Essays and Research Papers on Human Resource Issues

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The paper details for each term paper, essay, book report, dissertations and thesis on Human Resource Issues that are listed below include a description of the paper. the number of pages, and a sample of text.

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Tbhis 6-page paper focuses on the importance of human resources on development and performance of employees and the advantages to their companies. Bibliography lists 11 sources.

This 12 page paper examines the concept of post-industrial society put forward by Daniel Bell in his book The Coming of Post-Industrial Society: A Venture in Social Forecasting. The paper analysis this to determine if Bell's vision has been correct or if there have been divergences. The bibliography cites 13 sources.

This 11-page paper focuses on implementing change management in an organization. Topics discusssed include finding out employee resistance to change, and developing tools to help promote change. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

This 4 page paper evaluates critical thinking skills and how they are applied. A specific model is highlighted and an example is provided. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

This 6 page paper uses a simple job to explain a job task, show how a training needs analysis can be performed and a training program developed based on the needs assessment. The job used as an example is the employee toasting buns in a fast food chain. The bibliography cites 6 sources.

This 8-page paper discusses the importance of redesigning and rethinking as it pertains to change management. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

10 pages. Like many timber companies, the B.R. Richardson Timber Products Company has ignored innovative management trends that have emerged over the last decade and is now finding itself caught in the trap that comes from not taking advantage of new efficiency systems. By having waited, several cracks in the structure have been identified within ...

This 5 page paper considers the current attitudes towards female senior managers, how they manage to gain promotion and the roles they play when in a senior position as well as the barriers the exist preventing greater numbers of women gaining senior management posts. The bibliography cites 7 sources.

Starbucks Corporation

  • 5 page paper

This 5 page paper discusses some of the human resource management practices at Starbucks. Turnover and job satisfaction data are included. Guiding principles and management principles are outlined. Benefits and other incentives provided even the part-time employee are discussed. Bibliography lists 8 sources.

This 14 page paper evaluates the performance management systems of a well known company; Coca-Cola. The paper is written with reference to managing employee performance measurement in practice how it is performed and the way this practice relates to theory. The bibliography cites 10 sources.

This 16 page paper considers the way in which the fire service in the UK can be seen in terms of fairness and equality. The paper looks the presence of ethnic minorities and also at the introduction of the Disability Discrimination Act 1995 after a long period of exemption for the uniformed services. The way ...

A 3 page paper discussing Wal-Mart’s approaches to innovation and diversity over the years, and the implications for the company’s mastery of the four functions of management. In terms of innovation, the company has demonstrated it is quite capable of mastery of all four functions. It appears to have been rather one-dimensional in ...

This 5-page paper discusses the role of Toyota and its stakeholders. The paper discusses the definition of stakeholders and their relationships to one another. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

The right compensation benefits package can be the difference between success and failure in a company, especially one that deals in customer service. If the right people are not drawn to a company, it can falter and quickly fail. In fact, one of the most successful companies in the world was doing just that in ...

This 4 page paper discusses the leadership styles of Bolman and Deal in their book, Leading with Soul. Bibliography lists 1 source.

Succession Planning

  • 5 page paper

This 5 page paper presents a hypothetical situation of a company with a number of problems related to human relations, which are identified. The most critical problem is the CEO's sudden terminal illness. The writer identifies the problems, provides a self-analysis of personal skills as a consultant and determines which problem the consultant will resolve ...

This 8 page paper considers the value of leadership in healthcare service's paying specific attention to the UK National Health Service (NHS). The paper looks at why and how it is important, the characteristics and qualities of leaders in this environment and the way leadership is being promoted at all levels to improve patient care. ...

Unfair Dismissal

  • 9 page paper

This 9 page paper examines the concept and application of unfair dismissal in English employment law. The paper looks at the introduction of unfair dismissal, the founding concepts and how this is seen in the application of unfair dismissal in different circumstances. Included is a discussion of who is protected and when dismissal is deemed ...

A 3 page overview of the life of a fourth generation production line worker in Flint Michigan in the 1970s and 1980s. The author outlines the impact the United Autoworkers Union (UAW) had on Hamper and his fellow workers. No additional sources are listed.

This 8 page paper looks at stress in the workplace discussing whether this is the employees’ or employer’s problem. The paper consider how and why stress occurring, the impact on the employee and the workplace and the way this can impact on r employee performance with reference to the theories of Maslow and Hertzberg. The ...

This 8 page paper considers how workplace design can impact on efficiency and productivity. The paper begins by looking at how the design of the workplace has changed over time, with the aim of bettering the former levels of efficiency and productivity and why it is the psychological impact of the design that is important ...

This 19 page paper is a study to apply leadership theory to the way it is practices. The looks at various characteristics and theories of leadership style. The primary research is conducted looking at a good leader with the use of a self reporting questionnaire to identify how the theory is seen in practice. The ...

A 10 page research paper that examines Victor Vroom's Expectancy Theory, which was formulated in 1964. This examination of Expectancy Theory, first of all, examines the nature and principles of this management model and then investigates, via available literature, how this theory works in the real world, who is using it and to what purposes. ...

This 8-page paper discusses leadership and the culture of Southwest Airlines, why it has been so successful and the challenges the company currently faces. Also discussed are leadership styles evidenced by SWA's leader Herb Kelleher.

Workplace Safety

  • 6 page paper

This 6 page paper looks at occupational safety in general. Many different aspects of safety are explored including safety in hospitals, for people engaged in dangerous professions and more general issues as well. Things like carpal tunnel syndrome and back injury are noted. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

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