Essays and Research Papers on Labor Studies

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7 pages in length. According to industry critics, the competition that exists between and among overlapping unions can readily be attributed nearly one hundred percent to trade union ineffectiveness. The extent to which this might be true – and that union structure is still responsible for many problems within the trade union movement – ...

5 pages in length. In this paper we will introduce two well known labor leaders, one of the past, Philip Murray, and one more recent, John Sweeney. This paper will thoroughly discuss each man and his contributions to labor, as well as comparing and contrasting their styles, taking into account the different time frames being considered. Bibliography lists ...

A five page paper which looks at the problem of demarcation disputes within British industry, and how effective trade unions have been in addressing such conflicts. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

20 pages in length. This research paper thoroughly discusses the events leading up to the change in the way the unions engage in politics and ultimately led to the first real democratic election of the AFL-CIO. Also discussed are the Wagner Act, early political activity in the unions and why unions teamed up briefly with the Republican party. ...

This 10 page paper considers the role of the economies in these two very different countries. The writer looks at the way in which the individual citizen may be seen as the servant of the economy, and the way in which the economy may be the servant of the people. This is then considered in ...

12 pages in length. Urban blight was alive and well for the working class population in early twentieth century Britain. With rigid social structure the overwhelming force behind housing populations, Britain's central and local states found themselves with a significant problem on their hands. The squalid conditions that many people called home ...

Banana Trade Wars

  • 13 page paper

13 pages in length. Big business has long infiltrated the economically restricted world of independent merchants; once a product is deemed significant enough to warrant high profit for low investment, corporate heads begin to turn. Such is the case with the recent banana trade wars that have pitted large operations against small communities ...

An 11 page discussion of the impacts of globalization on labor unions. Notes that as other countries advance technologically, there is a corresponding shift in union employment to further complicate the impacts to labor unions a variety of laws such as the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) supports multinational corporations with the elimination ...

This 5 page report discusses the 1954 blacklisted movie that tells the story of a strike among Hispanic mine workers at the Empire Zinc Corporation in New Mexico. A Mexican American family finds itself in the middle of the bitterness caused by the strike. As a political statement, it demonstrated the inter-connection that exists between working class, feminist, environmental and ...

This 5 page report discusses the ways in which the United States was “built” in terms of the industrial age and the advancement of virtually all aspects of American society. By the time the United States entered the 20th century, the republic had existed for more than a century, been torn apart by the Civil War, and had entered the Industrial ...

This 5 page paper looks at the evolution of farming in California, particularly since the turn of the twentieth century. Contemporary information is included regarding the problems of migrant workers. Biographical information on migrant farm worker and activist Cesar Chavez is provided. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

A 12 page that is divided into two separate but related parts. The first part discusses the design of an observation checklist for observing the safety precautions used by workers in a hazardous occupation. The checklist is first used for a worker in glass-blowing. The second part is the evaluation of five specific photographs, each ...

A 6 page paper discussing the damage that labor strikes can do to the object of the strike. There have been other famous strikes, most as evenly divided in results as these two century-apart strikes discussed here (UPS and Carnegie Steel). Minneapolis' Bloody Friday on July 20, 1934 resulted in a better Teamster contract at company expense, ...

A 5 page paper which examines how legislation affected the labor movement, along with a consideration of business management events that took place form the Nixon to the G.W. Bush presidencies. Bibliography lists 12 sources.

This 5 page report discusses Preston’s 1991 book “American Steel: Hot Metal Men and the Resurrection of the Rust Belt.” Preston wrote about that period in the 1980s when America’s economic analysts announced that the manufacturing sector of Middle America was damaged to a point of no return. Heavy industries were standing still, their facilities were rundown, and they had ...

A 6 page paper. The National Labor Relations Board was established in 1935 under the Wagner Act. Its purpose is to assure unfair labor practices are remedied. As such, the Board investigates allegations brought against an employer by a union or brought against the union by an employer. This paper provides an overview of the ...

This 5 page report discusses the Major League Baseball strike of 1994 in the context of labor and management negotiations and the advice offered in the 1981 book “Getting to Yes: Negotiating Agreement without Giving in” by Roger Fisher and William Ury. Had the players’ association and the owners been willing to seriously consider and apply the principles presented ...

A 6 page paper which examines the man, the leader of migrant farm workers and his commitment to minority rights. Specifically considered are why he was able to achieve such dramatic social change; what made him a leader, and why he was able to succeed where others before had failed; his devotion to religion ...

Jimmy Hoffa (1913-1975?)

  • 10 page paper

A 10 page paper which examines the life and career of the controversial Teamsters’ union boss who mysteriously disappeared on July 30, 1975. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

6 pages in length. The reason why labor unions failed to greatly improve the lives and working conditions of American workers between 1860 and 1930 can be traced back to the Noble Knights of Labor who, while espousing the overwhelming need for worker representation, failed to maintain a dignified and antiviolent approach to fair ...

6 pages in length. Peter J. Rachleff's Hard-Pressed in the Heartland : The Hormel Strike and the Future of the Labor Movement addresses concerns that have been brewing since much of organized labor became a shrinking island in the sea of the U.S. workforce. The 1980s saw a significant change in the manner ...

19 pages in length. Union representation within the workforce is not as prominent as it once was; with a mere 13.5% of all 16.3 million American workers part of a union, the student might readily surmise that union affiliation – and the benefits that inherently accompany membership – is not being utilized to its ...

This 6 page paper provides an overview of the country, including population, literacy rate, GDP, type of government, types of industries and general economic facts. The writer also discusses the issue of foreign workers, illegal immigration, wages, poverty factors, who may and may not participate in a trade union and other aspects of work in ...

This paper discusses the challenges that U.S. managers have when managing a workforce in the People's Republic of China. Topics under discussion include Chinese human resources, motivation, bonuses, worker skills and other areas that managers must be cognizant of when managing a Chinese workforce. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

A 6 page paper which examines how the book condemns the fundamental underpinnings of capitalism, as articulated by third-generation Slovak Johnny “Dobie” Dobrejcak and its deepest implications, as conveyed through the major male characters and events that either support or refute this view. No additional sources are used.

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