Essays and Research Papers on Intelligence

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5 pages in length. The writer discusses how the hierarchy of law enforcement is essential to the overall administrative and organizational objectives of police departments throughout the United States. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

A 7 page research paper. Did you know there is a burglary committed in this country at the rate of every 10 seconds? Given this alarming rate of crime in our very own neighborhoods and the fact there are not enough police officers to patrol every street in every city it only makes sense that ...

A 4 page overview of California's approach to combating the problems caused by illicit drugs. Noting such laws as three-strikes-you're-out alongside the state's emphasis on treatment centers for non-violent offenders, the author concludes that California policy is based on considerations revolving around measures that best protect the interests of California's citizenry. Bibliography lists 6 ...

This 3-page paper discusses community watch, or neighborhood watch groups as a viable solution to help with law enforcement issues. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

A 4 page paper analyzing a drug search scenario to determine whether evidence gathered should be legally suppressed. The writer details the facts and the law attached to each issue. No bibliography.

Ethics and Justice 3

  • 4 page paper

A 4 page paper answering two questions on ethical responses to law enforcement situations. One involves whether to give the police chief's son a traffic ticket and how to respond to the chief's insistence that the ticket disappear. The other focuses on whether the police officer called to the scene of a domestic ...

8 pages in length. The writer discusses various aspects of policing that collectively make up law enforcement as it exists today. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

4 pages in length. The writer briefly discusses area, time and purpose as they relate to organization within law enforcement. Bibliography lists three sources.

A 3 page overview of the innovative partnership between law enforcement and citizens. Bibliography lists 2 sources.

This 9 page research paper, which includes a 1 page abstract, discusses the law enforcement subculture and the code of silence that causes police officers to maintain a "code of silence" regarding misconduct observed in their colleagues. Bibliography lists 8 sources.

DNA Evidence

  • 5 page paper

A 5 page research paper that explains what DNA and DNA analysis are and then discusses the role of this criminal law enforcement tool investigations and as evidence in court. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

5 pages. The role of consent in non-fatal offenses plays a big part in how a crime is tried by jury. While one would assume that giving one's consent would seem to make something not a crime, as in the way of sexual offenses, there have been many surprising outcomes in trials by ...

Profiling & Terrorism

  • 10 page paper

A 10 page research paper that, first of all, examines the definition of “racial profiling” and distinguishes this activity from other forms of profiling that are carried on by law enforcement agents. Then, the arguments, both pro and con, regarding racial profiling are examined. Summation, analysis and conclusions are offered based on this information. ...

A 6 page research paper describes the role of police in crisis intervention. The writer addresses the role that law enforcement and other front-line personnel play in regards to crisis intervention, describing the issues, plans, steps and training that front-line personnel should receive in regards to crisis intervention. Bibliography lists 7 sources.

12 pages in length. The focus of this paper is on the Houston, Texas Police Department and brutality occurring there from the 1970's to the present. While it is recognized that not all officers are guilty of this, the paper presents a convincing picture of the problems within the department, especially as it concerns Hispanics and Blacks. This ...

In 4 pages the author discusses how the police and the community work together to stop the problem of gangs. Community policing is the solution to the specific problem of gangs in the neighborhood. Law enforcement agencies are inundated with the protection of their specific patrol areas. It is impossible for police officers ...

This 7 page paper focuses on several police departments in Virginia and how they handle the pregnancies of their officers. Applicable law is reviewed. Light duty work is recommended for pregnant officers. The reality of how pregnant female officers are treated is explored through examples and policies of the police departments are reviewed. ...

Police Use of Force

  • 7 page paper

A 7 page paper which provides a general overview of the topic, considers the way law enforcement officers use force, what might be considered as excessive or brute force by examining such high profile cases as the beating of Rodney King by members of the Los Angeles Police Department. Bibliography lists 7 sources.

Virginia’s Norfolk & Hampton Roads Police Departments: This 8-page essay examines disparate police department compensation packages in two Virginia cities. Although in their PD mission statements both affirm a dedication to preserve law and order, the variances in pay rates and other benefits are astounding. Bibliography lists 8 sources. SNVapoli.doc

10 pages. The purpose of this paper is to investigate what resources are currently available for the tracking of firearms used in crimes, and what technologies are currently available for the identification and tracing of firearms by federal, state and local law enforcement. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

U.S. Customs Service

  • 6 page paper

A 6 page overview of U.S. Customs covering just a few of its services, including defense of U.S. trade laws and borders against spies, drug traffickers, illegal aliens, unsafe vehicles, and terrorists. The writer posits that the agency's services are far-reaching and necessary. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

Crime Theores X 2.

  • 8 page paper

(8 pp). As humans most of us constantly ask the question why. Criminologists, first being initially human, and second having a great sense of curiosity, ask that question as well, and accordingly have come up with several reasons called theories, why people break the law. In this discussion we will ...

3 pages in length. Today's law enforcement agencies are faced with considerable challenges in relation to upholding organizational responsibilities to both the department and the public at large. The absence of continuity where these issues are concerned creates an imbalance not only in the ability to carry out external objectives but also to ...

Photographic Evidence

  • 3 page paper

There was a time in the not too distant past when law enforcement relied heavily upon luck and anonymous tips to help them solve crimes; today, technology has provided a collection of forensic tools that not only solves current crime faster and with greater accuracy but also brings closure to cold cases that were not ...

4 pages in length. Proactive, prevention-oriented approaches are far superior - and generate far greater results - than the conventional method law enforcement has utilized for centuries. The extent to which the Community Oriented Policing and Problem Solving (COPPS) philosophy works in tandem with the SARA method (scanning, analysis, response and assessment) is ...

Showing 151 - 175 of 561 results

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