Essays and Research Papers on Management Theory

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A 15 page overview of the many factors which affect institutional image. The author emphasizes that not only does institutional image affect the quality and number of students that an institution can attract, it also affects the future of the students themselves. Institutional image permeates every aspect of the educational institution. Everything ...

This 9 page report discusses the open structure and availability of the Internet and how it creates a place where people can more participate fully in democracy. However, the cost of access to the Internet presents a number of problems in the determination of who and who cannot access this avenue for free speech and ...

This 7 page paper looks at the concepts as they apply to management in the business world. Both paradigms are explored, compared and contrasted. Bibliography lists 7 sources.

This 3 page paper uses the Dirt Bikes case study to create a memorandum on knowledge management. Several suggestions are included. Bibliography lists 2 sources.

A 9 page paper that provides information and data about this company beginning with a brief background report including the company's SIC number, CIK code, Ticker, and Fiscal year. The writer then explains what CR, QR, DEBT, WCAP, CAPM and WACC are and provides these ratios where they were available. Executive biographies are then provided ...

A 10 page discussion of the problems being experienced in a fictional Bagel Franchise and the negotiations which led to the resolution of those problems. Emphasizes the importance of cross cultural communication in business. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

A 5 page paper which discusses some of the fears and expectations concerning international business and the influence of Y2K. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

This 5 page paper provides an overview of what is entailed when beginning a new, small enterprise. There is a focus on financial considerations and creating a business plan. Bibliography lists 5 sources. SA

A 10 page paper discussing points to consider before starting a business. There are far more considerations to starting a business than simply giving into the desire to "be your own boss." Rarely does an entrepreneur have no accountability to another person or business entity. The overriding considerations should be that the ...

8 pages in length. The writer discusses how small businesses have been impacted by the Family Medical Leave Act. Bibliography lists 9 sources.

An 18 page paper discussing reasons that otherwise sound small businesses do not succeed. There is disagreement over what percentages of new businesses fail in the first five years-estimates range between 40 and 80 percent. Even at the low range, the failure rate is high, and evaluation of failures shows common traits that ...

The structure of a business can be the single most important aspect of whether or not it weathers the economic storms of the modern world. The consumer may not know the nature of the structure; whether it is a sole proprietorship, a partnership, a corporation or a limited liability company - but it may ...

This 8 page paper is broken down into different sections to highlight questions submitted by a student regarding the use of technology by The General Electric and 3M Companies. Several concepts are discussed including TPN and EDI. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

This 70 page paper provides an overview of the issue of leadership in the modern business structure, and then outlines a study of perspectives on leadership, leadership qualities and the integration of business ethics into the management of the modern business. This paper considers the reflections of leaders on certain characteristics outlined within the ...

5 pages in length. The brain is an amazingly complex entity; when used to its fullest capacity, one readily incorporates both the left and right hemispheres. This is not often the case, however, inasmuch as individuals tend to lean in one direction or another, not typically combining the logical left side with the ...

This 10 page paper answers questions regarding operational management and quality issues. The first part of the paper considers quality in the Heineken plant. The second part of the paper considers the role of quality in the service sector, and applies this to the newer trends of e commerce. The bibliography cites 2 sources. ...

A 6 page business analysis of the production capabilities of Pacific Star Corporation. Identifies pertinent operational considerations such as current market costs, expenses, and material prices and statistically analyzes these considerations to provide a recommendation regarding a comprehensive plan for production which can be pursued and managed to obtain the maximum profit margin. ...

This 3 page paper reviews the book “Gemba Kaizen : A Commonsense, Low-Cost Approach to Management” by Masaaki Imai, considering the main message the implications for lean manufacturing and just in time management and the general approach which the book advocates. The bibliography cites 3 sources.

This 17 page paper examines different tools and concepts that can be used when looking at improving warehouse and inventory control. The paper starts by explaining why increasing inventory levels could be a problem. The paper then looks at ways of reducing inventory levels such as the use of just in time inventory control and ...

A 9 page paper. Discerning the differences between leadership and management is often difficult, primarily because leaders manage and managers lead. The writer discusses the difficulties related to finding a clear-cut definition of leadership and reports the thoughts of several experts. Definitions of management are also reported. Both are discussed in terms of organizational behavior. ...

A 7 page paper that begins by explaining Wal-Mart's supply chain management strategies, using RFID. Wal-Mart has been called the best supply chain operator of all time. For comparison, the writer also comments on a new technology Southwest Airlines is using and what the Bayer Group to simplify their supply chain management process. Bibliography lists ...

This 10-page paper focuses on the theory of business process reengineering and how it can positively impact already existing core business processes. Included in the essay is a discussion of the origins of BPR, as well as specific examples of BPR's impact on already established business processes. Bibliography lists 2 sources.


  • 15 page paper

This 15-page paper focuses on the important differences between strategic planning, strategic management and strategic thinking. In addition to defining these three concepts, the paper compares and contrasts them with one another. Also discussed is the concept of business models, with some examples provided. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

A 5 page solution to a situation facing a new-hire at a company which manufactures therapeutic medical devices. The new-hire has been instructed to misrepresent their volume needs to an outside provider with the intent of canceling the order after the smaller volume which is really needed had been obtained. Although the supervisor ...

An 8 page overview of the sometimes conflicting aspects of business management. This paper points out that while traditional business management has emphasized such aspects of business as productivity and supply verses demand, less rigid aspects are also important in insuring business success. These include flexibility, creativity, intuition, integrity, leadership and communication. ...

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