Essays and Research Papers on Miscellaneous Issues in Business

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The paper details for each term paper, essay, book report, dissertations and thesis on Miscellaneous Issues in Business that are listed below include a description of the paper. the number of pages, and a sample of text.

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This 7-page paper analyzes the photographic equipment and supplies industry, taking into account aspects such as life cycle and trends. Also included is a Porter Five Forces analysis about the industry. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

During 1870 – the First World War giant corporations, also called big business, initiated radical changes in the U.S economy, society, and politics. This paper 3 page paper briefly defines these corporations and looks at what made these firms efficient, why Americans objected to big business and who objected and the response of the ...

This 10 page paper considers the new Global Compact launched by Kofi Annan the Secretary General of the United Nations with the aim of helping companies, on a global basis, become good corporate citizens. The paper outlines the Global Compact and then applies the framework, with the nine principles, to Qantas, the Australia airline, in ...

This 3 page paper considers three sources used in a paper that examines the fitness industry. The three sources are a Mintel report and two trade journals. The paper states why these were used, why they are good sources and the value that they can add to a report. The bibliography cites 4 sources.

This 16 page paper is an in-depth analysis of what fashions for tweens (the ages 10 – 13) will be for the spring of 2004. The paper considers the current trends and the upcoming trends, looking at fabrics, colours and patterns, silhouettes and trims. The bibliography cites 15 sources.

Performance Evaluation

  • 16 page paper

A 16 page paper that discusses different aspects of performance evaluation. Subtopics include: Appraisal used in the TQM framework; the purposes and uses of the appraisal, including administrative, development and documentation; Behaviorally Anchored Rating Scales, MBO, and 360 degree appraisal models; negative impacts of employee evaluation; psychological effects; costs; validity, reliability, bias; and common errors, ...

A 6 page paper that responds to the question: Are salary and good working conditions sufficient for staff to work well? The writer begins by saying – that depends on the definition of 'good working conditions.' The writer then briefly reminds the reader of the results of Mayo's early Hawthorne studies and comments that was ...

A 10 page paper. GM is the largest manufacturer of cars and trucks in the world with several brands under its banner. This paper provides a brief overview of GM, its brands, subsidiaries, alliances, partnerships and market share in different regions of the world. The writer then reports one trade issue that is facing GM, ...

A 5 page paper which examines research and information regarding fishing technology products and then provides a discussion of which products may be bought and why. No additional sources cited aside from the fax sent by student.

A 16 page paper. The writer begins with a very brief introduction to Nokia Corporation. The first section of the paper reports and discusses the historical growth of the company and relates the stages of growth to two specific sets of years – 1992 to 1997 and 1998 to 2001. There were significant changes in ...

This 8 page paper addresses practical and legal aspects of contractor delays. Suggestions are made and actual cases provided regarding the costs of delays and what to do about them. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

This 8 page paper looks at the role of the mentor as a supervisor and how the mentor need to provide both knowledge and skills as well as support. The paper considers different models that explain the changing relationship and how the mentor needs to adapt. The bibliography cites 12 sources.

A paper which considers the relationship between public relations campaigns and the media, with particular reference to the value of the interactive media in the present day. Bibliography lists 5 sources

A 10 page paper that begins with a brief description of General Motors, including its many brands. Annual sales data are reported for four years starting with 1999. Data for the month of October 2003 as compared to one year ago are provided. Market share for GM and the Japanese auto makers are reported. The ...

This 5 page paper is a combination of a short essay and annotated bibliography regarding literature on entrepreneurism. Personality characteristics of entrepreneurs are discussed. Bibliography lists 10 sources.

A 3 page paper. The writer comments about the beginnings of electronic monitoring and how that translated the workplace. The writer then discusses the increase in the proportion of employers who electronically monitor their employees and some of the reasons they do so. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

The World Oil Market

  • 10 page paper

This 10 page paper examines the global oil market, looking at the structure of the market and the way that prices are determined. Influences on those prices, including the role of supply and demand and how OPEC controls the supply to control the price are discussed and the importance of oil prices along with the ...

This 5 page paper looks at three options for removing trash from an estate; to add more dumpsters, to add trash removal as an apartment amenity and to outsource a door to door trash collection service. The paper looks at each option and outlines some potential costs associated with each solution. The bibliography cites 5 ...

This 8 page paper looks at the Americans With Disabilities Act and how it affects the hospitality industry. ADA is defined. Cases related to various industries in the hospitality sector are provided. Bibliography lists 7 sources.

This 6-page paper offers an analysis of HP's financial statement, ranging from cash flow and income analysis to ratio discussions. Also discussed are financial notes, auditors and statements of accounting processes. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

This 6 page paper looks at the new car market in the UK, the paper begins with an overview of the car market, then looks at the economy and the way it may influence new car purchases, the paper also considers market share, the level of competition, the role of research and development and the ...

A 6 page paper that very briefly discusses numerous aspects of establishing Wal-Mart in France. Some of the topics include the type of government in France, trade barriers, labor issues, economic issues in France, entry mode, reception to American products and the infrastructure in France. Bibliography lists 12 sources.

This 8 page paper looks at the software and software consulting industry in the US, considering what patterns are seen, market structure and the relevant competitive forces. To illustrate points raised two companies, one large and one small are used as examples. The bibliography cites 6 sources.

This 12-page paper focuses on the financial aspects of Hewlett Packard including financial statement analysis, industry trends and other information to determine if invesment in this company is a good idea. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

This 10 page paper considers the external influences ion British Airways, concentrating in issues such as industry structure and the deregulation of the industry as well as the glitch caused by the terrorist attack on the World Trade Centre. The paper considers what strategic moves have been made in the long term and the short ...

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