Essays and Research Papers on Japan & Japanese Issues

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This 5 page paper is a synopsis of Natsume Soseki's work 'Kokoro' which examines loneliness and relationships in the context of the Meiji era in Japan. The paper also considers the insight about the culture and society of Japan that we can gain from reading the well written and simple to read book. The ...

This 5 page paper considers the way in which these two aspects of a society have been separated throughout the centuries, creating an alienation between the military and the cultural worlds. The paper looks at the times between the tenth century and the current day to trace this trend. The bibliography cites 6 sources.

This 15 page paper explores the reasons given—and the real reason—why the U.S. dropped atomic bombs on Japan. Bibliography lists 15 sources.

5 pages in length. The writer discusses the political, economic and religious development of China and Japan between the years of 1500 and 1800. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

A 5 page paper which examines some of the conditions in Japan. The paper discusses population, agriculture, environment, energy and other issues. Bibliography lists 8 sources.

A 5 page paper that considers the progression of accounting principles in both the United States and Japan and outlines the call for greater complicity between these two countries. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

This is a 12 page paper discussing the state of the Japanese national identity during the era of globalization. In the first thirty years after the second World War, Japan enjoyed a growing and successful economy within the structure of the nation state. Up until the 1970s and early 1980s, the positive economy also promoted ...

A 5 page research paper that discusses the “reverse course” in US policy towards Japan that characterizes the US occupation after World War II. The writer also provides sociological background to this period. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

This 7 page paper analyzes Japanese success in the Russo-Japanese war and their subsequent defeat at the hands of the US in World War II. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

A 9 page research paper that examines the Genroku period of Japanese culture, which is generally considered to represent the most brilliant flowering of the Japanese culture during the Tokugawa period. It is a period that boasts of Ihara Saikaku (1642-1693), the first great Japanese novelist since the eleventh century; Matsuo Basho (1644-1694), the master ...

Japan's Comfort Women

  • 6 page paper

This 6 page paper examines Yuri Tanaka's book "Japan's Comfort Women." Bibliography lists 2 sources.

In six pages this paper compares and contrasts the problems during this time period and how challenges were responded to by the countries, the shogun and empress dowager, the governing elites, the changes resulting from decisions, actions, and inactions, and how to explain the differing results and outcomes. Two sources are cited in the ...

Japan and Korea

  • 7 page paper

This 7 page paper considers both of these countries as potential destinations for investment. The writer looks at the similarities and differences in terms of social economic and cultural factors that may impact on an investment decision. The bibliography cites 8 sources.

Tohoku, Japan Recovery

  • 3 page paper

This 3 page research paper discusses literature pertaining to recovery efforts following the earthquake and tsunami that devastated the east coast of Japan in 2011. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

This is a 12 page paper discussing the Liberal Democratic Party (LDP) in Japan and some of their innovative policies. Since the formation of the Liberal Democratic Party (LDP) in Japan in 1955 resulting from the unification of several small conservative parties, the LDP has managed to initiate several innovative economic and national policies which ...

A 6 page overview of U.S./Japanese relations since her 1854 abandonment of the seclusionist policies that had been so detrimental to her socioeconomic growth, an abandonment that had occurred largely as a result of the insistence of U.S. Commodore Perry. The author contends that Japan and the U.S. alike have gained more from their ...

This 3 page paper examines the growth of both countries between the eighteenth and twentieth centuries. Reasons why they have embraced the Great Transformation differently are examined. Bibliography lists 1 source.

10 pages. This paper discusses the political and economical relationship between the United Kingdom and Japan after 1945. This includes the past, the present and the future of their relationship. Topics also include why the United Kingdom should not ignore Japan because a relationship with Japan is important for the future of ...

A 5 page comparison of two books on the rise of modern Japan--"The Rise of Modern Japan" by Peter Duus and "The New Generation in Meiji Japan" by Kenneth Pyle. The writer summarizes both books and then compares their approaches to this topic. No additional sources cited.

An 8 page paper that begins with a brief overview of where Krispy Kreme has located its stores and which countries they are considering. The paper discusses different entry methods to the Japanese market, including different kinds of joint ventures, franchising and wholly owned subsidiaries. The writer explains some of the laws and regulations that ...

17 pages. Describes the Japanese banking system and the fact that the Japanese keiretsu system has been accused of having had at least a partial involvement with regard to the instigation of the economic crisis, placing them in a precarious position. The writer discusses the components of the Asian economic crisis, as well as ...

A 5 page critique of the contentions presented in this book concerning the relative value of internal verses battlefield planning which occurred between the latter years of the nineteenth century through the years of World War II. Examines the author’s categorization of military strategists into the categories of realists, adventurists, cautionaries, and thrusters. ...

This 19 page research paper examines the role of Japanese women in their society and how that role has changed since the conclusion of World War II. Article 14 of the Japanese constitution was a major landmark in helping to improve conditions for women and various other laws & events have helped to increase women's ...

This is a 5 page paper discussing recent economic policies in Japan and their impact defaulted bank loans. Japan’s backlog of bad loans has reached well over U.S. $421 billion and the Bank of Japan (BOJ), Japan’s current Prime Minister Koizumi and Financial Affairs Minister Takenaka seemed to have only recently realized Japan’s financial crisis ...

A 5 page paper discussing ease of transition into the modern era. Russia and Japan share aspects of their histories that are quite similar. Japan’s culture is much older, of course, but both nations underwent similar struggles in entering the modern era. Of the two, Japan absolutely has been more successful in ...

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