Essays and Research Papers on Irish & Scottish Literature

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A two page biography of the author, together with several very short reviews of stories in his anthology "Dubliners." Bibliography lists five sources.

A 3 page research paper that considers the names Umberto Saba, James Joyce, W.B. Yeats, and Michael Collins. The writer argues that as this list progresses, the biographies of each of these writers/poets demonstrates that each of these literary luminaries were progressively more involved and active in the central cause of Irish patriot Michael Collins, ...

A five page paper discussing the degree to which Joyce's personal biography and historical times manifest themselves in this complex twentieth-century novel. The paper concludes that while "Ulysses" is not autobiographical in a literal sense, it replicates a slice of Dublin life and relates it to humanity as a whole. Bibliography lists four sources.

A five page paper looking at the degree to which Walter Scott's novel actually provides an accurate chronicle of Scottish history during the Jacobite uprising. The paper suggests that Scott's work is highly colored by his Romanticism and his Tory sympathies. Bibliography lists six sources.

This is a 4 page paper discussing the various perspectives of Elizabeth Bowen’s short story “The Demon Lover”. The analysis is preceded by a brief biography of the Bowen. Elizabeth Bowen’s short story “The Demon Lover” is considered one of her most analyzed and controversial works in terms of content and implied intention of the ...

A five page paper looking at the importance of these three themes in James Joyce’s classic short story. The paper maintains that Joyce views Ireland as a nation essentially dead, whose greatest power lays in its memories and imagination. Bibliography lists two sources.

A 12 page paper which examines James Joyce’s “Ulysses” and Virginia Woolf’s “To The Lighthouse” in terms of modernist writing. The issue addressed is whether or not the principal subject of modernist writing is writing itself. Bibliography lists 3 additional sources.

A 4 page essay that examines 2 Irish plays. The Book of Job recounts how this ancient Hebrew lost everything he had, including his children. Job 1:21 reads: 'Naked came I out of my mother's womb, and naked shall I return thither: the Lord gave, and the Lord hath taken away.' In two early twentieth ...

A 3 page paper which examines the role of religion for Eveline in James Joyce’s “Eveline.” Bibliography lists 2 additional sources.

James Joyce and Religion

  • 13 page paper

A 13 page paper which examines Joyce's position on religion through his works concerning the Dubliners. The paper examines the works, as well as examines Joyce's position on religion. Bibliography lists 10 sources.

A 7 page research essay that examines the role that alienation plays in James Joyce's A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man. In his novel, Joyce presents a coming-of-age narrative in which the evolution and alienation of his protagonist, Stephen Dedalus, a young man very much like Joyce himself, demonstrates various aspects of ...

A 5 page paper which compares the stories of “The Butcher Boy” by Patrick McCabe and “Zigger Zagger” by Peter Terson. The paper focuses on childhood, religion, and rebellion. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

A 6 page essay that examines the second chapter ("Nestor") in James Joyce's Ulysses. The writer argues that the second chapter of Ulysses pictures Stephen Dedalus as a history instructor. Analysis of the beginning of this chapter is revealing concerning how Joyce saw the relationship between history and memory, as filtered through Stephen's perception. ...

A 9 page paper examining the presence of proto-fascism and its antithesis, humanism, in Joyce's first novel. The paper asserts that while it is not technically correct to search for examples of fascism in the book since the term did not exist at the time the novel was written, examples of this type of mentality ...

A 5 page paper on form and structure in James Joyce's early fiction. The paper concludes that Joyce's writing in these two works seems difficult because he threw over the predictable formulas of writing that authors had been using for more than a century, and substituted episodic constructions built on themes and epiphanies. Bibliography lists ...

A 10 page paper showing how James Joyce's handling of the symbolism of color in this novel enhances our understanding of its complex levels of meaning. The paper concludes that this is accomplished through Joyce's willingness to let symbol be fluid, to change shape and meaning as demanded by the persona and the text itself. ...

An 8 page paper analyzing the way James Joyce handled symbol, language, and dramatic form in Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man. The paper calls attention to the unusually high level of artistry in this novel, and shows how Joyce's innovations spawned an entire literary movement single-handedly. Bibliography lists 5 additional sources.

An 8 page paper exploring James Joyce's departure from traditional fiction in his modernist 1916 novel, Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man.

A 5 page paper on Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man, an early but extremely influential work by twentieth-century Irish writer James Joyce. The paper asserts that Joyce experimented heavily with alternative approaches to fictional elements in this novel, and in doing so, spawned an entire literary movement. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

A 12 page paper discussing the distinctively Irish quality of these two works by James Joyce. The paper concludes that as much as the Irish idealize the workings of the spirit, they value the life of the body also, and James Joyce is able to combine both these traits abundantly in both these works. Bibliography ...

A 10 page paper discussing Oscar Wilde's only novel. The paper argues that Wilde's choice of subject matter and treatment creates an artistic experience unencumbered by the need to moralize over it -- in short, ‘art for art's sake.' Bibliography lists 5 sources.

A fifteen page paper looking at this Irish poet's views of the thin veil between life and death, as depicted in his works. The paper asserts that Heaney views the dead and the living, the past and the present, as occupying the same space. Bibliography lists fifteen sources, including seven poems of Heaney's.

Possibly the most well known fact about James Joyce is that he was born in Dublin. This 10 page paper asserts that the things that are most important to James Joyce as a young man, his family, community and the Ireland he loved so well, were reflected through the social and political settings of the book while his style ...

A 5 page discussion of the philosophical implications of Samuel Beckett's short story "Rockaby", the story of a senile woman in a rocking chair who reminisces on her life as she rocks herself to death. Examines the twentieth century philosophies of William Heidegger and the seventeenth century philosophies of Descartes in relation to Beckett's ...

The things that are most important to James Joyce are his family, community and the Ireland he loved so well. This 10 page paper asserts that in the three stories, A Portrait Of The Artist As A Young Man, Ulysses and Araby, the setting changes very little. There are different parts that highlight a certain time or place but, ...

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