Essays and Research Papers on International Economics

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The paper details for each term paper, essay, book report, dissertations and thesis on International Economics that are listed below include a description of the paper. the number of pages, and a sample of text.

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6 pages. With the advent of the Internet and interactive websites, our lives are becoming more tied to our computers than ever before. One of the most exciting and popular concepts is that of e-trading; that is, electronic stockbrokers and investing online. Not only is this useful in the trading of U. S. stocks, but ...

This paper, written in tutorial form, attempts to discuss how best to stabalize the world's economy. Included in this paper are discussions about causes of inflation, as well as "fixed" versus "floating" currencies. Bibliography lists 2 sources.

This 4 page paper is written in two parts. The first part of the paper looks at key factors that brought about and sustained the surge of international economic flows that started in the latter part of the 19th and the middle of the 20th century. The second part of the paper considers the influences ...

This 8 page book report examines a work in economics. The book entitled Kremlin Capitalism, written by Blasi, Kroumova & Kruse (1996) examines the state of Russia during the first part of the 1990s. The book is summarized. Some quotes are included. No additional sources are used.

This 15 page paper is written in two parts. The first part of the paper outlines the theoretical ideas behind the strategic frameworks of the traditional analytical positioning school and the opposing model of chaos theory. The second part of the paper then applies chaos theory to a company to access whether or not it ...

This 8 page paper looks at the problems and possible solutions to the different aspects of credit creation and control in the UK and Ghana when they are compared. This paper is written as an example conclusion to a larger paper. The bibliography cites 5 sources.

This 12 page paper is written in two parts. The first part of the paper examines the reason why global trade increased significantly between 1955 and 2004. The second part of the paper explores the potential impact of oil prices increases on the current accounts of countries that have a high level of oil exports. ...

This 4 page paper is written in two parts. The first part considers the extent to which capital generated in the developed world finds it way into less developed economies with consideration given to how it takes place and the degree to which it occurs. The bibliography cites 6 sources.

This is a 5 page paper discussing the education system and structure in the Netherlands and the educational requirements needed for accountants in the Netherlands. Estimated costs and salaries are also included. The education system in the Netherlands requires a certain level and excellence and pre-planning on behalf of the students. Students who wish to ...

This 5 page paper is written in two parts. The first part of the paper looks at the general economic impact of tourism, considering the global level an the way it will influence an economy. The second part of the paper looks at the economic importance of tourism to Croatia and Serbia. The bibliography cites ...

This 8 page paper is written in two parts. The first part discusses the general economic effects of the liberalisation of international trade. The second part considers which, in theory, is more important for economic growth; more capital and labour or greater efficiency in the use of productive inputs? The bibliography cites 6 sources.

This 5 page paper considers the economic conditions in the UK. This concisely written paper includes the strength of the pound, inflation, unemployment internal and internationalinvestment, and the FTSE 100 along with government policy and targets. The paper cites 7 sources.

This 12 page paper looks a the way financial crises, such as recessions, burst bubbles and the credit crunch and argues that financial crises are necessary to preserve balance in the global economy. The paper is written from a theoretical perceptive and includes approaches such as evolutionary economics and cycle theories. The bibliography cites 14 ...

Economic Questions

  • 7 page paper

This 7 page paper is written in two parts. The first part looks at the quantitative easing and monetary polices seen in the US, UK, EU and China in 2008/9, looking at the amount of money pumped into the relevant economies. The second part of the paper looks at Venezuela with the problem of ...

This 5 page paper considers the United Kingdom economy and the way in which the government can be seen as being influential on the success of the economy as both a stabilising influence and an active role in its policies decision. The bibliography cites 6 sources.

This 14 page paper considers the economic environment within India, considering from the perspective of a company which is already active in the country; Coca-Cola. The paper assesses the performance and structure of the economy in India, including productivity, industries present within the country, growth, exchange rate stability and government debt and then examines the ...

A 15 page paper discussing Australia's current financial markets. The Australian government is coming under growing pressure to increase the competitiveness of the country's financial market. A number of problems have arisen because the government has little or no experience in the financial industry and because it is not prepared to invest large sums of ...

A 7 page paper discussing reasons that Russia has had such difficulty in changing from a centrally planned economy to a free market structure when there was so much hope for economic greatness early on. Many officials of the former communist government have become wealthy from corrupt practices over the years as they have ...

This 4 page paper sets out to determine a new energy policy for Ontario's electricity market. Prior to 2002 this market was a government monopoly with regulated prices. In May 2002 the province introduced a competitive wholesale energy market and contrary to the province's expectations the price of electricity soared so much that the government ...

A 7 page paper discussing steps Pakistan needs to take in order to reduce its crushing national debt. For more than 25 years, various governments have attempted to grow Pakistan's economy for the benefit of the Pakistani people. The economy grew at a rapid and sustained rate averaging 4.9 percent annually for more than 30 ...

Japan's economic system is an amalgam of business, political and cultural preferences and policies. The Japanese model of economic development differs significantly from it's counterparts in the West. Up until a few years ago it was deemed as a success and many countries were on the road to emulate it's unique blend of politics and ...

Sweden's Economy

  • 12 page paper

A 12 page paper discussing the economy of Sweden. Sweden's welfare state is legendary. The government provides support to individuals in virtually every aspect of their lives, yet without venturing so far into socialism that individuals are unable to determine and follow their own paths. The cost of free university education; health ...

This 7 page report discusses the justifications for tariffs, their role in international trade, and the benefits of eliminating them. The importance of tariffs is relatively self-evident -- revenue enhancement for a government. It is one effective means of gathering income for government programs and objectives through a means other than taxing the general; citizenry of a nation. Of ...

This 5 page paper examines the nation of Belgium with particular attention to trade and economics. The paper provides an overview on the business climate the exists in this European country. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

This 9 page paper examines the UK economy in 2010, looking at some of the causes of the recession which started in 2008 and reactions of the government in order to assess the government policies. The paper includes a discussion on why certain policies may have been chosen, and whether or not they are likely ...

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