Essays and Research Papers on International Economics

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The paper details for each term paper, essay, book report, dissertations and thesis on International Economics that are listed below include a description of the paper. the number of pages, and a sample of text.

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This 30 page paper provides an overview of six sectors in the shipping industry (cruise , ferry, tankers, dry-bulk carriers, container ships and specialist vessels). A financial analysis is provided, assessing each sector in terms of competition within and other factors such as taxation, international law, environmental considerations and safety issues. Bibliography lists 24 ...

US Export

  • 5 page paper

A 5 page summary of concerns of US exporters including antitrust and common law, information licensing, company structure in foreign markets, etc. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

This 8 page paper presents information on a variety of subjects in Q&A format. Concepts are defined and explored. Some concepts discussed include competition, national sovereignty, globalization, economic clusters, free trade, the law of diminishing returns and more. Bibliography lists 1 source.

This 12 page paper considers what is meant by a fixed and a floating charge where loans are made and the different rights associated with each type of charge. Looking at these two equitable charges as security for borrowed money the paper consider the level of freedom that this grants to the borrowers. The paper ...

Taxable Supplies

  • 18 page paper

This 18 page paper examines Australian Tax law, defining what a taxable supply is and looking at when goods and services tax (GST)is payable. The paper looks at the requirements under GST legislation, examining the connection with Australia. The meaning of supply and the use of monetary and non-monetary consideration. The bibliography cites 8 sources. ...

This is a 12 page paper on the effect of the global economy on nation states. The international community has a great impact on the political, social and economic policies of the individual nation states. Nation states, in order to avail themselves of economic opportunities must consider the agendas of the global economic market. The ...

This 6 page paper considers the future of these three currencies and the way in which they may move in the future. The paper looks at futures prices and events or influence that may effect the prices of these currencies. The bibliography cites 5 sources.

This 27 page paper considers the concept of Islamic microfinance and whether or not it would be suitable for use in Egypt. The paper starts by defining micro-finance, looking at what it is and how it is used, and the requirements for any type of financing or loans to be compliant with Islamic law. ...

This 8 page paper answers question set by the student. The first looks at the value of diversification in an investment portfolio and explains this with a mathematical table. The second part of the paper explains the he Markowitz efficient frontier and how this fits in with the theories of diversity. The last two parts ...

An 8 page paper that compares the major points in three texts that outline the changing face of economics and the transformation of capitalism inherent in the progression of the world market as we move towards the 21st century. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

A 13 page paper assessing governance at 2 private and 2 state-owned banks in India. Businesses within the same industry operate by standard means in many respects, but each is different in its management, goals for the future and perspective on the value of customers. The process of assessing governance at four Indian ...

This 16 page paper examines the development and progress of the Indian economy between 200 and 2011, with specific attention paid to the economic strategies, international market views, multinational corporations and social impact of the developments. The bibliography cites 13 sources.

Economic Status of India

  • 15 page paper

This 15 page report discusses India’s various economic situations and addresses a variety of issues and concerns such as working conditions, foreign investment, and historical precedence for contemporary situations. In 1997, India marked the fiftieth anniversary of the nation’s independence. Economic reforms implemented throughout the 1990s and carried out by the Indian government have been remarkable given the prevailing attitude among ...

An 11 page research paper which examines the book Pop Internationalism by Paul Krugman and compares Krugman's ideas with others on the topic of globalization. Krugman offers a totally different perspective then the one that is routinely offered in the Sunday supplement of the local newspaper. According to Krugman, the current notion that nations are ...

A 5 page paper that discusses the traditional elements required to gain nation status and examines the factors that determine a nation's success or failure in today's changing world. Included is a discussion of a world globalization policy that allows for outside interference in matters of humanity and the mixed international response to this policy. ...

A 5 page essay discussing different aspects of the world economy, in general, and the U.S. economy, in particular. The asset-price inflation bubble is discussed with examples of the two primary dangers associated with it. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

This 6 page paper discusses the growth of transnational corporations in the last twenty years and some of the problems they have caused. The focus on the paper, however, is on the benefits and contributions transnational corporations make to the host nation. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

This 3 page essay discusses economic theories of trade in terms of comparative advantages and other fundamental determinants of trade. Bibliography lists one source.

Polish Stabilization

  • 17 page paper

A 17 page research paper examining the stabilization policies of Poland since the fall of communism in 1989. The measures that Poles imposed on themselves were so severe that they were collectively termed 'shock therapy.' Inflation rates of nearly 600% combined with an unemployment rate that peaked at nearly 15%, combined with the abrupt end ...

A 10 page overview of the French economy ala 1997-1998 and relationship to U.S. investment. The writer explores the sociocultural, political and economic trends in France, and ties this incidentally to the potential for investment in chain hotels in France. The writer concludes that because of the background provided, that chain investment in France is ...

An 8 page research paper describing the economic situation of the Pacific Rim countries. The writer attempts to explore the effects of war, environment, and politics on the industrial development of these countries. Also covered is the influence of China on industrialization and the role that Western nations play in the ultimate success or failure ...

10 pages in length. The United States Pacific Rim region provides an incredible amount of food for the rest of the country, as well as the rest of the world. Its inherent diversity of products serves as its primary appeal, while it climate, environment and culture play essential roles in cultivating that diversity. All the ...

This 6 page research paper examines the changes in China and Russia since the ideological and political collapse of Communism. Specifically considered are the present and the future of the two countries, with the assertion that China is headed for 'superpower' status while Russia is in decline. Bibliography lists 8 sources.

A 5 page paper which examines the state-society changes which have occurred in China as a result of the major reformation of economic policy begun by Deng Xiaoping and which have continued after his death. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

10 pages in length. The UN says that 'trade has the potential to contribute to the highest possible level of global sustainable development, but only if social and environmental aspects are considered along with economic benefits. Attention has thus increasingly turned to the significant impacts of trade on the environment.' Korea has the distinction of ...

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