Essays and Research Papers on Internet 

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This 4 page paper discusses the fear of some toward technology and its uses in society. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

An 11 page paper discussing the current state of web conferencing, particularly as it applies to distance education. As can be seen from the small sampling provided here, there are many web conferencing applications available. Most are better suited than others to specific kinds of uses; organizations’ choices can be based on the ...

The Internet

  • 5 page paper

This 5 page paper traces the origin of the Internet to the present. The Internet is discussed in general terms and its impact on society is explored. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

This 8-page paper discusses privacy issues in terms of employee monitoring in the workplace. Topics considered include if such monitoring is morally and ethically wrong, and why employers justify it. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

8 pages in length. The impact of technology has long been both a benefit and a curse to society, with some advancements furthering man's quest for a better, more convenient existence and others compromising standard ethics to the point of threatening his privacy. Looking back upon the Internet's infancy and what it projected ...

Internet Strategy

  • 9 page paper

This 9 page paper considers whether or traditional strategies such as differentiation are obsolete when trading on the internet. The value of a strategy on the world wide web is discussed with revenue to a number of successful and unsuccessful companies. The paper shows how and why strategy is even more important in this ...

A 3 page research paper that argues against the use of video cameras for surveillance in daycare centers. The writer argues that violates the privacy rights of employees. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

This 12-page paper describes how Liz Claiborne and Virgin have successfully used the Internet to market their products and services. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

This 6-page paper discusses some differences in terms of ethics and legalities between business-to-business and business-to-consumer websites. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

In consideration of the question as to whether the PC environment storage of mission critical data is both a step forward and back, the issues of application development are explored in terms of security, maintenance, management structure, and recommended tools. Bibliography lists 6 sources. jvPCenvi.rtf

This 5 page paper focuses on problems of Internet usage in the workplace. Aside from the problems, a plan is provide that is related to how a company can balance security with privacy issues. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

Toys R Us Online

  • 3 page paper

A 3 page paper discussing the Internet experience of Toys R Us, which illustrates the crucial need for accurate information, available in real time. The apparent difficulties it has had in the past with internal communication and the availability of sound information have been detrimental, and it is to the company’s credit that it ...

A 7 page paper discussing current developments in central and electronic security systems that are also capable of controlling home systems such as heating and lighting. The smart house holds great promise for the future. Paradoxically, however, though most systems center on security, there is very little mention of security measures for the ...

This mock magazine offers six RT computer articles on the title and a 6 page editorial on what's included in those articles. Subjects include: Re-evaluating your replacement strategy, Sasser worm, MS revisit of NGSCB security plan, top technologies for 2005, Hitachi 400GB drive, and Linksys, Boingo Boost Hotspots. Bibliography lists 5 sources. jvPCmag.rtf

If there is no living without networking, there is no living without network security, and this growing threat makes it wise to consider other options to the Windows OS. Two operating systems, UNIX and LINUX, are possibilities. They are compared in terms of implementing network security. Considering what is at stake, LINUX proves the better ...

This paper presents an overview of denial of service attacks (DDoS), what they are, what their effects are and how they can be prevented. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

DSL Technology

  • 12 page paper

This 12 page paper is written in two parts. The first part, making up two thirds of the paper, considers the development of DSL technology. This includes the influences on speed such as distance form the exchange and wire gauge, various types of DSL, such as ADSL and HDSL, how DSL works and the potential ...

This 4 page paper examines the role of Broadband Internet and its increasing influence. This paper furthermore explores how this trend will impact the broadcasting industry now and in the future. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

A 9 page overview of the information which is available on the Internet regarding this genetic-based condition. The author reviews ten consumer-oriented web sites for content and presentation. Includes a table covering the major features of each of the reviewed site. No additional sources are listed.

A 25 page paper discussing the virtual shopping mall, a 3-dimensional idealization of the next generation of ecommerce that mimics the physical shopping experience. The paper discusses the current situation; supply chain management; and emerging technologies such as Java3D and VRML. It also discusses J2EE, Microsoft.NET and XML. Retailers can expect the ...

A 7 page paper written as a transition between a literature review and a methods section (neither included) of a proposed study to assess educators’ attitudes toward required use of integrated database systems in their instructional activities. The paper addresses growth of online offerings and content standardization to conclude that it would appear that ...

A 24 page revision of the 25- and 26-page papers of the same name. This version adds discussion of a VRML97-X3D Extension for managing “massive” scenery; IPIX; X3D; and a discussion of future directions for 3D in ecommerce. Bibliography lists 23 sources.

The internet has changed the way business takes place. Increased information flow has reduced the inequality or asymmetry if information, resulting in a more competitive environment form many goods. This 7 page paper shows how this has happened with the sale of books and the emergence of companies such as Amazon. Prices have fallen, choice ...

Ecommerce saves time and money, particularly in relationship to accounting functions. By allowing the bank to handle cash, the vendors to handle accounts payable, the stock vendor to handle the stock investment portfolio, etc., the company can be stripped down to its barest essentials . . . in support of a fully functional financial institution, ...

10 pages in length. The extent to which information systems have virtually transformed the way contemporary society conducts every level of business is both grand and far-reaching; that those same information systems – which single-handedly support the daily operations of entire industries – are vulnerable to security breaches speaks to the tremendous need for ...

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