Essays and Research Papers on Mixed Issues in Film Television Theater Music & Dance

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'Patch Adams'

  • 5 page paper

5 pages in length. Hunter 'Patch' Adams saw beyond society's brusque and compassionless approach to medicine in a mighty attempt to change the system. After spending self-imposed time in a mental institution, he came to realize why people were not getting better and were, in fact, oftentimes getting worse. The lack of ...


  • 5 page paper

This paper reviews the Carol Reed Movie "The Third Man" in the context of a blurred line between good and evil. The essay explores the response of main character Holly Martins to the situation of post-World War II Vienna, and demonstrates how his black-and-white thinking about good and evil undergoes an abrupt change. Bibliography lists ...

This paper examines the classic movie "Citizen Kane," and describes how it was a movie that reflected the times in which it was produced. Although loosely molded on the life of newspaper mogul William Randolph Hearst, "Citizen Kane" also offered much visual symbolism supporting the beliefs of the film's creator, Orson Welles. Bibliography lists 3 ...

This tutorial paper takes the student through the experimental movie "Time Code 2000," and discusses what, exactly, classifies this movie as "experimental." Tutorial language guides the student through each suggested section. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

This 9 page report discusses a contemporary dramatic classic, J. B. Priestley’s “An Inspector Calls.” Bibliography lists 3 sources.

An 8 page paper which examines the play "Rosencrantz and Guildenstern Are Dead" by Tom Stoppard, arguing it can be seen as a play which discusses futility. Bibliography lists 7 sources.

This 7 page paper consider two of James Bonds female protagonists and compares them in order to consider how they are representations of society at the time the film was made. The writer considers issues such as stereotyping, social expectations and the way in which equal rights and changing culture have reflected on the exceptions ...

A 10 page paper. Buster Keaton's Sherlock, Jr. was released in 1924. Charlie Chaplin's Modern Times was released twelve years later in 1936. Both ask the audience to suspend reality and both present stories that deal with humans and machines. This essay explains how the films are similar and different. Bibliography lists 7 sources. ...

A 5 page paper discussing this 1949 film in terms of the social norms of the day. Lupino’s unmarried waitress experiences rejection and indifference as her pregnancy becomes apparent. The treatment she receives and the lack of caring on the part of others are components of the societal view and expectations for young ...

8 pages in length. Fans of his work say the rhythm connected to Tarantino's incessant use of profanity in "Pulp Fiction" lends itself to the stylings of historical littérateurs, because each line and every word has meaning within the context of the story. This poetic and rhythmic approach is, in fact, a gift ...

Composer Franz Schubert

  • 18 page paper

18 pages. This paper is a discussion of the life of composer Franz Schubert and his song cycle Die Winterreise (The Winter Journey). The paper will explain the entire cycle but focus on only certain songs within it. Topics covered include the music's relationship to the text in each song, the symbolism ...

A 5 page overview of the 2001 film. While lacking some of the detail of Louis de Bernieres’s novel, “Captain Corelli’s Mandolin” manages to not only convey the mood of the novel but to bring it to life. The author of this paper asserts that the backdrop of the atrocities of war ...

A 7 page paper which examines how the character of Nora Helmer has influenced twentieth-century women, considers whether or not she was an early feminist, and the positive and negative aspects of leaving her children. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

A 5 page movie review and analysis of director Oliver Parker's version of Othello came out in 1995, a fact that caused many critics to compare this pared-down version of Shakespeare's play to the O.J. Simpson murder trial of that same period. The writer summarizes the critical response to the film. Bibliography lists 4 sources. ...

5 pages in length. The writer briefly discusses Miller's early works and then expounds upon his classic "Death of a Salesman." Bibliography lists 5 sources.

This 5 page paper discusses the use of Mise en scene by Hitchcock in his filming of the movie, Vertigo. Camera angles, the use of them, and the setting are discussed, examples given from the film. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

7 pages in length. The writer discusses how dance eliminates the inherent linguistic boundaries between and among cultures. Bibliography lists 8 sources.

5 pages. John Wayne was an American cultural icon. Marion Morrison, Raoul Walsh, John Ford, and many others made the character of John Wayne. The influence that John Wayne had on our culture is multi-faceted. This paper will look at all of this and more, as well as the influence he ...

A 5 page research paper that examines Aaron Copland's Down a Country Lane and Gershwin's Three Piano Preludes, looking at structure, harmony and influences. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

This is a 5 page paper which discusses the unnecessary violence portrayed in the movie industry today. Assessing a film based on unnecessary “violence factors” is discussed and examples of violent movies are included. A list of top grossing movies of all time is also included and establishes the popularity of violence in movies today. Bibliography ...

A 6 page paper which compares and contrasts Blanche DuBois from Tennessee Williams' "Streetcar Named Desire" and Willy Loman from Arthur Miller's "Death of a Salesman." No additional sources cited.

A 6 page research paper that explores French film director Jean Renoir's innovative cinematic technique in two of his films: Une Partie Campagne (A Day in the Country) and Le Regle Du Jeu (The Rules of the Game). Bibliography lists 4 sources.

Mise-En Scene

  • 7 page paper

A 7 page research paper that discusses the cinematic term "mise-en-scene," and how it applies to three films, Easy Rider, Clockwork Orange and Priscilla, Queen of the Desert. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

An 11 page paper which compares and contrasts the film rendition and novel of J.R.R. Tolkien's "Fellowship of the Ring." Bibliography lists 8 sources.

A 5 page paper which examines and analyzes Mozart's opera "Le Nozze di Figaro" as it relates to society. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

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