Essays and Research Papers on Mixed Issues in Film Television Theater Music & Dance

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This 12 page report discusses Irish playwright Brian Friel’s work “Translations.” In it, he tells the story of the British to dominate all of Irish culture and heritage by translating and changing ancient Gaelic names of villages and towns into English. Many drama critics, social commentators, and literary historians have described it a “metaphor” or a parable of the ...

A five page paper which looks at the New Wave in French cinema in the 1950s and 1960s, and considers the social and cultural factors which led the directors of the Nouvelle Vague to break away from traditional form and structure in their work. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

(5 pp) In the he late 1880s Strindberg began to experiment with free verse and created the great dramas The Father (1887), Miss Julie (1888), and Creditors (1888). The Father vividly expresses Strindberg's view of the war between the sexes, in which he saw man as victimized by woman. Miss Julie ...

A 20 page paper. Charlie Chaplin and Lenny Bruce influenced their respective venues of entertainment as well as the society dramatically. They did so in very different ways, however. This essay presents their early lives and their work. The writer also addresses how their early lives influenced their later work and how their work ...

An 8 page paper which critiques the movie Guess Who's Coming to Dinner? The paper discusses some historical analysis involving the production of the film, arguing that the movie was produced to address some important social changes of the time. Bibliography lists 5 additional sources.

5 pages in length. This creative endeavor is an explanation of why the book by author Frank McCourt, Angela's Ashes is worthy of being made into a screenplay. Included will be the essential elements for the making of a successful film version, as well as reasons that the book has the context that would make it a highly ...

A 5 page paper which discusses the use of realism and fantasy in George Bernard Shaw's "Heartbreak House." The paper also discusses other works of Shaw's which present similar images bordering amidst realism and fantasy. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

5 pages in length. Based upon the letters of Colonel Robert G. Shaw, director Edward Zwick's "Glory" addresses the issues of power and authority within a multiracial setting. Shaw, who was an officer in the Federal Army during the American Civil War, volunteered to lead the first company of black soldiers; from this ...

Restoration Comedies.

  • 6 page paper

(6 pp) After the Puritanism of Cromwell, the English "restored" Charles II to the throne (1640), who in turn restored theater to the English. These comedies mocked the manners of the aristocracy using witty dialogue, wicked humor and transparent stereotypes. The works of Etherege, Wycherley, Congreve, and Vanbrugh are discussed. Bibliography lists ...

A 7 page paper which presents a summary of 15 different articles which illustrate the influence bad language and violence on television have on children. Bibliography lists 15 sources.

A twenty-page paper which looks at the work of selected Russian and American dramatists during the period 1880 to 1980, and assesses the ways in which their work, both in terms of form and content, afforded a revolutionary perspective on the socio-cultural systems of the time. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

5 pages in length. Kevin Spacey and Annette Bening play Lester Burnham and Carolyn Burnham, a seemingly happily married couple in Sam Mendes' "American Beauty" – by typical social standards, that is. What actually lurks beneath their otherwise normal relationship is the discontentment of one man's desire to live more of his life than ...

8 pages in length. Twenty years ago, the level of violence that exists today on American television would have caused an uproar of eminent proportions. However, the world became a different place throughout the latter part of the twentieth century, in that such activity brought about by media experience is more socially acceptable. ...

Glengary Glen Ross.

  • 5 page paper

(5 pp). This 1992 movie is an adaptation of David Mamet's Pulitizer Prize winning drama of almost the same name. It is an intense story of real estate potential and sales, after the end of President Reagan's administration. Times are tough - how tough are they -Monday night football looks ...

(5 pp) . If you are not a Stephen King fan, and see his name in the credits, buck up -take a few courage pills, with your popcorn, and go to see the movie anyway. . The setting of a Louisiana prison in the days of striped suits and chain gangs, is not ...

This 10 page report discusses two of Hollywood’s great movie musical directors in terms of their skills of mise-en-scène, their camera technique, and their effective editing. Some of the most enduring and endearing movies of all time were directed by Vincente Minnelli and Stanley Donen. Minnelli’s “An American in Paris” (1951), “Brigadoon” (1954) created an exotic world where anything ...

6 pages in length. The struggle to achieve; the desire to be accepted; the will to continue forward even when all previous efforts have manifested in failure – these are the elements that form a common bond between Arthur Miller’s “Death of a Salesman” and John Osborne’s “The Entertainer.” Clearly, the drive for ...

(5 pp) "Fuller says that film is all about emotion," says Adam Simon (1996) "And Sam taught me if you're not willing to walk away rather than not do it the way it's supposed to be done then you'll never do it right." So claims the director, according to Ramos (1996), who ...

5 pages in length. The relevance of psychoanalysis to feminist film theory addresses the long-standing oppression women have experienced within patriarchal society. This notion is easily ascertained by analyzing the differences between and among the arguments presented by Laura Mulvey in Visual Pleasure and Narrative Cinema, Mary Ann Doane's Film and the Masquerade and ...

Female Spectatorship

  • 5 page paper

5 pages in length. The overwhelming sense of maleness within the early film industry lends itself to the notion of female spectatorship. That men were in complete control of how a film was shot – from the camera angle and perspective to the most subtle nuances pertaining to blocking, dialogue and story line – ...

The Day of the Locust

  • 3 page paper

This 3 page paper compares the filmed version with the original novel. The character Tod Hackett is the focus of discussion. Bibliography lists 2 sources.

A 5 page paper which examines characteristics, beliefs, and behaviors of the ruler of Camelot, relying primarily upon his depiction in Alan Jay Lerner and Frederick Loewe's 1960 musical (and 1967 film), "Camelot," based upon T.H. White's book, "The Once and Future King." Bibliography lists 4 sources.

8 pages in length. Applying the Neuman's Systems Model to the circumstances found within Tom Hanks' movie Cast Away is to address the inherent quest for survival amidst social confines. Inasmuch as the model is based upon theories of stress adaptation, and views the person as being a multidimensional whole, in constant dynamic ...

(5 pp) What is it that makes us laugh? What prompts us to think that something is even funny? Jackie Mason says that Jerry Seinfield is funny because his humor is 'founded on basic truth and universal subjects.' Is stand-up comedy any different that what makes us laugh at the movies? In this ...

A 5 page essay that summarizes and analyzes Eugene Ionesco's The Bald Soprano. The writer argues that the astounding dialogue in this play offers a hilarious parody of modern life that works at many levels. No additional sources cited.

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