Essays and Research Papers on Management & Business

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The paper details for each term paper, essay, book report, dissertations and thesis on Management & Business that are listed below include a description of the paper. the number of pages, and a sample of text.

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This 8 page paper considers how learning may be facilitated at both a personal and organisational level. Looking at the model of a learning organisation the characteristics are outlined before example cases are examined to show how a learning organisation operates. The bibliography cites 8 sources.

This 6 page paper considers the position of the suppliers to UK supermarkets including Tesco, Asda and Sainsbury’s and uses Porters Five Forces model to identify strategies that may be used in this awkward situation and sites real examples of strategic reactions. The bibliography cites 5 sources.

Workplace Daycare

  • 6 page paper

A 6 page paper evaluating the legal, ethical and social implications of the workplace daycare facility. The workplace daycare facility carries no apparent negatives and thus quantifies as a strong positive. A possible negative could be increased cost for the business, but that increased cost likely will be offset by increased worker productivity ...

Strategic Alliances

  • 6 page paper

This 6 page paper considers why companies may seek a strategic alliances, what advantages may be gained as well as the potential costs and disadvantages. Real cases are cites to illustrate points raised. The bibliography cites 5 sources.

A 10 page paper. The essay begins with introductory comments, then discusses several specific issues relative to information technology workers. These include: company culture, what it is with examples of the culture of specific companies, like Apple Computer; recruitment and selection, including a discussion of the importance of this area; performance appraisal, including a description ...

This 5 page paper examines the role of a lumberyard intern and determines what the likely responsibilities of that position would be. Furthermore, this paper explores the benefits of such an internship. Bibliography lists 0 sources.

A 6 page paper discussing these two topics and promoting the use of the triple bottom line business model as a tool to assist the organization in staying on track with its social and ethical intentions. The organization choosing to operate under this business model ensures that it retains its ability to work to ...

Shop the Mom-and-Pops!

  • 7 page paper

A 7 page paper written as a speech urging local consumers to shop at small local businesses rather than automatically heading to Wal-Mart or another large chain. There is no question that the presence of Wal-Mart changes the local shopping choices that now exist. That change does not have to be negative, however. ...

The role of information in the decision making process may be important. This paper argues that there is a danger that with increasing available source of information, that this will detract from the decision making process due to a skewed emphasis. After considering the role of information in analysis models and the traditional decision ...

This 7 page paper, including 5 graphs, looks at how General Electric have dealt with macro environmental between 1990 and 2000. The bibliography cites 5 sources.

Team Diversity

  • 5 page paper

A 5 page paper discussing aspects of differences in teams: demographic, geographic, skills and personality. The bottom line is that, while differences in personality, culture and abilities can be difficult to deal with at times, the team can benefit from those differences if it will use them. Not using those differences for ...

A 5 page paper comparing the methods by which teams are formed in the East and in the West. The Asian approach is a more vertical one than that practiced in the US today, while that in the US remains much more horizontal. Culture accounts for less difference than would be expected. ...

A 5 page paper discussing the changes facing the credit industry. Virtually every other industry of the US economy has been affected by changes in buying habits, changes in manufacturing, the immense growth of e-commerce and the trend toward globalization. There is no reason to believe that those changes would not affect the ...

Diageo and Burger King

  • 5 page paper

This 5 page paper consider the reason why British Drinks company Diageo may have acquired the fast food chain Burger King by looking at the way acquisitions and diversification are often perceived as adding value. The paper then considers why Diageo may have decided to sell Burger King at a knock down price. The bibliography ...

A 7 page paper discussing factors that should be examined when assessing a nation’s suitability as an international expansion site. Ireland has immensely favorable policies designed to encourage business investment there, and it has a well educated and motivated workforce. Long a center of education respected throughout the world, Ireland possesses many qualities ...

This 20 page paper considers the argument that Marketing's function is to identify the needs of customers, and that it is Operations Management which has the role of providing the required products or services in a way that satisfies the criteria imposed by the market. This paper considers how an electronics company may achieve a ...

This 5 page paper comments on three issues: The effect on share prices of Microsoft's Internet competitors when Microsoft acquires companies; Whether or not Microsoft competitors are threatened by Microsoft's financial moves; and If the financial market should feel threatened by Microsoft's dominance in the operating system market. For the first issue, the writer provides ...

A 5 page paper discussing 3 characteristics of recent Baldrige Award winners. The purpose here is to identify aspects of lifelong learning; training and development; or corporate education at several recently winning companies. Used for example here are Motorola, winner in 2002; Clarke American Checks and Pal’s Sudden Service, both 2001 winners of ...

This 17 page paper compares the way in which Gap Inc. and Nordstrom Inc. compete for business on the internet. Then paper includes consideration of what is meant by e-commerce, background to both the companies as well as an examination of the companies’ strategies and the way these are reflected in their web sites. The ...

This 14 page paper begins with a general introduction that discusses the importance of value creation in sustaining competitive advantage. The writer then defines value and explains how the definition of value has changed over the last several years. The value formula is presented and the components in value are outlined. The next section ...


  • 5 page paper

This 5-page paper offers an analysis of ice cream maker Ben & Jerry's. The paper attempts to analyze the company's core competencies, the strength of the company as it currently stands, and if the company's well-publicize social mission has been in advantage or disadvantage to the company's success. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

This 5 page paper presents a statement that managers tend to overstate expenses and understate income, therefore, the accounts department should prepare budgets and no the managers. The statement asks the writer to agree or disagree. This paper supports the manager preparing the budget and explains why. For example, it is the manager and not ...

A 14 page paper assessing the future value of various projects under consideration for the purpose of selecting the one that holds greatest promise of future return. The paper focuses on NPV and IRR as the primary measures, but also addresses profitability index, payback and MIRR as alternatives. A second section of the ...

This 57 page paper is a comprehensive dissertation style paper that examines the factors which need to be considered by a company proposing begin trading on the internet. The issues discussed in detail include a definition of e-commerce, advantages and disadvantages of e-commerce, security issues, legal factors, trade off’s and the general strategy. Real life ...

A 15 page paper in two sections. The first is argument in support of the value of virtual teams, which allow organizations to address issues in the team structure without the constraints of geographical proximity. The second section selects five components of virtual team tool list of 14 items, naming them as being ...

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