Essays and Research Papers on Management Theory

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The paper details for each term paper, essay, book report, dissertations and thesis on Management Theory that are listed below include a description of the paper. the number of pages, and a sample of text.

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This 6 page paper uses a case study as a springboard for discussion on HR planning. The design of a procedure manual, creation of a mission statement and corporate objectives are all included. Bibliography lists 12 sources.

This 7-page paper discusses how factors such as strict liability, federal fines and sentencing guidelines could impact production and operations mangement for organizations in the 21st century. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

A 4 page paper analyzing a case in which the featured manufacturer has been using one manager as a scapegoat for all of its organizational problems. Company vice presidents are suffering from corporate myopia, believing that intrinsic organizational deficiencies can be attributed to the personality of a single man. They further believe that ...

This 10 page paper looks at this company and how it can meet future challenges. The firm is discussed and theory on organizational management is included. Bibliography lists 11 sources.

This 4-page paper focuses on cost-benefit analysis, using an article written about the H.E. Butts Grocery Store chain. The paper analyzes how HEB uses CBA and then applies CBA to the logistics/transportation industry. Bibliography lists 1 source.

A 30 page paper discussing points that need to be addressed in developing a university hospitality school. There is little reason that hoteliers’ operational methods should greatly differ from educators’ operational methods of producing individuals qualified for hospitality education and management. Each undertaking has customers to serve, and each likely can improve on ...

A 5 page paper examining the results of allowing poor quality to bankrupt what formerly had been the fourth-largest North American producer of vacuum cleaners. The paper concludes that it likely will be in Philips’ best interests to undertake a marketing campaign acknowledging former problems and proclaiming new ownership of Regina. Philips needs ...

A 10 page paper. This essay open with definitions of a "team" and "strategic planning" with comments regarding the benefits of team based strategic planning. Different types of teams are described with the advantages and disadvantages of each. From that point, the writer discusses the process of team development, group dynamics, and the need for ...


  • 5 page paper

This 5-page paper focuses on pacing factors that might impact the development of a Microsoft project. Factors focused on include financial and human resources, as well as task duration, elapsed time and precedence. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

An 8 page discussion of textiles and the environmental factors which affect them. Textiles are defined and distinguished as either industrial or of general use. The author contends that textile products are subject to a number of environmental hazards. These potential hazards sometimes necessitate climate control in respect to lighting, temperature and ...

This 5-page paper uses Waterford Wedgewood USA and The Kerry Group to discuss the concept of Value Chain Analysis (VCA). In addition to defining the concept, the paper applies how these two companies can use the concept. Bibliography lists 2 sources.

This 4 page paper discusses "The Goal" in terms of its operations management principles. This paper gives a summary of the book as well and also offers opinion about the principles which the book presents. Bibliography lists 1 source.

This 8 page paper considers the way in which feasibility will be studied as the beginning of a project, outlining operational, organisational, technical and financial feasibility. The paper then considers the way monitoring and control will then take place during the project. The bibliography cites 7 sources.

This 3 page paper considers how a consumer may judge the quality of an electrical product in a shop. The example of a juicing machine is used. The paper then outlines how, with that knowledge, the manufacturer may increased the quality of the product. The bibliography cites 1 source.


  • 3 page paper

This 3 page paper considers the subject of queues. The paper explains why they may be necessary and how they may be reduced. A supermarket queue is used as an example but the methods and ideas may be applied to many other situation where there are queue of goods or people. The bibliography cites 1 ...

This 3 page paper is a case study of Rondell. The case is found in textbooks. The writer provides a brief overview of the situation. The five steps for effective change management by Cumming and Worley are used for this analysis. This company's operational procedures are so ineffective that this essay discusses what they should ...

Concept mapping

  • 13 page paper

A paper which looks at the theory of concept mapping and the way it can be applied to the findings in three research papers from business journals, with specific reference to transnational business organisations and culturally diverse workforces. Bibliography lists 6 sources

This 5-page paper involves a case study of Precision Systems, Inc. and how its order department attempts to implement TQM.

A 3 page paper. There is no consensus on what strategic planning or strategy is and on what it is founded but there are schools of thought regarding strategy making. Three of those schools are discussed here: the design school, the learning school and the positioning school. Each is explained with comments about their differences. ...

This 3 page paper explains what is meant by the hard systems model of change, how it operates and uses an example of how it may be used and the potential constraints of the system. The bibliography cites 5 sources.

A 3 page discussion of the factors which interact to improve workplace productivity. The contention is presented that there is a complexity of mental, emotional, and physical which interact to determine worker productivity. Leadership can thus make a significant impact business profitability and the attainment of organizational goals with suchsimple workplace strategies as ...

A 10 page paper presenting a business statistics exercise. Acme Doors manufactures garage doors that have been found to vary widely in final weight in the plant, a matter that can affect long-term performance and customers’ views of the level of quality of the product. A tenet of TQM is that quality increases ...


  • 8 page paper

This 8 page paper gives an indepth analysis of Eli Goldratt's book, The Goal, where his theorie of constraints and bottlenecks are discussed. Quotes included. Bibliography lists 2 sources.

A 12 page paper discussing software engineering in terms of Total Quality Management (TQM). The paper includes a brief history of TQM as well as discussion of the Deming, Juran and Crosby models, and then places software engineering within that framework. A primary feature of software engineering quality, then, is the service of ...

Harley Davidson

  • 6 page paper

This 6 page paper considers the competitive position and strategy of Harley Davidson. The paper is written in four parts, the first looks at the current position and strategy, the second examines the potential future threats using Porters five forces model. The third part considers the resources and advantages of Harley Davidson compared to their ...

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