward the end of the first Industrial Revolution. Neither author addresses the dramatic social changes initiated ...

A 3 page essay that discusses the relationship between Mrs. Warren and her daughter Vivie in Shawl's play. The writer argues that the relationship between Vivie and her mother mirrors Victorian morality, but also indicates a progressive attitude on the part of Shaw in that he locates the cause of prostitution not in depravity but ...

A 3 page paper which examines how racial comments and discord were a common trait of the old sitcom All in the Family, and how television sitcoms have developed through the years to create situations where blacks and whites live together peacefully, without reference to race. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

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