Essays and Research Papers on International Business

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The paper details for each term paper, essay, book report, dissertations and thesis on International Business that are listed below include a description of the paper. the number of pages, and a sample of text.

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This 4-page paper focuses on the importance of MNC and their corporate responsibility. Nike is used as an example. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

This 4 page paper considers the issues that will need to be addressed when considering sending expatriate workers to China. The paper starts by looking at the cultural differences that will be found in China, discusses the potential costs of a poorly managed expatriate management program, and discusses other factors which will influence which employees ...

This 5 page paper demonstrates the process of ethical decision making. Using the example of a company that wishes to save money by outsourcing come of the operation the paper follows the six stages of issue clarification, stakeholder analysis, values identification, issue resolution, addressing objections and resolution implementation. The bibliography cites 3 sources.

A 4 page paper that begins with an introduction to motivation theories, identifying the two major categories of theories. The essay reports some of the activities in three companies and correlates those to Maslow's and Skinner's theories of motivation. The companies are: HSBC, Tesco Plc, and Google. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

This 3 page paper considers the decisions making processes at Virgin and whether from the evidence, they appear to be logical and rational based in the strategies and decision that have been observed, The bibliography cites 5 sources.

This 18 page paper looks at the way problems may occur when there are employees in the workplace from different cultures. The paper uses the examples of two employees; one from the Philippines and one from Ecuador. The paper starts with an introduction explaining why research is important. Hofestede’s model is discussed and used as ...

This 10 page paper discusses the view that the real debate between World Trade Organisation (WTO) Advocates and their left-wing critics is not about protectionism, but about who will be protected from the ravages of unrestrained competition. The bibliography cites 7 sources.

The exporting of services is increasing. This 9 page paper considers which services may be most economically beneficial for a city to export. Different types of service exports are discussed and the way that the most economically valuable service may be deterred is examined. The bibliography cites 11 sources.

This 12 page paper looks at the development of the special economic zones (SEZ)in China, how and why they were developed, the results and expansion of the concept into other areas and the way in which this could be seen as a stepping stone to economic reform and membership of the WTO. The bibliography cites ...

A 4 page paper that begins by identifying the factors that affect both domestic and global marketing. The writer comments on clustering ads, the effect of the Internet on marketing and global business using Coca-Cola as an example. Bibliography lists 7 sources.

Child Labour

  • 11 page paper

This 11 page paper looks at what a company can and ought to do to ensure that there is no child labour in its operations and supply chain, looking at the human rights issues as well ad the general issues involved in terms of measures that can be taken directly and indirectly to avoid the ...

A 3 page reaction paper which looks at an article about Wal-Mart’s low prices.. Bibliography lists 1 source.

This 4 page paper is comprised of four sections. The first discusses the writer's intended career goal in 10 years. The second discusses present attitudes and mid-term goals, the third presents a list of the writer's experience and capabilities, and the last is a cover letter for a job opening. Two job descriptions in ...

This 4 page paper discusses several aspects of Starbucks' global operations. Bibliography lists 7 sources.

The tremendous economic growth of China, India and the Southeast Asia region has fostered much interest in leadership styles that are uniquely different in many ways from American leadership styles. This 4 page paper looks at the different styles comparing them and identifying strengths and weaknesses. The bibliography cites 5 sources.

This 10-page paper focuses on an overview of British Airways, the UK airline industry, and the feasibility and implementation of e-commerce for the company. Bibliography lists 10 sources.`

Caribou Coffee

  • 35 page paper

This 35 page paper examines the second largest coffee house company in the US, follower to Starbucks. The company has had a difficult few years; the paper undertakes an in-depth analysis looking at the company its mission and values as well as its products. An environmental analysis is conducted used in order to formulate and ...

A 9 page paper that begins with a general report and description of this principality located between Austria and Switzerland. Demographics are included and the writer comments about the country's problems with secrecy practices. The paper explains the country's feelings about foreign investment, types of enterprises that can be established and the tax rates for ...

This 7 page paper considers the statement “It has been argued by economists that globalisation is merely an extension of the practice of international trade”. The paper starts by looking at international trade and international trade theory and then considers the concept of globalisation in order to assess to what extent globalisation can be seen ...

This 16 page paper looks at the way that The Hong Kong and Shanghai Banking Corporation (HSBC) has managed to achieve a rapid rate of international growth, considering the growth strategies used and the way that these may be considered in the context of management theory. The paper then goes on to consider why HSBC, ...

This 3-page paper examines a logistics method of getting bottled water to tourists spots in southern India. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

This 3 page paper discusses the question of why increased trade and investment have increased inequality in most of the countries of the world. Bibliography lists 1 source.

A 10 page paper discussing the change in the US steel industry since its rise; the effects of the growth of China's steel industry; and the effects of both on US-China relations. The steel industry has some recourse now that China is a member of the WTO, but in the meantime it still struggles ...

This 29 page paper looks at the impact that the Licensing Act 2003 has had on local authorities in the UK. On the 6th of August 2005 the Licensing Act 2003 came into force. This was the act that modernised six different licensing regimes and put them into the control of the local authorities, such ...

This 36 page paper looks at the use of strategic alliances, mergers and acquisitions (takeovers). The paper begins by considering the motivation behind these strategies and their implications. The second part of the paper looks at the legal barriers in the EU and the US, focusing on the EU, the last part of the paper ...

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